Chapter 458: Half vacation

Most of the people who were greedy and wanted to kidnap and study him and Master were people outside of China. This time he heard that Mei Empire and Federation were at war, and he was even more unlikely to miss it.

Since the ancestors of Mei Empire made a mistake, he can't go to those people to settle the accounts, but he can go to their descendants to pay it back. It is normal for the father to pay his debts anyway.

Before returning to the Federation, Long Su'an gave some of the S-level energy cards he had accumulated to Jiang Mosheng. There were alien energy cards, alien energy cards, elemental energy cards, and even some from Unseen original energy card.

Jiang Mosheng knew that these energy cards would be their best weapon in this war. For the broad masses of the people of the Federation and to reduce the sacrifices of the Federation soldiers, Jiang Mosheng did not pretend to be polite, but accepted them all. The kindness is also written down, and I will pay it back if there is a chance.

So, half of the vacation, because Mei Empire interrupted and had to go back home, whether it is Jiang Mosheng Yu Jinli, or Long Su Jian and She Ningyu, they are even more disgusted with the dull Mei Empire, and I can't wait to take Mei Empire right away. Defeated, let them go back to their country.

At this moment, the Mei Empire people who were still marching on the border of the Federation could not help but sneezed a big sneeze at the same time, looking at each other for some reason.

"This is a messenger. If you are in danger or cannot handle the situation, send me a letter immediately." She Ningyu handed several messengers to Jiang Mosheng and Yu Jinli.

Back to the Federation this time, She Ningyu and Long Su'an will not go back with them.

The last time I went to the Federation to find Yu Jinli, it happened that terrorists attacked Jiang's family. He had already made a high profile to help Jiang's family. Evidence, there is no picture and nothing is left.

If they participate in the battle between Federation and Mei Empire again this time, they will inevitably expose the existence of themselves and the master, and even the existence of the fairy planet. It is not a wise decision to think about it.

Moreover, if Jiang Mosheng can't handle these things well, even his own country can't protect it, then how to protect Little Chestnut, this can be regarded as another test for Jiang Mosheng.

Although Yu Jinli firmly chose Jiang Mosheng and chose to stay in the Capital Star of Federation, when it came time to part with Master and Brother, he was full of reluctance.

The brother has been by his side since he opened up the spiritual wisdom and has the memory. Although the master came later, but the master is like an elder, giving him a full sense of security and happiness. These two people They were the two most important people to him before he met Jiang Mosheng.

When he disappeared that year, the master and senior brother must have been sad for a long time, and they have been looking for him for thousands of years. He was moved by this friendship and couldn't let go.

For him, he may have not seen Master and Brother for only two years, but for Senior Brother and Master, he has not seen himself for thousands of years, and when he sees himself again, he can still love him as much as before. He, spoiled him, did not alienate him or even forgot him, Yu Jinli was very moved by this.

"Master, brother, I will come back to see you soon." Yu Jinli stepped forward and hugged Long Su'an and She Ningyu, his voice choked.

"Little stupid fish, even if you don't come back, I will catch you back." She Ningyu put her big hand on Yu Jinli's small head, rubbed the soft hair vigorously, and said with a smile.

"I'm not stupid." Yu Jinli protested in a low voice.

"En, we, Little Chestnut, are the smartest, so let's use your ingenuity to quickly defeat the enemy." She Ningyu's tone was like coaxing a child, and there was no sincerity when he heard it.

Yu Jinli was so angry that She Ningyu glared at him fiercely. He didn't realize that his eyes were really not lethal at all, but wanted to make people tease him.

Wife protector Jiang Mosheng went online. Seeing that his little guy was teased by his brother, he stepped forward and hugged Yu Jinli and said softly: "Master, brother, then we will leave first. We will certainly not live up to the teachings of Master and Brother. , Will come back victorious as soon as possible."

"En, be careful." Long Su asked gently.

Although Long Su'an and She Ningyu were not going to the Federation to help Jiang Mosheng and Yu Jinli, they gave them a lot of treasures, especially Long Su'an gave Jiang Mosheng many s-level energy cards. The legendary S-level energy card.

Legend has it that the only card maker to become an S-rank in history is the Dragon Sizi, and the Dragon Sizi can fight against hundreds of abilities with his own power. His strength is so powerful that even abilities can't dare. The point where it is easy to fight against.

_A card maker can reach such a height, it is the dream of all card maker.

Until now, the Dragon Sizi is still a role model and goal for all card makers in the Federation.

"Master, brother, I will be back soon." Yu Jinli waved vigorously at Long Su'an and She Ningyu before boarding the Yunsuo.

The Cloud Shuttle is one of the magic weapons Long Supu gave to Jiang Mosheng and Yu Jinli. Because the Federation is in an emergency and there is no normal spacecraft here, the Cloud Shuttle can only be used as a means of transportation.

And because of the characteristics of the cloud shuttle, it will not be discovered by other spacecraft when traveling in the universe. If you drive directly to the battlefield, you may be able to sneak attack on the enemy.

Of course, Jiang Mo Mi will not do this. After all, Cloud Shuttle is a magic weapon for the fairies. Even if it can be used to sneak attacks on enemies and is very helpful in warfare, it will expose a lot of things and put them in trouble in the future. Among.

What's more, Jiang Mosheng will send Yu Jinli back to Capital Star.

"Ah Mo, I'll go with you." Yu Jinli said.

"It's too dangerous on the battlefield. Obedient, you should go back and accompany my mother and Little XiXi first, and help me protect my mother and Little XiXi, okay?" Jiang Mosheng calmed down softly.

"But... if I go, I can make more energy cards for you. I can make B-level energy cards now." Yu Jinli said hesitantly, he still wanted to be with Ah Mo.

Especially when the two countries are at war, it is dangerous at first, and he will worry if he can't see it.

"Little Jin'er, if you are in the Capital Star, I will be more at ease, otherwise I have to be distracted to take care of you, so I can't fight the enemy with all my strength. This is very dangerous, and you can also make it for us in the Capital Star. The energy card will be picked up regularly at that time." Jiang Mosheng__ and Yu Jinli analyzed the pros and cons of going to the battlefield.

As he said, if Yu Jinli arrives on the battlefield, he will be distracted and worried about the little guy. Although he knows that the little guy is not weaker than him, he will still be subconsciously worried.

Upon hearing this, Yu Jinli also knows that when the two enemies are fighting, he is most taboo to be distracted. If by then he really hurt Ah Mo, he loses concentration and is injured, he will definitely blame himself.

After much deliberation, Yu Jinli finally agreed to Jiang Mosheng to return to the Capital Star, and when he was the most persistent


Yu Jinli decided to lead the class F classmates to step up time to make energy cards. If they can contribute, they will contribute more.

As usual, Cloud Shuttle landed on an uninhabited planet near the capital star, because it appeared directly in the Jiang family's yard, and it was bound to attract a lot of unnecessary coveting.

However, with the current cultivation bases of Jiang Mosheng and Yu Jinli, it is still impossible to teleport directly from this planet to the capital star.

In this case, She Ningyu had obviously thought of it, so he prepared a magic weapon to assist the two of them in teleportation, so that they could return to Jiang's house smoothly.

When Yu Jinli and Jiang Mosheng appeared in Jiang's own room, both of them were a little excited.

"Ah Mo, you hold this thing. If you encounter danger on the battlefield, don't hesitate to use it to teleport. Don't let yourself get hurt? Otherwise, I will worry.

"Yu Jinli said hurriedly.

"Good." Jiang Mosheng answered earnestly.

"These are the Pokémon cards I made on Cloud Shuttle. They have been filed. You can use them directly." Yu Jinli handed a bunch of Pokémon cards to Jiang Mosheng.

These were all made by him working overtime on the way back. He knew that Ah Mo had an S-level energy card given by the master, but there were so many soldiers in the military department, and the energy cards of the master could not be divided enough, so he should also Help share some.

"Okay." Jiang Mosheng responded favorably.

Because the frontline was really urgent, Jiang Mosheng did not stay at home for too long. After saying hello to his mother, he immediately went to the military department to receive the task.

Jiang Mosheng now has his own legion. Although the training time is not long, everyone in the legion is selected by him after thousands of choices. Everyone is an elite. This time he will bring his own. The legion went to the front line to support.

Because Yu Hongrui and Mei Empire colluded with treason and were cut off from the position of marshal, the new marshal candidate has not yet been determined, and Mei Empire has already provoked war, so the Federation will naturally not be a turtle.

At present, only two marshals Jiang Zhentao and Tang Qixu are left in the Federation. Tang Qixu belongs to the logistics marshal. He has always been in the rear to provide support. Therefore, Jiang Zhentao can only lead troops to the front this time.

When Jiang Mosheng came to the military headquarters and asked to send troops, Jiang Zhentao had already led the army to fight the US empire several times on the front line.

"Ah Sheng, you are finally back." Tang Qixu breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Jiang Mosheng.

Jiang Mosheng is not only a strong individual, he is also a soldier, the backbone of the hearts of the masses, and now he is back, no matter what the battle is, at least everyone's morale will be more prosperous.

"Marshal Tang, Jiang Mosheng asked to send troops!" Jiang Mosheng said in a deep voice.

"Okay, Jiang Mosheng obeyed his orders, and immediately led the Third Army and the Mythical Beast Army to the marginal planet to support Marshal Jiang." Tang Qixu ordered.

"Yes!" Jiang Mosheng took his orders immediately.

The downfall of Yu Hongrui implicated many generals in the Third and Fourth Army, leading to the fact that these two corps have no leader, and the new generals are not selected so quickly, and even if they are elected, they need to follow the corps. The members run-in, otherwise the combat power will be greatly reduced.

Fortunately, Jiang Mosheng is the spokesperson of the military. Even the military members are convinced of Jiang Mosheng. Most people follow him. At present, he is the best leader.

Although the rank of Jiang Mosheng is not enough to command the Third Army, it can only be treated specially in special times.

After receiving the order, Jiang Mosheng immediately began to rectify the two legions. It took only two hours from assembly to departure. This efficiency has to be said to be very high.