the expedition

with the news an expedition was set but a team of seven was required I look at Owen and he nods as we text Lynn and Kira they both agree Owen texts aaron as that leaves us with 5 as we considering who else to add Matt comes over as I'm about to tell him no he hands me something when I look down it's the nightmare essence.

this belongs to you now you helped me realize there's more i need to do but this isn't how I'm going to do it.

as he goes to walk away me and Owen stop him and invite him as we now have 6 we need one more as I look around my eyes link with Kyle I start to get up but I drop my crutch as Kyle picks it up and hands it to me.

look I know where not on good terms especially after you almost killed me but I've decided that I'm not just gonna die a soldier following orders my entire life I want to live if you give me a second chance I'll prove were still friends.

I go to kick him but my legs still aren't working so instead I tell Owen it's his decision Owen tells me we should give Kyle a second chance I still think this is a bad idea and I don't trust you but with that our team is formed with friends and foes. as I slowing make my way up to submit our team as I turn it in I hear a snicker behind me as I use my crutches to move back to seat as I go to move up the stairs I feel a leg kick my feet from underneath and I fall and hit my face as I try to get up the lvl 5s from my first day put there feet on my hand preventing me from getting up as Owen trys to come over and stop it Mr atlas stops him.

mr Nightshade I suggest you let you friend handle this I think he has unfinished business with these two.

as I struggle to try to get up I hear the words you embarrassed us when we were weak now your in the same position of power but reverse we aren't the type to forgive and forget now either stand up and fight or stay down and endure your punishment. as they start kicking me my body screams as it can't move I try and scream but they keep coming and the pain refuses to stop as i plead with my body to move it kicks in [primal DNA activated] no anything but that not here [new primal DNA aquired activating full wolf] what us this as my eyes glow red a burst of DNA hits but this feels different as the DNA amplifier is finished the two who were beating on watch as I kick away there feet as I stand up a howl is let loose as this new form makes its entrance.

listen Xander we took it to far plz take a joke as they say that I throw a chair past there head as they dodge I leap and spinning axe kick one well lightning blitzkrieg the other one behind me as my stamina bar pops up [stamina 10 left 8 ] I see how many times I can do certain moves before I tire out as one of them jumps at I voley past and spin around and use a howling blow which blows them back with pressurized air and like a cameras cry ruptures there ear drums forcing blood to come out of them as they cower in fear I walk over and slowly the DNA of primal recites and I slowly return to normal as I fall to the ground Owen comes over to help me up

what was that I didn't know you could do that. I reply neither did I this is new now can we go back to the dorm I need to lay down I'm in tremendous pain and my legs still won't work and I need to be in top shape for tomorrow. as Owen picks up my crutches Matt comes over as does Kyle and the three help me to the dorm as I sit down I pull up my Stat screen. [hp 50

[stamina 10

[speed 10

[defense 10

[attack 10

[primal 5 new form added full wolf caution risk of control]

huh so that leveled up the more I use the better control and more power I get.

as lynn comes in to talk to me Kira comes in and looks angry at Lynn for beating her as Kira starts to heal I ask Lynn about aaron she's asks what I want to know as I start to explain the primal ability and my system and how it works I ask does aaron wolf out like I did.

when asking this she ponders and almost hesitates before awnsering it she eventually awnsers with yes and explains based on how the primal skill works with DNA the fight with aaron must have introduced his DNA into my body allowing what happened today to be possible. as we talk alittle Kira says the last of treatment should be done and I should be able to walk but don't push myself or she will end me worse then they did the first time I transformed. with that we pack the stuff we need ready our essence and train our skills as tomorrow arrives as we make our way to class were all as excited as kids going on a field trip. when we get there a everyone is split into there groups and getting ready as we head to the portal room we pass thru security checks metal detectors they check what essence they have then register them to make sure no incidents happen with theft and if someone gets hurt they figure out who had the essence that did so no infighting and last they guards have a passcode to open the portal room that gets changed everyone between each shift change

yo Xander isn't this abit excessive don't you think I mean where just student all the teachers are the ones with the maxed out abilitys shouldn't we not be that big of a threat.

I explain to owen that these portals aren't the same as the ones we have free access to these ones have rare beasts or are potentially controlled by lynels which were at peace with for now but one wrong move could start another war. as we pile into the room we each get assigned an instructor.

hello children for those who don't remember me I'm the headmaster of this facility or you can call your principal the reason I'm here right now is to go over some information one thing is to be made clear and if you only listen to one thing I say this is the advice that's the most important if you get into danger your instructor will be there and if nessasary run don't try to be a hero if a battle becomes to hard retreat don't fight a losing battle this is a expedition pls don't make a funeral now if everyone has come prepared I will now assign instructors be in mind these instructors will be permanently assigned to your group unless something unfortunate happens. alright group 1 your instructor is Liane. group 2 Perry, group 3 Kendall, group 4 Mandel, group 5 Andrea, group 6, Anne, and lastly group 7 Iger. now that everyone has there instructor group up and with them and then further instructions will be given.

once the names where called we grouped up.

hi as you've been told I'm Iger valt your mentor and I'll be making sure your safe alittle about me I'm not apart of the military they hired me cause of my power and the fact there short staffed there for I don't know how long I'll be here but as long as I'm here I'll put my life on the line.

now that you're all been introduced to each other the goal of this expedition is to scan the planet for undiscovered beasts and plant life and collect beast crystal each scan and crystals are worth points the team that has the most points gets an A on the assignment good luck and start hunting.

with that the portal was opened and we rushed in all teams split off after getting handed a scanner as we ush off we start trying to scam plants and I'd they hadent already been scanned you heard a ding if had you got a error sound meaning no points as we all start running around we start quickly getting tired and other teams showed fatigue as well this constant running won't last long as I'm thinking phi chimes in why not use you abilitys as she said that the amount of stupidity rings clear as I grab the fanged bat essence and activate it as the smoke clears I start soaring around the air scanning as much as I can after seeing me others followed suit and person after person transformed into essence Armour and using the abilitys some had speed flight or telaportaion well others used it just to not tire out after awhile not alot had been found me and Kyle had our flying Armour on and not much was left to find in our area so we both agreed to ask the team to go further into the wilderness for more stuff we asked iger who agreed as long as we called him for help if nessasary but he would Stat behind as we're not supposed to rely on him for everything as this is a test he's KY supposed to jump in if nessasary not babysit he states as he finds a rock to sit on as we head off. as we get further in I decide to land I state we need to find beasts because the plant seem to be all scared by now but beasts and crystal are all unique and each crystal even if from the same beast counts as a point so it our only option to get ahead as we start to head into a cave a hawk like creature dives down as we get in formation we flank it from all sides as me and Owen managed to pin it as everyone but me and Kyle get essence from tge creature before killing it and extracting the crystal as we scan it everyone using the new Tera hawk essence so we can all fly together to stay I'm a formation after all that we head deeper into the cave fighting more of the flying creatures and a few rodent creatures along the way as we reach a certain part of the cave Kyle and I start to tire as we've been flying the longest and without realizing we hit a part of the wall causing a cave in behind us locking us forcing us to.go deeper in search of a way out as we get deeper the creatures appear less and less and the ones we see seem to be running from something but don't get far before we kill them and scan there crystal as we get closer to the bottom of the cave a wave of energy and pressure fills the room and before I can dodge I get blown back into Kyle who then hit Lynn then Kira eventually causing everyone to get hit into wall forcing us all to stop and collect ourselves as I get up the wave of aura feels stronger then earlier and as I look up a gryphon like creature with horns of a bull the tail of a demon and its whole body on fire comes face to face with me and all I can say is run.