Chapter 478: The birthday is in progress    

After bidding farewell to Jian Congliang, Yu Jinli immediately left the man behind, and followed Jiang Mosheng _ to the backstage of the living room, where he placed the five-layer cake he made for Little XiXi.

When making cakes before, Yu Jinli was worried too much that everyone would not be able to finish eating, but seeing the number of guests in the reception hall who came to the banquet, he only wondered if these cakes could be eaten? Knowing that so many people would come, he should have made a ten-layer one at that time.

"What if the cake isn't divided enough?" Yu Jinli's face was wrinkled into a bun.

Those who came to the scene were all bigwigs from various industries, and none of them could offend. If they gave this cake but didn't give it to that, would they think that the Jiang family had neglected him, and they would hate the Jiang family in their hearts.

This is really a tangled thing.

"It's okay, enough." Jiang Mosheng smiled and rubbed Yu Jinli's soft hair in a soft voice.


It is only when facing Yu Jinli that Jiang Mosheng's voice becomes so soft and his movements are so gentle.

"Okay, let's go out." After Jiang Mosheng's affirmative answer, the entanglement in Yu Jinli's heart disappeared in an instant.

Since Ah Mo said it was enough, it was enough.

In order to cooperate with the appearance of the cake, Yu Jinli had already greeted Jiang Zhentao in advance. The lights in the living room went out instantly, and there were bursts of young men and women screaming.

"Don't panic, everyone." Jiang Zhentao's voice came from the stage, successfully calming the young men and women's feelings of being frightened.

The young men and women still have too little experience. The extinguishment of the lights makes them scream subconsciously, and the bigwigs from all walks of life appear to be very calm. The tail didn't show a trace of panic.

A gleam of light leaked from the backstage of the living room to the front entrance, attracting everyone's attention.

Yu Jinli and Jiang Mosheng walked out of the backstage with a five-tiered big cake. The moment they appeared, the happy birthday song also rang.

Of course, there is no "Happy Birthday Song" in this world, and no one knows how to sing. This accompaniment was created by Yu Jinli based on the happy birthday song he remembered.

It was supposed to only play the accompaniment. Everyone sang a happy birthday song to the little birthday star. However, everyone except him can't sing, so I had to play the version he sang.

_Time, the whole hall is only the faint but unexpectedly harmonious candlelight on the big cake and the sound of Yu Jinli singing "Happy Birthday" from the speakers.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to Xixi."

Yu Jinli's crisp and tactful voice sounded from the speaker. The tone of the whole song is very simple and cheerful, and it is very harmonious when used in such a scene.

Everyone present has also attended many birthday banquets, but this is the first time I have seen such a unique birthday banquet. As expected, the Jiang family deserves to be the first family, with profound background.

"What's this song? It's pretty good." A young man whispered to his companion.

"I don't know, it's the first time I've listened, but listening to the lyrics seems to be a happy birthday.

Easy to sing. "Another young man replied, and hummed a few words along the way.

"This Jiang family's birthday banquet is really different from other birthday banquets. Not only does it have so many delicious foods, but it also sings birthday songs, and what is the one they launched? It looks pretty, you say Who came up with so many ideas, and I want to do it on my birthday."

"It should be the fiancé of Lieutenant General Jiang. I heard that he is amazing. He can always come up with many ideas that no one can think of. How do you think his brain grows, how can he have so many weird ideas? What?"

The young people did not have the calmness and calmness of their parents, and they were talking in low voices below, but their eyes fell on the cake pushed by Yu Jinli unconsciously.

Yu Jinli and Jiang Momi pushed the cake to Jiang Zhentao and Qiao Mulan who was holding Little XiXi. After all, today's protagonist is our little birthday star, Little XiXi.

Little XiXi saw such a big and beautiful cake with a sweet taste, and couldn't help but reach out to the cake, wanting to catch the cake.

"Little XiXi has to make a wish first. If you make a wish in front of the cake, the wish can come true." Yu Jinli smiled and said to Little XiXi.

Although a one-year-old child may not know what a wish is, the procedures and ceremonies that should be given have to be walked a bit, so that the birthday will be more complete.

Little XiXi heard Yu Jinli's voice. He has always liked this little sister-in-law who is always very gentle and will cook him a lot of delicious food and smells very good on her body. She immediately reached out to Yu Jinli. The fat hand is obviously about to hug.

Qiao Mulan almost couldn't hold this little son who was always moving in her arms, reaching out to Yu Jinli to hug him, and simply stuffed it directly into Yu Jinli's arms, making him stand with Jiang Mosheng. In the middle, facing the cake.

Yu Jinli also knows that for interstellar humans, the birthday ritual may have been forgotten, but people also celebrate their birthday once a year. Isn't it a shame that the hastily ended?

So, Yu Jinli held Little XiXi in one hand, guided Little XiXi to put his hands together, and made a wish toward the cake.

Although I know that Little XiXi may not know what a wish is, but this ceremony is done. When Little XiXi grows up, he will always make a wish.

"Okay, we have made a wish. We can blow out the candles. When the candles are blown out, the wish made by Little XiXi will come true." Yu Jinli smiled gently, holding Little XiXi close to the top of the cake. Putting on the only candle, and then said: "Little XiXi learns from my brother, inhales, and blows it out.

Little XiXi's age is exactly the age when he loves to learn the behavior of the people around him. When I see my favorite sister-in-law, I learnt his movements and inhales hard and blows it out, blowing the candle swayingly.

But for a one-year-old child, it is still somewhat difficult for him to concentrate on the wind to blow out the candles, so at the last minute, Yu Jinli helped Little XiXi to blow out the candles on the cake.

At the moment when the candles went out and the entire living room fell into darkness again, the lights in the audience turned on again, and the living room became bright again.

After making a wish and blowing out the birthday candles, it was time to cut and divide the cake.

As a little birthday star, you need to cut the cake first. Yu Jinli picked up the plastic long knife prepared on the table. The blade was not sharp, and even if it was accidentally touched, it would not be scratched.

"Little XiXi, elder brother cut the cake with you, okay?" Yu Jinli's voice rang in Little XiXi's ear, and it also spread to every corner of the living room. Everyone could hear it clearly.

It is the first time that everyone has seen this set of procedures for birthdays, and they all find it extremely interesting. They are also very curious about what to do next and what they will behave.

Unconsciously, the entire meeting room became extremely quiet, and the people who had been talking in twos and threes also stopped talking, stopped their movements, and looked at the cake and Yu Jinli on the stage in unison.

Yu Jinli put the handle of the plastic long knife into Little XiXi's hand, and then his big hand held Little XiXi's small hand and cut the first knife towards the cake.

"Little XiXi is awesome." Looking at the sliced ​​cake, Yu Jinli praised Xiao Xixi without hesitation. By the way, he kissed the white and tender little cheek, and then handed the plastic long knife to Jiang. Mo Sheng, let him continue the process of cutting and dividing the cake that Little XiXi could not complete.

Jiang Mosheng glanced at the hand that Yu Jinli had handed over the long knife, and did not take it at the first time. His eyes were fixed on Yu Jinli's lips, his eyes getting deeper and deeper.

"Ah Mo?" Yu Jinli maintained the motion of handing the knife, looking at Jiang Mosheng with some doubts, wondering why he didn't take it.

However, Jiang Mosheng didn't say a word. He looked at Yu Jinli's red lips and then at the place on Little XiXi's face where Yu Jinli had just kissed him.

Yu Jinli instantly understood what Jiang Mosheng wanted to express, and his original white face was covered with a faint blush.

"Ah Mo, I'll give it to you later." Yu Jinli whispered in a voice that only two of them could hear, lest he might be heard by others.

However, Jiang Mosheng was still stubborn and didn't take the long knife, and his lips were pressed tightly. Obviously, he didn't give up until he reached the goal.

Yu Jinli's helplessness, the blush on his face deepened, knowing that if he didn't do it, Ah Mo would definitely not take the long knife, then more and more people would stare at them, so he would be even more so. I'm sorry.

In the end, Yu Jinli was cruel, closed his eyes, gave Jiang Mosheng a quick kiss on the cheek, then put a long knife into his hand, and hid behind Jiang Zhentao and Qiao Mulan with Little XiXi in his arms.

To block the eyes and gazes of those guests looking at him.

Jiang Mosheng got the reward he wanted and glanced at Yu Jinli who was hiding with a smile in his eyes.

He obediently began to cut the cake.

The guests were very interested in the cakes on the stage, and did not pay much attention to the interaction between Yu Jinli and Jiang Mosheng, only some young people were more excited.

Jiang Mosheng cuts each piece of cake to a very small size, and it looks like it has been measured. The size of each piece is very even, and there will be no more or less cases.

"This is a birthday cake made by my family, Little Chestnut. He said that anyone who eats the cake can get a happy birthday. Please feel welcome and enjoy it." Jiang Zhentao stood on the stage facing the bottom. The guests said that there were smiles on their faces and eyes, and they were obviously very satisfied with the banquet held.

When the other guests heard the words, they all cast envy eyes at Jiang Zhentao, and they were able to get this

Such an excellent daughter-in-law of decathlon, Jiang Zhentao really doesn't know what good luck she had in her last life.

Jiang Zhentao naturally felt the envious eyes delivered by colleagues or other guests, feeling extremely proud and proud, and straightened his chest even more subconsciously.

Even if you envy it any more, Little Chestnut is also his Jiang family's daughter-in-law, you can only stare at it, haha... Jiang Zhentao thought triumphantly in his heart.

Jiang Moma cuts the cake into pieces, and the servants take them down and distribute them to all the guests present.

Because the number of cakes is limited, priority is given to those guests who have been sent invitations. As for the family members brought by the guests, they don't have this good fortune. After all, there are not many cakes.

Many young family members coveted the cake. Seeing that their parents got a small piece, they naturally coaxed them from their elders when they had a good relationship with their elders. If you want, you can only look at those who have cakes to eat with envy.

"It looks delicious." A young man said enviously.

"Birthday cake, don't know how it tastes?"

"It looks almost the same as the pastry on the table." The other person said happily, trying to divert his attention.

Many people worry that they might not help but want to grab it if they watch it any longer, and then it will be really embarrassing.

So they moved to the long-table pastries one after another, and they all picked up pastries and tried to replace cakes with pastries. Anyway, they were delicious, and it was better than nothing.