Nasty Seeded Grapes

Erick popped a grape into his mouth, crunching on the bitter seeds.    He hated Ashryan grapes.  They didn't taste like the California seedless grapes because, hello!  They had seeds!

Coronation was over, thank the heavens.  He had stripped down to his basic white tunic and was sitting on the top balcony of the main portico looking out onto the busy courtyard below.

The coronation had gone off without a hitch and after about an hour of ceremonial brouhaha, he was finally able to escape the dog and pony show. 

Two female servers were beside him.  One was holding a large umbrella over him and the other was serving some kind of fruit drink that smelled like watermelon with some rum poured over it.

Just for curiosity's sake, Erick wiggled his pinky and checked with his magik to sniff out any foul play or poisons. 

Thanks to Alastaire, he was an expert on poisons at this point.

What he found made him chuckle.