the fight begins

as I get up to leave I quickly grab mybelt which has my essence orbs on them and quickly attach the newly aquired nightmare essence phi let's go as I leave the room I start typing on my watch a message to Kyle

meet me at arena 6 we have business to deal with and with that on my way to the arena I go

once I arrive I see Kyle already waiting I see Matt wasn't able to handle you and keep his mouth shut well I may not have known you for long but I do consider you a friend unfortunately for you I value my mission above my friends.

and without any further talk Kyle starts transforming.

oh crap he's a lynel as I avoid the blow from his tail.

I can't let you live when you carry our peoples greatest weapon that system of yours it belonged to us only one person every thousand years could use it but before our chosen one could receive it your traitorous of a father put it in you a half breed.

what did you call me.

a half breed you are half lynel and human your dad one of our leaders left our hone world to come take over the earth and instead of taking it over he feel in love with your mother a human scientist by the name Olivia hollow after he met her he lost his destructive nature and used he transformation skill to live a human life and introduced your race to essence helping them win the war after that we struggled to keep your kind in check but we still had the weapon and we were going to use it until your father brought you back at first you looked like any lynel until you grew then your human DNA kicked in suppressing your lyneldna revealing what you ate and what your father did in order to keep you safe and your race he was able to give you the system apparently you had the DNA only few Ina thousand years have tge ability to bond with system with that not only did he garentee you power but ultimately saved your race for now with destruction but now we know where you are but in order to get the system out of you we had to activate it now that it is I will collect it the easy way or the hard way.

as he finishes explaining I'm left with awnsers and new questions we'll dodging his attack he manages to scratch me with his claws and jump back as I do something strange starts to happen [primal 1] [error DNA override primal] [lynel transformation beginning]

[system ai Fiona activated]

Xander come on you need to fight it control the DNA If you transform you might not turn back.

[transformation complete primal skill 3]

oh Xander new surprises I see but I have more pract-

before he can finishes Kyle gets sent flying by Xanders tail coated in lightning.

now you've done it I'm gonna ki-

as soon as he got upkyle got a fist shoving him into the ground and immediately gets picked up and repeatedly slammed over and over again into the ground until all that's left is a bloody mess as he trys to speak he keeps getting beat to the point where if nothing happens he will die.

Xander listen to me it's phi you can't do this it's not you don't kill him don't be the enemy if you won't listen to me listen to Fiona we don't want you to do something you'll regret.

as xanders about to kill Kyle Owen appears in puff of smoke surrounded by Kira Lynn aaron and surprisingly Matt as they all are geared up in essence Armour of different kinds they all proceed to hold Xander down as Lynn goes to grab Kyle who has reverted back to human form and is barely clinging on to life as Owen Kira Matt and Aaron hold Xander down he starts to roar in rage.

as Xander throws them all off Owen shouts we have no more time we need to stop if I'm correct he's a blue lynel he gets stronger the longer he fights if we don't fight back we won't be any better then Kyle.

with that Owen activates the sword and shieks essences as Kira activates one of oniroi essence Xander gave her before the interaction with Matt as aaron activates his wolf essence in tandem with his wolf familiar as Matt grabs the nightmare essence off Xander and activates his Armour.

as they all gear up they start to attack Owen using his offensive and defensive ability to get up close and personal as Kira using the ability of shape transformed into several animals to get close and attack well Matt and Aaron stay in the back using elemental attack aaron using fire and Matt using fire as well to help as the combination of attacks continue Xander starts to get overwhelmed and slowly but surely they push him back until Owen land a sword slash on Xander cutting his back and Xander falls when he does he slowly turns back to normal.

[transformation DNA override human] [transformation complete] [primal skill obtained lynels Rath activates when in contact with animal DNA or other lynel dna]

after 3 days have passed I wake up in the dorm room what happened as I try to get up overwhelming pain fills up inside of me as I fall back down as I struggle to get up I use the poles of the bed to hold me up as I finally manage to get up I look over to see Kyle unconscious on his bed as I go to attack Owen appears and stops me

Xander no you've done enough he's in a coma and you almost killed if that's not enough you can barely move and you need to rest we can't take you to the infirmary because after Kira used her healing ability your body is coursing with lynel DNA it's slowly depleting but after that transformation your lucky no one saw you and you weren't killed I know your human but others don't if you get discovered you'll be dead be careful and stay low Kira can heal you alittle each day between classes but it'll take awhile between each treatment and your body will need to naturally heal as well just rest.

after that I listened and went down there's tons I need to learn one how to prevent or control that transformation. after about a week I'm finally rid of the remains of the lynel DNA in my system and I'm able to leave my room with crutches as I go to my first class and sit down the class stairs at me Owen explains saying he told people I got into a battle with a high level beast and win but I got hurt everyone is surprised to see you back.

well Mr hollow good to see you back in my class after your stupid encounter with a intermediate beast next time you'll be more carefull I hope.

yes Mr atlas

well class to continue tomorrow is the portal expedition you'll be forming a team of 7 be prepared with your beast gear and essence and good luck more will be revealed tomorrow