
The man sighed.  "By the grace of everything that is holy, you are still alive and able to think rationally.  Your memories are still fairly intact although we would have to do more tests to ascertain that you have not lost any cognitive abilities."

Gabriel shot him a dubious glance.  "You say you couldn't differentiate between the twins because they had been physically affected.  What exactly happened?"

The man shook his head.  "You three were physically mauled by all those maddened animals.  We could tell you were different from the other two because of your size.  You're much larger than they are." 

Gabriel swallowed.  He could barely breathe at this point.  "Do you have a mirror?"

The blue haired man nodded.  He waved a hand and a mirror appeared, floating between him and Gabriel.

As Gabriel stared at the reflection in the mirror, the first thought that came to his mind was, 'Oh thank Heavens!  I'm not blind.'