
Morning dawned over the Capital city of Jade. 

It was another warm day without a single cloud to mar the bright blue sky. 

The sun warmed up the cobblestone pathways and the grey stones of the castle walls.  Its radiance radiated on the dusty tree tops and sun-drenched grasses that had turned a bright yellow from lack of moisture. 

Outside the huge draw gate, there was already a mass gathering. 

Hundreds of dwarven farmers were out en masse, demanding the weather wizards to make some rain for their crops. 


The farmers chanted as they walked around in circles.  They didn't have to say much more than that because it was self-explanatory.

Daran strode up to the farmers thinking to sidestep them so he could walk into the city but the farmers had other thoughts. 

They all ran towards him.  "Your Excellency!  Please help us!"