
chapter 2

Chapter 2


8:30 pm

Chips, candy and empty sodas clutter the table. It's the remains of our three-hour Call of Duty campaign. The dorm room is humbly furnished. Only what a student needs is the motto. Just enough to survive is what we all say.

The credits are rolling on the 40-inch flat screen. I turn down the volume as I'm dialing for home again. Like my previous 20 calls no one answers. I'm getting nervous, this isn't normal.

" Not a good look man" my roommate says standing up walking to the kitchen "it's the phones this storm is horrible"

Anothy Dillon of CB short for the cartoon character he resembles a T. Short bald with a large head. A little scruffy for the peanuts but I can easily see the character. We've been roommates for three years.

"I know but something just feels wrong I hate feeling out of the loop" I pull out a Newport and light it.

CB returns from the kitchen pulling on a batman t-shirt with a bottle of Hennessy in one hand " you're stressing yourself over nothing. Something we can't control might as well enjoy the night." holding up the bottle

I'm laughing "By binging on Call of Duty and brown liquor imagine that"

"That doesn't bad but listen that sounds so much better" smiling

" What"

Even as I'm talking, the sounds of female voices are creeping into my ears. Voices laughing, yelling and giggling. It sounds like it's from downstairs.

"CB" I say

Shaking his head "No not tonight I'm not going for any of that antisocial shy shit tonight. We are trapped in a dorm by a freak blizzard. And by the grace of some merciful deity just below us is a room potentially full of coeds" He smirks kissing the bottle "not taking advantage of this would be a spit in the face of the universe"

I sigh. Parties aren't my scene. CB knows that all too well. I don't drink, smoke weed, or do pills. Three things which partying requires on some level. But…. I'm also not for a night of Xbox with a slick commenting CB. So I'm going to relent.

"Fine, I'll play wingman, but only until I hear from home" I say checking my clothes and hygiene

"And none of that extra shy stuff" adjusting his clothes "silences is creepy the way you do it."

Not five minutes later we are walking through the Hall. We've gone down a floor in search of the party. The light blue walls and cream colored tile are normally soothing, but because of the emptiness of the building it's sort of creepy.

We stop at room 17b. I can hear at least a dozen voices coming from inside. A pop hit is blaring as well.

"Not all girls" I say hearing a deep male laugh

CB shrugs " so be it, but we have something all the girls want"

I'm laughing " 3.5 gpa, scholarships for the MBA program"

"Great points" he laughs "but no X man we have that new swag. Trending is the nerd."

I laugh louder than intended. Somebody inside must have heard because the music suddenly goes down. Quickly I knock on the door, also harder than intended.

"It's probably Carey" a guy yells

The door opens half way. I recognize the face from finance class. Kristen's thick black curls are hanging through the gap. Still, she is standing, so we can see all of her. I can't deny that the black skirt, sweater and green vest are high fashion. But the way they hug her thick curves is reason enough to stay.

She smiles in a goofy way clearly drunk " It's just Xavier and his roommate" She yells, so they can hear her inside.

"CB" I point at him

He is holding up the bottle "thought we could share"

She grabs the bottle " The more the merry and all the shit" and steps back opening the door

The room isn't as full as I expected. Maybe a few less than the dozen I guessed, but it is bright and full of smoke. The couches are pink and the chairs yellow. Christmas lights border the windows and a small tree is decorated next to the back door.

Kristen shuts the door "Xavier and his roommate" She yells holding up the bottle "Merry Christmas"

"Merry Christmas" The room replies

"Which one is Xavier" Someone yells from the kitchen

Everyone laughs even I can't help it. CB shrugs it off and goes to where a makeshift bar has been set up. The music turns back up. I step to the bar noticing the familiar faces. Ironically most of them are in the business program. I hear the three girls on the couch laughing. One of them is Kristen. The two on her sides are also from class.

On the left is Brittany. A short cute petite Asian. Her short bob is bright red. With her brown eyes and costume she looks the perfect elf.

The last girl is waving at me smiling. Alexis is beautiful, short curvy with long blonde hair and green eyes. Also, with an elf costume on.

I smile back and spill some soda. They all laugh at my accident and I'm self-conscious instantly. Alexis is coming towards me but stops.

"Hey I know this guy" a guy yells

My heart drops. It's Donnie Holmes. He is wearing our high school lettermen. And the cruel twinkle is still in his eyes. Being 6'8 275 pounds (0.12 t) doesn't soften anything.

"Whats up Don" I force out

Don grabs my shoulder "didn't think those crazy folks of yours would let you so far from home."

I casually put some space between us "Gotta fly at some point"

"Yea" he make an O face " Hows that sister of yours"

"Didn't know I had one of those"

He smiles "pass this along for me" he holds out a small business card "tell her the big Don still dreams about that night"

Im shaking my head "I'll pass"

He yanks me close and shoves the card into my shirt " appreciate it punk" and shoves me against the wall.

I have to catch myself against the table so my knees don't buckle. If my nerves were shot before they are fried now. I'm really over being her now but as I look CB is starting a game of beer pong. So I head outside despite the cold weather. As I'm reaching for my cigarettes my dream catcher falls to the ground. I quickly bend over picking it up. I hold it up just to look at it. It always removes a little stress.

"That's weird, what is it?" Alexis points coming out on the deck with me.

I hold it so she can see it clearly "just a trinket my grandmother left me"

She steps closer and I smell beer on her breath. "Oh it's a dream catcher. I have a tattoo like that. See! "

Alexis is leaning closer pointing at her chest. Her other hand pulling open her shirt. There is a black dreamcatcher tattoo. On her breast, which is capturing my dreams better than the tattoo is. Feeling intrusive I turn away putting my dreamcatcher away.

"Nice work" I feel my face turning red

"Aww" she touches my cheek. "You're blushing" and laughs

"So did you all get stuck for Christmas" I say to shift the subject

"Now just saving cash for spring break. Trying to go to Dubai for the school trip. Are thinking about going."

I'm shaking my head "too far for me. Have to get ready for the MBA program"

"Oh I got accepted too. So we will be seeing a lot of each other it is the future" she's smiling

"I hope so"

Before she can respond Kristen is at the door.

"Alexis your phone is ringing" she laughs " It's Chad"

Alexis frowns rolling her eyes "don't go anywhere I'll be right back " and leaves with Kristen

Hearing about a phone makes me pull out my own. I dial for home and it's picked up on the third ring.

"Xavier where are you" My sister yells

"There is a storm a blizzard I can't leave until tomorrow" I tell her

" Storm...…. Storm" Her voice is breaking up

"Hold on, I'm going inside." I yell

I swiftly walk inside and pick a room to walk in. But when I look at the phone the call has dropped. I'm trying to call again but no one answers. So I keep trying ignoring the door opening and closing.

"Dammit." I sigh

"Girlfriend trouble," Alexis says, turning on the light.

I blink adjusting to the sudden light. Somehow I picked her room. A large queen size bed fills most of it. A brown dresser and mirror on one wall. Pictures of her and friends sit in a few random places.

I rub my face. "No I've been trying to reach my sister but the storms got the signals jammed."

"Well it's no point in losing hair about it" she holds out a little red cup "here it's some juice I know you don't drink"

"Thanks" I take the cup and sit on her bed.

"Can I see your dreamcatcher again? I like those kinds of things" She says sitting down next to me.

I pull it out and hand it to her. She holds it up spinning it.

"It's so soft what it is made of."

"Bear fur and my grandmother's hair" I sip from the cup. It tastes tart but I'm not going to say anything.

"Oh is that your tribes spirit animal" she pauses " Not being funny I just find it all so interesting my moms family are native Americans, Cherokees"

I'm surprised "yes it is " I roll up my right sleeve showing my only ink A snarling black bear with dark red eyes and fangs

Alexis touches the spot smiling. I feel a blush coming again. She giggles standing up in front of me.

"I have my spirit animal as well close your eyes" she giggles


I feel her tying something around my eyes.

"Now don't peek" She grabs both my hands " and see if you can find it, if you do I'll take off the blindfold. Deal" she presses my hands on her bare stomach.

The feel of her warm smooth skin is amazing. I'm trying to focus, steady my breathing as my hands slowly roam. I move my hands up until I feel the bottom of her bra.

"Sorry not on those" she giggles

"Give me some help." I say


I laugh as my hands go down. I feel her panties and move to her thighs.

"To far" she whispers

I slide up her inner thighs and feel her shift. I'm about to touch the sweet spot when she grabs my hands

" uh uh you haven't earned it yet"

She sits on my lap with my hands on her shoulders. I slide them down her back and can feel a slight roughness compared to the rest of her skin.

"It is here" I say proudly

"Look and see"

I lift the blindfold. On her back is a large orange and green fox. It has three tails and is snarling. A Trail of paw prints go down around her waist.

She starts slowly rocking her hips " Do you like it"

"Yea it's amazing"

She laughs standing up. I swallow hard looking at her body in just a bra and panties. She pushes me on my back and straddles me. "You haven't seen anything amazing yet." she leans over and kisses me