Chapter 417: To report you

"You saw it first? Are your names written here? Or are you peeing in it and peeing on the site? Of course, who is the first to take the first." Zhou Daquan went back directly.

The behavior of peeing on the ground was a puppy behavior. The people of the American Empire understood this sentence and suddenly became more irritable. Without even saying a word, they were ready to attack directly.

Zhou Daquan is waiting for the other party to do it. They just have itchy hands and can't wait to use the energy card made by Yu JinLi.

When they trained on the planet KY11 earlier, they used energy cards made by Yu JinLi. I don't know why. All energy cards made by Yu JinLi are much more powerful than those made by other cardmakers of the same level.

So even if the D-class energy card is used now, its power is not weak.

When Zhou Daquan and others took out the energy card and summoned the alien beasts, the few people in the US Empire rushed to the front, preparing to teach each other how to behave with their fists, and suddenly stopped their steps, even because of inertia. Falling to the ground embarrassedly.

But at this moment, they couldn't take care of these. They were all dumbfounded. They stared at the alien beast in front of each other with angrily, and shouted: "You cheated, and even brought energy cards to the game privately. I want to report you. The Federation members are indeed all Despicable dog."

"The mouth is so dirty, then help you rinse your mouth." Zhou Daquan commanded the alien beast to directly attack the U.S. Empire's team. Anyway, if you eliminate one person, you can get ten points, and you can also accumulate it. In the next round, why not do it.

The U.S. empire's players were full of self-confidence, thinking that the opponent had not had time to produce energy cards like themselves, so they could only fight with their bare hands. Judging from the small size of the Federation, they would definitely not be able to fight with their bare hands. Opponents will be able to take the opportunity to repair the Federalists at that time.

As a result, they didn't expect that they didn't guess the beginning or the ending. Instead, they were severely repaired by others.

A meal.

The U.S. empire's supernatural powers can't take care of so many, and all their supernatural attacks are thrown at these strange beasts.

After all, the alien beast lives on the energy card. Facing the power attack, the energy in the energy card consumes very quickly. Almost the opponent can use two or three moves to disperse an alien beast.

Seeing that the Federation's energy cards were so unsupportable, the people in the American Empire immediately regained their confidence.

"When we solve these nasty monsters, let them taste the power of Laozi's fists." While an American supernaturalist attacked the alien beasts, he uttered cruel words to Zhou Daquan and the others.

It's a pity that Zhou Daquan and the others didn't care at all. They stood behind and watched these U.S. empire's supernatural beings fighting their strange beasts, and then every once in a while, someone would enter the cave to get some energy cards out to supply them.

Although the energy card consumes a bit more, the opponent's ability consumes faster.

The American empire's supernatural powers only dealt with these strange beasts at first, but did not notice the consumption of their supernatural powers. When they found out that the strange beasts of the other side seemed to kill one after another, they could not finish it. However, the abilities in his body were exhausted, and he realized that something was wrong when he couldn't even send the abilities attack.

Unfortunately, it was too late.

"I obviously killed several alien beasts, how could there be so many?" The U.S. Empire players finally couldn't hold it anymore, each of them turned pale due to the consumption of abilities, and the whole person became weak. , And Zhou Daquan and others are still standing there.

"Ah!" An ability player in the U.S. empire was bitten by a strange beast because he couldn't send out an ability attack. The blood was flowing and he screamed.

And the screams of this ability person were like a signal, and the screams sounded one after another.

The captain of this U.S. empire team was originally indifferently watching the battle from the rear, but now seeing his team members being injured one after another, he couldn't sit still, and hurriedly commanded the mecha fighters to board the mecha and rescued his teammates. .

At the beginning, the U.S. Empire did not use mechas because the energy of each mecha equipped with them was limited. Once they were used up, they could not supplement energy, and there might be many opportunities for mechas to be used later.

But he never thought that at the beginning of the game, they were forced to use their abilities again.

The mecha is used, and the beginning of this is obviously very unsatisfactory.

The Captain of the US Empire stared fiercely at a group of relaxed Zhou Daquan and the others, knowing that he might have encountered a tough stubble, especially since the opponent seemed to have a lot of energy cards in his hands, and the situation at the moment was very unfavorable for them.

Of course, the captain of the U.S. Empire is not as stupid as his teammates, thinking that the opponent's energy cards are all cheated. You must know that it's live broadcast now, and everyone's every move is under the eyes of the live broadcast. I want to make some small moves. very hard.

That is to say, there must be a card maker in the opponent's team with a very fast card making speed. Although the power cards he makes are not of high level, if the speed is fast, it is very advantageous at the beginning.

The captain of the American Empire made a decisive decision and said to his teammates: "Withdraw!"

Since he can't occupy this cave, it will only be detrimental to him at this moment. Instead of losing it here, he should look for other places. After the energy card is made, he will definitely come back for revenge!

It's a pity that the captain of the US Empire has a good idea, but it also depends on whether the Baihu and others are willing to let them go. If such a good prey is automatically delivered to the door, would it not be worthy of the prey's kindness if it is not accepted. Yet?

"Brothers, take advantage of his illness to kill him, come on, a lot of points are waiting for us." Bai Hu said excitedly, and then rushed up first.

Now the opponent's abilities are almost trash, and the card maker hasn't been able to make an energy card until now. Of course, even if it's made, it's useless, and the mecha maker is even less powerful. Five scum, the only ones who can have the power to fight are the ten mecha fighters and their captains.

But the White Tiger hasn't started to move his hands and feet yet, except for Jiang MoSheng, the remaining 19 supernaturalists and mecha fighters are all here.

A single power player may not have much advantage against mecha fighters driving mechas, but the white tigers did not plan to be one-on-one, right?

Among them are supernatural beings, mecha fighters, and alien beasts. The three cooperate with each other. It is not a trivial matter to fight a few mechas.

What's more, the mecha is not equipped with hot weapons, only cold weapons, the purpose is to prevent the mecha from intentionally hurting people.

So even if the American players wanted to leave here quickly, but Bai Hu and others didn't allow it, they could only regret that they were forced to fire a signal flare shortly after the start of the game, and then the group was destroyed.

Jiang MoSheng's team not only got three hundred points, but also seized all the materials of the US Empire, including the remaining energy of the ten mechas and five power mechas.

Originally, each team had ten ability players, but they were only equipped with five ability mechas, but with the seized spoils, Jiang Mosheng's team could keep each ability player equipped with one ability. It is a good harvest.

"It would be great if there were a few more silly teams like this." Zhou Daquan couldn't help but said stupidly.

The feeling of harvesting enemy heads and taking enemy supplies is really great.

"Come on, it's our luck to run into one, but there is a sister-in-law, even if we run into other teams in the future, we can kill the opponent even with energy cards, haha, it's just too It's cool." The others couldn't help feeling proud, and they all followed Baihu and they called Yu JinLi sister-in-law.

"That's our little sister-in-law, who is your name?" Bai Hu hammered the opponent dissatisfied.

"He is our captain's fiancé. He feels awkward to call the captain's wife. We don't feel respectful enough to call the captain's wife. If we think about it, we'd better call the sister-in-law with you." The man said with a smile.

Bai Hu curled his lips and didn't speak, but he couldn't help but complain about the fickleness of these people. At first, he disliked the little sister-in-law being in the team, but now it is really pleasant to slap himself in the face.

The hapless people of the American Empire were forced to fire signal flare, and they were waiting for rescue forces to come and take them away. As a result, they heard the unshirkable words of Baihu and others, and watched that their supplies were all taken away by the Federation. The team was in the bag, gritted their teeth with anger, but helpless.

This is probably the most unlucky team since the Three Kingdoms Tournament. It was eliminated after just over an hour after coming down.

"You continue to stay here and guard, watching them by the way, we went in first." Bai Hu ordered Zhou Daquan to wait for humanity.


Baihu returned to the cave with the confiscated materials and began to share the spoils with his teammates. No, it was to distribute the spoils, except for three.

The card maker was still struggling to draw the energy card, and everyone else gathered around the white tiger to help distribute the supplies.

Because it is not clear whether they will disperse or move separately, almost everyone will carry some spare supplies in order to deal with emergencies.

It was the morning when they were dropped on this planet. In the morning, Xia Qiyuan and Zou Xueli finished making a B-level energy card.

Looking at the energy cards in their hands, both of them smiled with satisfaction. They were quite satisfied with their speed, but when they saw the pile of energy cards placed by Yu JinLi, they were immediately stuck in their throats if they were satisfied. eye.

Therefore, people are more popular than people. They worked hard for a long time to produce an energy card. As a result, the other party has already produced more than a dozen. What is the rhythm of this?

After watching this scene, the netizens who watched the live broadcast unkindly typed "Hahahaha" on the barrage.


[United] Koi's great power is so great, not only has it deterred foreign teams, but even his teammates have received strong crits. This attack power is almost irrelevant to the enemy and me. How can I look at such a Coke.

[Lian] Upstairs is the devil. It is wrong for you to think this way. Although I think so too, Xia Qiyuan and Zou Xueli are big, sorry, please allow me to laugh for ten minutes first, hahaha...

The barrage in the live broadcast room was instantly occupied by federal netizens. Everyone talked about the previous one-sided battle, but the originally confident netizens of the U.S. Empire were beaten so badly for a long time. Time was not jumping around, and the barrage was occupied by federal netizens.

"You two will make a few more C-level energy cards." Jiang MoSheng said to Xia Qiyuan and Zou Xueli.

The higher the level of the energy card, the longer it takes. Although the B-level energy card is powerful, the time required to make the card is also very long. It is not suitable for drawing in the game.

After all, the game situation changes from time to time, and it is impossible to give you a stable time and space for you to complete the drawing of the energy card.

So depending on the situation, sometimes a low-level energy card may be easier to draw and easier to use than a high-level energy card.

Jiang MoSheng gave them the time to make a B-level energy card, but there was no second equivalent time for them. After all, they have stayed here for a long time. The longer they stay, the more dangerous they are. , They must find a suitable place to sleep in before dark.