His Godmother's the Queen

"What are you going to say when it is delivered, three months early?  That it's a super baby and can survive premature birth?"

His mother shook her head.  "No Son.  We were going to hide it for a couple of months until we could announce his birth safely to the world."

"Well this is convoluted.  I hope you and Pa have a good plan and can pull this big lie off.  Meanwhile, I have a three-day-old son who needs me so forgive me if I don't come back here for a very very long time.  Like NEVER!"

"Son.  You can't do that.  Aileen and that baby needs you."

"My real son needs me." 

"That child is the one who is illegitimate!  Even if he is your real child, we are not able to shelter him from society because you did not bring your woman home in enough time for us to give her a wedding."

"So you are trying to convince me that my own child is the illegitimate one, and that bastard fetus is the legitimate one?"

Daran began laughing.