Chapter 416: Play yourself to death

And all this has been seen by netizens from the perspective of God. They stared at the live broadcast nervously, looking forward to the first battle after the start of the competition, especially since the two teams are obviously not in the same country. This battle is already underway. It is inevitable.

[United] Which country is this team from? It's too unlucky, the game just started on the first day and we ran into the team of our male gods. Is this the rhythm of annihilation?

[Lian] Excited and looking forward to it, I can finally see the performance of the male god up close.

[Lian] You may be disappointed upstairs, such a team doesn't need the male gods at all. Okay, the white tiger male gods and the blue dragon male gods are not decorations, they are enough. The points of this game obviously belong to We are federated.

[America] Haha, do you think you have won before you start? Every team in our American Empire is carefully selected, and every team can beat you.

[Lian] It seems that whose team is not carefully selected, not to mention that they are now encountering the team of our Federation God of War. For a team like this, our Federation God of War does not even do it by ourselves. The people in the team are just Can crush these people into dregs

Jiang MoSheng and the U.S. empire's team have not met yet, and a war has not yet started. As a result, a smoke-free war has begun in the live broadcast room.

Under the leadership of Bai Hu, Jiang MoSheng and others came to the entrance of the cave first.

"It looks quite deep inside. I explored a few hundred meters before and didn't find any danger. We don't need to go too deep, as long as we wait for the card maker to finish making the energy card." Baihu Said to Jiang MoSheng.

Jiang MoSheng nodded, and then arranged for personnel to enter the cave, leaving two supernaturalists and mecha fighters to patrol outside, paying attention to the surrounding environment at all times, while the others went to the cave to protect the card maker and logistics personnel.

Live Bumblebee is advancing with each team. During the game, every move, and even every word spoken by everyone on each team will be faithfully recorded by Live Bumblebee.

Now, during the game, every minute of the game may change. Therefore, Yu JinLi is not prepared to continue to hide himself. His card production speed is completely exposed to the live broadcast lens, which not only allows the netizens before the live broadcast to see directly. After seeing it, the players at the scene were even more stunned.

Everyone stared at Yu JinLi's movements unbelievably, and saw that he was able to make an energy card almost every ten minutes. When other card makers were still trying to draw energy cards, he Several sheets have been piled up next to him.

"My god, my eyes must be sloppy. This is the first time I have seen someone make energy cards like this. Where is this drawing? This is simply mass production. It's just slamming other card makers." The team members couldn't help but exclaimed.

Although the others did not speak out, their expressions already represented what they were thinking at the moment.

I have been with Yu JinLi for a long time, and the more magical places I can find on each other's body, each one is stunned and amazing.

Did the captain insist on recruiting Yu JinLi, who is still a D-level card maker, into the team? He aimed at the opponent's card making speed, which is absolutely unmatched. If the energy card level is higher, , Then their team can completely beat other teams.

Choosing Yu JinLi to join the team was definitely the most correct decision made by their captain.

At this moment, everyone admires Yu JinLi and Jiang MoSheng, the fiancée. It is no wonder that one young person can become a major general, and the other can become a C-level card maker before he is twenty. Sure enough, it's not that a family doesn't enter the house.

Looking at Yu JinLi's crazy card making speed and the several energy cards stacked next to him, I suddenly hoped that a team from another country would appear in front of them at this moment, and then feel the feeling of slinging each other with an energy card.

Perhaps the heavens heard everyone's voice, and when they were all staring at Yu JinLi drawing energy cards, a teammate patrolling outside hurriedly ran in and reported: "Captain, there is a team facing us, direction..."

The teammate reporting the situation inadvertently caught a few energy cards in Yu JinLi's hand. The voice became smaller and smaller, and his heart was full of doubts.

Isn't it forbidden to bring energy cards into unmanned planets without permission? Why did Yu JinLi secretly bring so many in? Now

But it's live broadcast. If they are found out, wouldn't their team be disqualified from the game?

At this time, what kind of enemy can this team care about? I just hope that the live broadcast Little Bee did not capture the energy card that Yu JinLi secretly "brought" in. Otherwise, the entire team would not have to wait for the enemy to come. Play yourself to death first.

You said that these energy cassettes have also been brought in, and they are also placed on the table in a big way. How confident is this?

"Hey, what are you stupefied? You just said that a team is coming here, right?" A person suddenly pushed the reporter who was in a daze and asked.

"Ah? Well, just one kilometer away from our place, the direction is also towards the cave, but now is not the time to talk about this, how can you bring energy cards in privately, if this is discovered, we will Disqualified from the game." Zhou Daquan, the member who ran in to report, said anxiously.

Others didn't understand what he was talking about at first, but they finally understood the meaning of his words when they saw the energy cards next to Yu JinLi they were staring at, and they couldn't help but haha. laugh it out.

"If you carry an energy card privately, who is stupid in the live broadcast will do it, these are all made by the captain's wife herself." The team explained in a friendly manner.

Zhou Daquan didn't believe it yet, but just as they were talking, Yu JinLi completed the production of an energy card, which made him have to believe it.

The netizens who watched the live broadcast were as stunned as Zhou Daquan. They were deeply shocked by Yu JinLi's fast card production speed. Even people who were not card makers knew of his card production. The speed is almost against the sky, especially when compared with the two card makers next to him, I don't know how much faster.

[Lian] My sky sounds, is that the speed that humans can achieve? It's horrible, drawing an energy card in ten minutes. What is this concept? Who will pinch me, let me see if I am dreaming?

[Lian] You upstairs are not dreaming. I have always known that Koi is so talented in card making, but I didn't know until now that my original imagination was so barren, and my great ability was really refreshed time and time again. My cognition.

[Lian] You are not alone upstairs. With Koi, the team of the male gods will be stronger. The final champion must be ours! Male god race high! Big game high!

[America] Although I have to admit that Yu JinLi's card production speed is really fast, have you taken a serious look at it? All of his productions are D-class energy cards. Even if the speed is fast, what's the use of a large number of cards? When you reach a B-level energy card, the entire army will be wiped out.

[United] Although Koi is not very high now, he is also young. He may suffer a bit in this competition, but I believe that in the Three Kingdoms Tournament five years later, if he participates again, it is estimated that no one will participate. After being able to fight, suddenly it seemed that he was going to travel five years later to show his talents greatly.

[United] Now the game has just begun. Before other teams have time to make energy cards, even D-level energy cards are enough to beat other teams. What's more, they are now a C-level card maker. , Is it not weaker than other card makers?

[Link] Koi really gave me too many surprises. The food cooked is so delicious, the energy card is so powerful, and the speed is so fast. When the freshman is practicing, he can use the energy card. Fighting, and even his own skills are very good, even if you are a card maker, but never lose to the ability person, what else do you think you can't do? It's like a god-like existence.

This remark of the netizen immediately attracted countless people's approval. Those who teamed up with Yu JinLi may not know Yu JinLi as much as these fans who always watch his live broadcast. After all, from Yu JinLi gourmet live broadcast. In the beginning, many fans watched him grow up.

Regardless of whether he is live-streaming food production, participating in freshman experience, or participating in the Three Kingdoms Tournament this time, they feel that they are already very powerful every time, but Yu JinLi will give them more surprises and let them see brand new one side.

They refreshed their previous cognition over and over again, and had a more comprehensive and profound understanding of Yu JinLi over and over again. The image of Yu JinLi became more three-dimensional in their hearts.

Koi fans are grateful and happy to be able to follow Yu JinLi.

Of course, not everyone is happy about this, especially the netizens in the U.S. Empire and Europe. After seeing Yu JinLi's card-making speed, they have a trace of fear in their hearts, and the comments on the Internet are even more biased. Yu JinLi's negative, hope

In order to weaken Yu JinLi's influence in the hearts of others.

It's a pity that fans of Yu JinLi and Jiang MoSheng are all over the ground. With them, no one can successfully slander Yu JinLi.

After Zhou Daquan learned that these energy cards were all made by Yu JinLi, his expression immediately became excited. He was worried about the coming enemy and he immediately stopped worrying.

It's only been more than an hour since they landed on this planet. Since the other party is coming here, they must have the same purpose as them. They want to use this cave as a card maker's laboratory for making cards. That is to say, they definitely don't have energy cards at the moment.

So if that team meets them, it must be the other party, and they can now sling each other with only their energy cards.

And at this moment, a team of the American empire who was coming to the cave did not know what it was about to face.

The reason why they chose this cave and did not find the Jiang MoSheng team was completely because he came here after Bai Hu had just explored and left. The two of them missed each other in this way, which led to the current two. The teams meet each other

When the U.S. Empire team came to the cave, all the supernaturalists and mecha fighters except Jiang MoSheng gathered in front of the cave entrance, ready to welcome the arrival of the enemy.

The first head-to-head confrontation of the Three Kingdoms Tournament is about to take place, and all the onlookers are a little excited and expectant.

Obviously, the American empire's teams did not expect that this cave would have been occupied by others one step ahead of time, and the occupied teams were still from the Federation, and they all immediately glared at each other.

The three hundred teams that come to participate in the competition have their own uniforms, and in order to show the glory of their own country, their uniforms have their respective national icon symbols.

Therefore, when the two teams meet, it is obvious which country the other team is from.

"This is what we are interested in first. If you don't want to die, leave here quickly, maybe we can still save your life." A five-big and three-strong muscular man from the U.S. Empire said gruffly, with a disdainful tone and a contemptuous attitude.