bull fight with a legendary surprise

as the bull makes its presence known it wasted no time in introduction and went straight for an attack as it snorts smoke starts to come out of its nose filling up the room making it impossible to see as we all try to make sure we're near each other several attacks coming through the smoke appear hitting us at several angles.

Xander Owen and Aaron If your able to hear me it's Kyle I need you to meet me at the ruble that locked Us in here Kira Lynn and Matt I need you to go further down the cave there's only so much I can do and we need it distracted for this to work.

against my better judgment I listen to Kyle cause I have no plan myself open reaching the enterence Kyle pulls out a vile of blood and the two essence one he hands to Owen the blood he hands to me.

alright Xander that blood is Grey lynel blood it has a powerful set of wings attached to the arms Owen the essence is wind same as mine we need to blow away the smoke.

as Kyle activates his essence in tandem with Owen he then turns and cuts me as I'm about to yell I remember the blood and poor it on the wound as primal activates [primal activated grey lynel blood] [transformation DNA override started] plz work this time don't go insane [DNA override complete] as I look down and up I see my body clearly this time but alittle different as if in night vision as Owen and Kyle are about to use wind to blow the smoke I stop them.

Kyle I can see everything in the smoke this forms night vision I might be able to distract it new plan Kira Lynn Matt I need you with Owen and Kyle I'm going to distract the bull but I need you guys ready to get rid of the smoke on my call as Kyle and Owen nod the new plan starts as I charge at the bull I spin past its kick and slowly incase my hand with Wind and lightning as I slowing start speeding up I start creating a suction of wind and as I yell Kyle and the other start blowing the smoke as my tornado starts forming the sudden gust of wind and smoke from the other forms a tornado around me as I throw my lightning in creating a lightning smoke storm as the bull gets hit with it I jump out using lightning travel to appear in front of the others as the bull regains its balance its break the tornados suction making it disappear and it's not happy as we get ready for the fight to continue we look at it to see it looks unfazed from our attacks as if all we did was piss it off.

Xander we need to do something maybe if I Transform we can try to tag team it it's our best option we need something strong enough to hurt it and this might be it.

as I look at Kyle I turn down the idea cause right now we need to do damage but as a group but we need coordination as I try to figure out something Matt charges in nightmare essence equipped as I check my belt I see it missing and sigh Matt your gonna get killed as Matt's about to get stomped on I push him out of the way for the bull to stomp on me as I try to hold the foot up so I don't get crushed its sheer weight starts to overpower me as I slowly start to get pushed further and further into the ground I start to lose my grip [status critical suit sustained massive damage] If i don't get out I'm going to die my suit Is the only thing keeping me here if it deactivates I'm dead [error error error] as I try to figure out the error I reappear in the black room [voice of clairvoyance activated] what is happening why am I here again nows not the time me and friends lives are on the line if I don't get out of that hole I'm dead unless I've been brought here for a plan I need back out there.

listen young hollow your not in the best state to be making threats but I understand your situation I did not want to do this but with no choice its now or never as he says that something strange somewhere else starts to happen.

sir the orbs they've been activated. how the legendary orbs have been dormant for years we need to figure out how track source of energy now. yes sir it seems the signal is coming from one of our military bases which one I can't yet determine but we will find it. good. before the signal could be fully traced all 16 legendary orbs teleaport leaving no signal left behind.

young hollow these are artifacts of the great war,the lynel of the system would be chosen to weild it however the humans had someone in there war who was strong enough to weild them after that they've laid Dormant with no owner but now is the time they come back however there power is strong so there are consequences to using them right now but right now the pros out weigh the cons you can only use one the others will lay locked away until you reach the point where you can unlock another so be carefull which of the 16 you chose.

what are they as I go to look we have [battleship] [blooded sword and shield] [beasts kingdom] [bolt of the king] [fire of the underworld] [water of the trench] [earth of the titans] [magic of the sun] [magic of the moon] [aura of the stars] [luck of the chosen] and [power of the ancients] the last 4 seem locked I can't read them or access them yet so my choice is between these 12 after looking at them I go with bolt of the king. which If I'm correct this essence was called this cause it gave the weilder powers like Zeus. after chosing I reappear in the exact moment I left.

Xander move you'll be crushed. but as Owen yells a flash of lightning appears as the bulks gets blasted back as I get up I have no Armour on except for a sleeve with a bolt of lightning attached to it like a sword as I hold out my other arm a similar sleeve appears with a lightning bolt like blade on it as blue and gold Armour slowly starts forming around my body the helmet finishes with my eyes glowing blue with lightning all around it.

Xander what is that it can't be the bolt of the king how did you,how do you have it.

as I jump at the bull I activate lightning scatter shot as I uses the blades of lightning on my arm and shot off both the bull shooting out his eyes as I go in and stab it as I course lightning through it it start overpowering it as I pull out I jump up and with everything I have I course everything I have into it to in one big lightning bolt as I do I throw it down. lightning God strike I yell as I throw it at the bull as the bull gets hit a huge white light from the attack radiates and when it disappears I land on the ground to see the bull dead as I cut it open and grab the advanced crystal something happens as my heart thumps I feel a stabbing motion as I unquip the essence my eyes start glowing as lightning strikes my hand imprinting a mark of a bolt of lightning as I look at my hand I relise what the con was its a tracker as I put the essence on my belt a message appears [bolt of the king unlocked power percentage avaliable 25 percent 75 percent locked] so I can't access the full power anymore I guess that's the other con if I use it to early I can't use it later till I'm stronger.

according to Owen the legendary essence leaves a mark on anyone who's able to use it sending a signal to the gods and creatures strong enough to sense it he says until it disappears I could be in huge danger. as for the percentage lock i keep that to my self dont need them asking more questions then are already being asked. as we make our way deeper In the cave we eventually get out and rejoin with the group but now we have new powers and danger to worry about the gryphon bull was only the beginning there's worse to come.