Kyle's betrayal a familiars time to shine

after the words left his mouth we all stand in shock.

you had no idea really after some of the weird things he's done one he didn't help you with this plan of your when you got trapped on the planet he had you do the heavy lifting to unlock your abilitys however your familiar was unplanned but overall effects nothing think Xander I might be a henchmen but even I'm not blind to red flags.

Owen comes over to talk after what Matt says and tells Me it's going to be okay we know what Kyle's up to we just need to figure out why.

as soon as we finished I grab the nightmare essence off Owen so Matt can't use it and leave I have alot to think about [casting voice of clairvoyance] as the room starts to fade I reappear in the black room phi are you listening as soon I stop a bright light appears and out of the lightning is phi

what you need master you don't talk to me much anymore I've been on the backburner so what's got you all fired up to call on me for help.

I think it's time we train in this space I would fall into unconsciousness but now that I figured out how the space works I can teleaport my whole body here making it a dimensional space here time doesn't pass and we can train if I'm to fight I need more then just power I need some moves but for this to work we need to work together any ideas.

I have one but this isn't going to be fun for you anyway.

before I can react phi grabs my head and my eyes go bright as I scream when I come to I'm in a strange room that looks similar to a dojo.

hello Xander I've been waiting for you I am your guide along this journey or as your kind would call me a teacher I will demonstrate some moves of martial arts mixed with element in this case lightning watch carefully if you need any other demonstration more will be unlocked throughout mastering the firstoves and lesson can be watched as much as needed now for lesson one I will demonstrate the move lightning blitzkrieg this move relys on you combining the power of an axe kick with a mid way spin to you hammer striking the ground with pure lightning watch carefully.

with that he demonstrates the move and when it land the room shakes as the ground cracks this move is powerfull and takes time to perform he states and can only be done a certain amount of times before your worn out and unable to move refer to your stats and keep track of the to figure out what you can do and the amount you can do them. [stats] [hp 50] [speed 10] [stamina] [strenght 10] [defense 10] [primal 0] [familiar level 5].

after looking at the stats 2 things stand out primal and familiar my familiar is level 5 and the primal skill is at 0 compared to the others which are at 10 but the main question what is primal [inspect skill cast] [no info available at the moment sorry] even Fiona has no awnsers guess will figure it out in time [stats]


[speed 10]

[stamina 10]

[strenght 10]

[defense 10]

[primal 0]

[familiar level 5]

alright let's this do after watching him preform the lightning blitzkrieg a few times it's an axe kick combined with a hammer strike with a little spin in between the two actions alright phi you ready let's try this as I go through the motions I manage to do the move a few times before perfecting 1 whole rotation as I do the teacher starts to talk again

Now that you've done the move solo you must do it in a fight let us begin.

oh crap I wasn't ready for this as he starts to charge me I duck my head back as I spin kick his legs out from under him as he falls he catches himself and flip kicks me back down as I dodge his axe kick lightning comes out of his hand like a shotgun strike. what was that.

that's a move you'll learn later it's name lightning scatter shot.

as he continues his onslaught I dodge its now or never phi as I start the motions I jump spin into an axe kick move my arms to preform a hammer strike and land coursing lightning into my opponent as it land he disappears and reappears back off the Mat.

congratulations you passed lesson 1 would you like to begin lesson 2.

yes begin and with that I spent the next 3 days mastering the 3 mores I was taught lightning blitzkrieg lightning scatter shot and lightning onslaught which scatters lightning in a flower pattern making a bunch of snake like patterns forcing your enemy to move away or face the damage. the last move I witnessed but wasn't able to learn was the lightning raid where you course lightning into your hand and your able to control the lightning in the sky and use it as a dragon I was told this move can only be done in a storm and is a advanced move I am not ment to learn yet with my current skill and with no storms around I can't practice the skill either.

as I return to my room I look around and my theory was right no time has actually passed in the real world as I get up its time to go confront Kyle and this time I'm prepared for a fight.