Who's the Father?

Daran narrowed his gaze.  "Who's the father?"

His mother gave a nervous laugh.  "Well, since Aileen is married to you, the child is yours, of course."

Daran gave a dry laugh.  "Okay, then let me rephrase my question.  Who the hell did she f*ck?" 

His mother blanched.  "Do you have to be so crude around your own mother?"

Daran's lips pressed into a line.  "Okay Mum.  Let me try again.  Who the f*ck did she f*ck?"

His mother turned away.  "It doesn't matter.  At this point in time, I have already spread the word that the child is yours so you will have to take responsibility."

"Sure it matters!  And no I don't."

"You have to, Daran, or the world will think you abandoned your own child and wife."

"Not my child.  Not my responsibility.  I also don't care what other people think about me."

"But you need to think about your family.  How are we going to hold our heads up in this community if you abandon them?"