Chapter 479: Marshal disputes

Jiang Moxi's birthday party ended successfully. Both the Jiang Zhentao family as the host and the guests who came to the party were very satisfied.

In addition, birthday cakes quickly became popular on Numerous netizens flooded into Yu Jinli's star blog, calling for him to make more cakes for sale, especially those who had birthdays recently. Netizens are splattering and rolling, all kinds of fancy cakes.

Although many people can't celebrate a grand birthday like Jiang Mo said, if they can eat egg cake, it can be regarded as a meaningful birthday with the same style.

However, making cakes is not so easy, especially decorating cakes, which takes time and energy, and even if Yu Jinli is making them all day, he can't make a few cakes.

In the end, Yu Jinli directly posted the birthday cake making method and the drawings of the tools needed to Xingbo, so that netizens who like birthday cakes can practice making them at home.

Of course, netizens can make it at home, but they can't use it for commercial purposes. The Federation is also very aware of copyright. If anyone wants to use it for commercial purposes, they will first buy cakes from Yu Jinli. Production rights.

The first birthday party of Jiang Mo, the kid is over. Jiang Zhentao and Tang Qixu have a general understanding of the business leaders who attended the birthday party. After returning to the military, they held another high-level meeting, and the content of the meeting was to be determined. Candidate for the third marshal.

Of course, these have nothing to do with Jiang Mosheng and Yu Jinli for the time being.

The weekend passed and Yu Jinli returned to school again. He found that the things that could be taught to him in the school were limited. Whether it was card manufacturing or mecha manufacturing, he had already mastered more than the teachers in the school could teach him. , To continue learning step by step in school, it is just a waste of time for him.

Therefore, Yu Jinli wants to graduate from school as soon as possible, and has a full schedule of study time every day.

The class F students learned of Yu Jinli's decision. Although they were very disappointed, they also knew that it would be a waste of time for Yu Jinli to stay in school.

Of course, they also want to graduate from school as soon as possible with Yu Jinli. Unfortunately, their learning gift is still much worse than Yu Jinli. Being able to skip the sophomore and go directly to the junior is the result of very hard work.

What's more, they now have to not only study, but also use their spare time to cultivate their mental power, so they have less time and energy to learn theoretical knowledge.

But fortunately, everyone is now in the Mythical Beast Army. After graduation, they will also work for the Mythical Beast Army. Then they will still be good friends and comrades-in-arms, and they can also be contacted through personal terminals. And earn points.

The candidate list of the third marshal of the military has come out, and the background information of each candidate has been investigated clearly, and the final list is determined after there are no problems.

The military department also contacted the candidates privately and informed them of the way the marshal was elected.

And also informed them of the duties and powers that this marshal should have.

There are five candidates for the military marshal, which does not include Jian Kangtai recommended by Yuan Qizhang. After all, the way for the candidates to decide on the marshal is bidding, which is to spend money to buy the position of marshal, who will pay the price.

The highest rank, who will be the third marshal of the military.

In order to prevent Jian Kangtai from finally overwhelming the group and causing the military to usher in a marshal who is not so good in character, Jiang Zhentao and Tang Qixu did not put him on the candidate list.

However, because Jian Kangtai was the candidate recommended by Yuan Qizhang, he failed to enter the shortlist, which was a shame for Yuan Qizhang.

Sure enough, after Yuan Qizhang learned about this, his attitude and impression of the military department became even worse. At this time, he had firmly believed that the reason why the military department did not choose Jian Kangtai was to sing against him. To evade his power.

Jian Kangtai also learned of the news. Although the Military Ministry has strictly forbidden five candidates to disclose their information, otherwise they will lose their candidacy. However, Jian Kangtai and Yuan Qizhang have been in close contact recently, and Yuan Qizhang learned of this. The news is naturally impossible _ personally disgusted with the military department, so he told Jian Kangtai about it with enthusiasm.

Originally thought that the position of the marshal was his own Jane Kangtai, and suddenly heard that he had not even been able to enter the candidate list, naturally he was furious, and Yuan Qizhang added fuel and jealousy next to him, Jane Kangtai thought it was all The military department deliberately.

Regardless of his status in the business world or his family's heritage and wealth, Jian Kangtai was able to enter the list of candidates no matter what, but the military did not even give him the qualifications of a candidate.

Jian Kangtai immediately resented the military department and all the candidates as Yuan Qizhang's wish.

However, no matter how resentful Yuan Qizhang and Jian Kangtai were, they couldn't openly intervene in the military's decision, and the day to elect a marshal soon came.

If the news of using money to buy the position of a marshal was spread out, it would be unpleasant. Therefore, the campaign of the marshal was conducted in private, presided over by two marshals and some generals in the military.

Because the position of the marshal is too attractive, even if there is no real power, it is already very attractive just because the family can become a first-class family. Therefore, when bidding, everyone can increase the price vigorously. Hope to win the position of marshal.

Among the five candidates, Liu Yeqin's worth is the highest, and his family is the deepest. When the asking price reaches more than tens of billions, some people gradually start to withdraw.

After all, no matter how attractive the position of the marshal is, you can't exchange all of your wealth. Even if you get the position of marshal, and without funds, many companies will not be able to turn around. It is very likely that you will be a poor marshal by then.

And the reason why the military department recruited such a marshal is not the wealth behind them. If the wealth is gone, or even cannot be recovered in a short time, then once the Federation has something wrong, they will not be the financial backing of the military department. Up.

This is detrimental to both the military and them.

Of course, the main reason for their withdrawal is that their wealth is not as high as that of Qinqin, and continued competition will only hurt both sides.

In the end, Liu Yiqin "buy" the post of marshal with 20 billion and became the third marshal of the military. The military, which has always been in a state of "extreme poverty," heard the 20 billion of funds, and his eyes were all over. , Both eyes can't wait to turn into the symbol of a star coin.

There are no people in this world who don't love money. Even honest soldiers, if wealth is passed to them by proper means, they will not refuse it.

"Congratulations, Marshal Liu." Jiang Zhentao and Tang Qixu took the lead in reaching out to Liu Yiqin friendly

With a sincere smile on his hand and face, he was obviously very satisfied with the result.

"Tongxi, Tongxi, I will ask Marshal Jiang and Marshal Tang for advice in the future." Liu Yiqin still can't believe that he really has become a marshal, and still feels like being in a dream.

Although the other candidates were unwilling, they were indeed not as strong as Liu Yiqin, and Liu Yiqin became a marshal, and his status was higher than before. Even if they were unhappy, they could see the reality clearly, and they all rushed over to meet Liu Yiqin. Congratulations.

"The inauguration ceremony of the marshal was held together with the military rank upgrade ceremony. What do you think?" Jiang Zhentao asked Liu Yiqin with a smile.

"Yes, you can." Liu Yiqin replied excitedly.

Jiang Zhentao and Tang Qixu were planning to wait for the marshal's inauguration ceremony to begin and announce the marshal candidates. However, they didn't expect that the marshal's inauguration ceremony had not yet begun, and the inauguration of the marshal had not yet been officially announced. It was reported on the Internet that "spending money" News of "Buy Marshal"^

Originally, Jiang Zhentao and Tang Qixu were sure that even if the reasons for the position of Marshal Liu Yiqin were announced, it would not arouse anger and opposition from the masses. After all, they had already planned the announcement and the countermeasures, but only Unexpectedly, this incident would be leaked out in advance, and the leaked news was still after adding oil and vinegar, which caused a great response from netizens.

Of course, netizens didn't believe the news at first. After all, the image of the military in the hearts of the federation people has always been very good. How could such a ridiculous incident occur?

[Spending money to buy the position of Marshal, can this news be even more cute? If the position of the marshal can be bought with money, then I don't need to buy anything else, can I buy the status of a soldier? ]

[I can't believe it. Now the reasons for slandering the military are getting more and more adorable. You can even think of this kind of reason. Are those sunspots already inferior? ]

[Who is so abominable to slander the military? It's impossible. Okay, how important is the marshal to the federal state? How can it be bought at a price? Will the sunspots explode on the spot?]

[Hehe, how holy do you think the military headquarters is? They are also a group of laymen, okay? In the face of money, you may not be able to hold your heart. ]

[Heizi upstairs get away. When you were here to slander the military headquarters, did you ever think that you were in danger? Where did the first person to rescue you come from? Wouldn't your conscience hurt if you slandered the military like this?]

On the Internet, the news of "spending money to buy the position of the marshal" caused many netizens to tear up. Of course, fans of the military still had the upper hand, until someone showed evidence to confirm this, and the military has always been Without a word of clarification, netizens gradually had to believe this fact, and at the same time they were really puzzled by the military's approach.

[The faces of those who support the military have been beaten and swollen, right? Don't you think the military department is very holy? Is the fantasy shattered? ]

[I don't believe it. I don't believe that the military will do this. This must be a rumor. It must be a conspiracy of Mei Empire. Mei Empire has just been defeated by us. It must be that they are unwilling to spread such rumors on purpose and want us and The military is centrifugal. ]

[Everyone calm down. The military officials have not issued any statements. Before that, I hope everyone can calm down a bit and wait for the official explanation. Do not follow the ways of the sunspots and be led by their noses. ]

[What I said upstairs is very reasonable. We don't know what the matter is. Maybe there is a reason behind it? ]

[Hehe, are you still struggling? To put it bluntly, the military can't stand the temptation of money, so I gave the position of marshal to a businessman. No matter which field it is, there are corrupt people, but If this corrupt person is in a high position, then this entire force will be ruined. ]

[@Military official star blog, I hope military officials will come out to clarify, and don't let us supporters chill. ]

This matter has become more and more serious on the Internet, and more and more netizens have participated in the discussion. Many netizens are even very radical in their behaviors and words, and they are obviously led by the guide behind the scenes.

Jiang Zhentao and Tang Qixu immediately began to discuss countermeasures after learning the news. Originally, they planned to announce the news to everyone at the inauguration ceremony of the marshal, but they did not expect that the plan was disrupted and had to be announced in advance. Candidate to be appointed as Marshal.