Chapter 459: S-Class Energy Card

Mei Empire used the Federation to detain their contestants and royal princes to launch an attack on the periphery of the Federation.

After Jiang Zhentao thoroughly investigated the background of the Mei Empire players and debunked Prince William's conspiracy, Mei Empire sent troops to the Federation the next day and requested that Prince William be sent back to Mei Empire.

The distance from Mei Empire to the Federation is not very close. If it is really because of the impoundment of Prince William who sent troops, it would take ten and a half months from the assembly of the army to the departure to the edge of the Federation.

However, they did it in one day, saying that it was not premeditated in advance.

Since Mei Empire is ambitious and wants to embezzle their Federation, plus the Prince William incident is ahead,

Federation people are naturally angry and advocate war rather than peace.

Originally, this was Mei Empire's failure, but they still had the face to fight, so they would fight. How could they be afraid that they would not succeed?

Otherwise, if it is to make peace this time, Prince William is sent back, not to mention that the Federation's contestants will be chilled, and Mei Empire will also make an inch, and the Federation will never say anything.

[Mei Empire is too shameless. They first designed to kill our Federation God of War. Now that their deeds have been revealed, they still have the face to ask us for people. We haven't asked them for an explanation. To complain, to what extent can a country be ashamed and skinless? I also have a long experience. ]

[Mei Empire itself is faceless and skinless, otherwise, how could it be possible to do such a thing, anyway, I don't care, this time I am determined not to compromise, since Mei Empire is going to war, then let's go to war and give all these American emperors Fight back to their country, so that they never dare to come to the Federation to find trouble again. ]

[Mei Empire people will be the best. If they compromise this time, they will bully our Federation next time. They must not compromise until they are convinced! ]

[We have God of War, what are we afraid of? Our God of War is an SS-level superpower, and they can beat them alone. Mei Empire doesn't want to calm our anger, but even dared to invade our territory. It's almost dead! ]

Since the conspiracy of Mei Empire was exposed, the news of Jiang Mosheng SS-level supernatural powers has also been leaked out, but the people of Mei Empire and Ou Empire also knew about this news, and there is no need to hide it from the public.

After all the Federation people learned that Jiang Mosheng was an SS-level superpower, the entire Federation was boiling, and the cheering behavior felt like a national celebration.

All the comments on the Internet are advocating war, and they are not willing to compromise, and even less willing to compromise with a shameless country like Mei Empire.

Therefore, Jiang Zhentao didn't say anything, and immediately dispatched the army and led the army to fight.

However, Mei Empire was clearly prepared. The soldiers who played in the battle were all elites. They actually planned to take advantage of the fact that the Federation was not ready to win the Federation in one fell swoop.

Unfortunately, Mei Empire still underestimated the strength of the Federation.

Even if it is passive, the Federation is not something Mei Empire says can be captured by taking it. Except for the loss of the planet because it failed to reach the battlefield in time at the beginning, when Jiang Zhentao led the First and Second Army to the edge planet, When they met Mei Empire's army on a narrow road, the battle between the two sides became very tense.

Has also become confusing.

Although Jiang Zhentao promised that "With his presence, Mei Empire would not want to seize any inch of the Federation's land", but Yu Hongrui's betrayal caused the 3rd and 4th regiments to be headless and morale low, and Jiang Mosheng has not yet played. The Federation has insufficient combat power and can resist Mei Empire's attack, but has no extra energy to recover the lost planet.

Therefore, Jiang Zhentao sent an emergency message to the eldest son who was on vacation.

Fortunately, there is still a transmission talisman, otherwise Jiang Zhentao really doesn't know how to inform the eldest son about the war.

Jiang Mosheng did not live up to his father's expectations. He led the Third Army and the Mythical Beast Army to the battlefield quickly, and did not give Mei Empire a chance to breathe, and directly confronted the opponent.

The general of Mei Empire saw Jiang Mosheng's appearance with a cold smile on his mouth.

They all know that the Federation has a young God of War, which is the idol and backbone of hundreds of millions of people in the Federation. If this God of War can be eliminated, then the Federation will definitely be in chaos.

At the beginning, Prince William and the mercenaries were sent to participate in the Three Kingdoms Tournament as contestants. The purpose was to get rid of Jiang Mosheng. However, who knew that Prince William was so useless. Not only did he fail to get rid of Jiang Mosheng, but he gave himself to Got in.

That being the case, it is up to him to know how powerful this Federation's so-called God of War is.

If this person can die in his hands, then he will be the hero of Mei Empire.

After Jiang Mosheng entered the battlefield, he didn't support him, let alone sloppy. He directly released the Pokémon to deal with the alien beasts summoned by the Mei Empire people.

"Heh, what do I think it is? These little things are really powerful, but they are not invincible." General Mei Empire couldn't help but sneered when he saw it.

The video of the last melee in the Three Kingdoms League was sent to the Mei Empire emperor long ago, so they knew about the original energy card such as the Pokémon card in the first place.

At the beginning, the contestants were allowed to carry their cameras secretly, in order to be able to send the message of removing Jiang Mosheng back to Mei Empire as soon as possible. Of course, it was also to take pictures of the battle scenes after destroying the little bees and give them to Mei Empire Provide some information about the Federation.

But I didn't expect that in the final battle, a new type of energy card appeared in the Federation, and it was very powerful.

As soon as Mei Empire received the video, it immediately sent people to think of strategies for the abilities of these Pokémon cards.

Although the time is relatively short, Mei Empire also came up with some coping strategies, so they are not afraid of the Pokémon who appear at this moment.

However, the soldiers of Mei Empire soon discovered that they still underestimated the power and abilities of these Pokémon.

In the battle of the Three Kingdoms, the tricks displayed by the Pokémon were actually only a small part of their skills. Now that this small part of the trick is resisted, everyone will naturally use other tricks in order to win.

With these tricks, the soldiers of Mei Empire found that they had never seen them before, so naturally they couldn't stop them.

Jiang Mosheng not only took out the Pokémon card, but also took out the s-level energy card that his master gave him.

The S-level energy card is the real trump card. When the card is out, it will look forward to it. Even the ordinary mecha has no resistance in front of the S-level monster. It will be caught by the sharp claws of the alien beast in three hits. The shell of the mecha was broken, and the mecha was incapable of action.

Until then, the soldiers of Mei Empire were truly shocked and felt the fear of their opponents.

"What kind of monsters are these? How could the attack power be so powerful?" A Mei Empire general couldn't believe it, watching the feedback video.

The soldiers dispatched this time are all powerful elites, not only their own power levels are high, even the energy cards used are also A-level, but these A-level alien beasts are so unbearable in front of the opponent's alien beasts— The blow was broken, and there was no way to fight back.

This is not scientific at all!

No matter how emotional the generals and soldiers of Mei Empire, at least in this battle, Mei Empire will undoubtedly lose.

The generals of Mei Empire looked very ugly. Seeing that the soldiers on his side had no power to defend him, he gritted his teeth with hatred, and wished himself to be on the court to teach Jiang Mosheng a lesson.

However, fighting is not a matter of enthusiasm, let alone impulsiveness, so the Mei Empire commander decisively issued an order to retreat, and when he thought of a solution, he continued to attack.

However, Jiang Momi didn't give him this opportunity. After all, the Federation's territory was still being invaded by the opponent, so he wanted to retreat like this? Don't even think about it!

Federation soldiers are getting more and more courageous, especially when they find that these Pokémon cards and unknown new energy cards are so useful and powerful, and the soldiers of Mei Empire are even more helpless. They are inspired. , Getting more and more courageous, wanting to drive Mei Empire directly out of the border of the Federation.

On the other hand, after Jiang Mosheng left Capital Star and went to the front line, Yu Jinli always felt that life was empty, as if something was missing.

He knew that it was because Ah Mo was not by his side.

Since he came to this world, Ah Mo has been by his side, almost never leaving for more than a day. As a result, he didn't know how to leave for a few days this time, and he couldn't adapt for a while.

Yu Jinli really wants to accompany Jiang Mosheng on the battlefield. If he wants to go willfully, Ah Mo will definitely agree to him in the end.

But as Ah Mo said, if he did go to the battlefield, Ah Mo would definitely be distracted for him, and it would be terrible to not be able to concentrate when fighting.

The battlefield is unpredictable every minute, and a little carelessness may lead to fatal danger. How can Yu Jinli be willing to put Jiang Mosheng in danger?

So, even though he really wanted to be by Ah Mo's side, he was well-behaved and not headstrong.

Ah Mo hoped that he could be a good supporter, so Yu Jinli decided to be Ah Mo's strongest backing, drawing energy cards for the soldiers on the front line, so that their materials can keep up, and they can concentrate on fighting and return to victory as soon as possible. .

The No. _ Military Academy is still during the holidays, and the students have not yet returned to the school. Yu Jinli contacted the class F classmates through his personal terminal and explained his ideas to everyone.

They are now also members of the Mythical Beast Legion, and the exclusive card maker of the Mythical Beast Legion.

Now the army of sacred beasts has gone to the front line. As the exclusive card maker, they naturally have to make a large number of energy cards in the rear to ensure that the soldiers participating in the battle can have sufficient energy cards to use.

Although class F students can only draw D-level energy cards, there are many front-line soldiers, and the number of energy cards required is huge. The card makers in the army alone cannot be used by everyone.

Therefore, the energy cards needed by the army, regardless of rank, are naturally the more the better.

Moreover, the higher the level of the energy card, the longer the drawing time will be, and time is the most precious asset in the war.

Don't look at Mei Empire now using all A-level energy cards, but these energy cards are actually accumulated over the years. It can be said that they have premeditated the Federation for a long time, so they have accumulated so many A-level energy cards. I just hope that the Federation can be taken down with these energy cards.

However, no matter how Mei Empire wants to break his head, I am afraid that there will be S-level energy cards in the Federation, and there are still a lot of them, so they directly compare their A-level energy cards to scum.

When the class F students heard the news, they naturally all agreed, and when they agreed on a good time, they all raced against the clock to start drawing energy cards.

Yu Jinli also sent his master's secret book "Spiritual Strengthening" to every student in Class F at the same time.

"This is a method of cultivating spiritual power. As long as you persist in cultivating, your spiritual power level can be improved." Yu Jinli said directly in the group of class F classmates.

The originally lively group of classmates was quiet for a moment, as if the pause button had been pressed.