Endless Reverberations

Inside Andalusia Castle, a team of physicians were at the ready.  The mages placed her on the waiting gurney and rushed her into the operating room. 

This was mostly a precaution in the event of infections or inadequate cauterization which could cause internal or external bleeding that could drain her body of its life-giving blood.

It was simply precautionary procedure on the part of the Andalusian doctors and Rafael Baccarat.

Erick Rashak was absolutely thorough in his technique.  As a surgeon, he was precise in his excise of the affected limb.  As a demon warlock, he had cleared out every sign of demonic infection. 

It was a clean cut and there was no sign of any unnatural presence within her body. 

The physicians treated her wound and bandaged it.  Then they placed an IV drip into her filled with pain killers and allowed her to rest within a darkened room.