Blood Sacrifice

The sky was a bright azure blue, a perfect mid-December day to celebrate the 18th birthday of their beloved Nanael. 

The men walked away from the bright sunny clearing and meandered through the forest until there was no one around them but the few small animals that scurried about the forest floor.

Erick held up a hand and they paused for a moment.  Then from within the breast pocket of his air rider jacket, he pulled out an envelope and handed it to Corwin.

Reaching out with hesitant fingers, Corwin took it from Erick and pulled out the content. 

It was a single sheet of parchment with neat letters that he recognized to be his wife's handwriting.


Dear Brother Erick,

By the time you receive this letter, you will have known what has happened to me.  I need help, and you are the only one I can trust to carry this out perfectly. 

Please use your 'Gelizai' and 'Fenliheshaouzhuo' on me.