Broom Groom

"Before I tell you this, I want you to know that I love you so much.  I would do anything to avoid hurting you."


Daran's eyes began to water.  He didn't know how to break it to her.  But he had to find the words.  He couldn't just keep this from her.

"My parents—"

"Are they hurt?  Are they injured?"  Carol jumped up and clutched his arms.

"No, no."  Daran shook his head.  "It's nothing like that.  They're healthy as bogbulls.  My entire family is doing well." 

"Then what is it?"

"Honey, while I was away from home, spending time with you in Azure, they—"

He stopped.  His throat had constricted in utter fear.  He couldn't get the words out.

"They what, darling?"  Carol searched his eyes with her own, looking for some clue as to what he was trying to tell her. 

"Sweetheart.  They married me off to a female in my town!"  Tears spilled out of the corners of his eyes.