Chapter 506: You Can Only Rely On Yourself

The Federation headquarters has been paying attention to the planet and the situation of the zombies, and the brows have never been stretched.

In addition to the appearance of zombies on the edge of the planet, there have also been several cases of zombies in other places one after another, but since they were discovered in time, they were all disposed of, so there were no major losses and casualties.

But this planet on the edge is not so lucky. Judging from the information and videos sent back,

The entire planet was seriously damaged. Although most people were rescued, with this zombie attack, I'm afraid there will be fewer people willing to settle on this planet in the future.

After being rescued, the people on the fringe planets who were attacked by the zombies were quickly temporarily arranged on other nearby living planets, and then waited for the unified arrangement of the government.

Those who have been scratched or injured by zombies are not so lucky. The transferred crowd does not include these. Even some senior military generals advocate that these people should be resolved immediately, because sooner or later they will become Zombie, then it is better to solve it as soon as possible, and save time and trouble.

But no one wants to attack his compatriots, especially those compatriots who have no power to restrain the chicken.

Their fate is already very miserable. Wouldn't it be even more miserable to end their lives in this way? Even soldiers who are accustomed to seeing blood can't bear it.

Fortunately, things are not without room for change. The young man who had accepted Yu Jinli Qing'erdan before was isolated and observed by the white tiger. For 24 hours, the blood in the other party's wound was still black, but it was not. There is no sign of the corpse, and he still maintains his sense.

Bai Hu informed Yu Jinli of the result. Yu Jinli went down to check the young man again. This time he directly pumped spiritual power into the opponent's body, and was surprised to find that the corpse poison was all trapped near the wound. There is no sign of proliferation.

Although the corpse poison has not been eliminated, the young man is still in danger, but as long as the corpse poison does not spread, then he will not undergo corpse transformation.

Yu Jinli knew that it was Qing'erdan's credit, so he asked Baihu to distribute the remaining Qing'erdan, let those injured take it, and continue to isolate them.

Although these people have temporarily escaped the doom of the corpse, as long as the antidote is not studied for a day, they are still in danger, but their hope of survival is greater.

Those injured people are always in the fear of becoming zombies. When they heard the news suddenly, it was like catching the life-saving duckweed, desperately heading towards Baihuyong, wanting him Qing Erdan in the hand^

"Be quiet, everyone. This can only temporarily control the corpse poison in your body, but it is not completely resolved. You are still in danger of corpse transformation. So even if you take it, you must stay here for isolation. If you are willing to accept these conditions, you can come to me to receive Qing Erdan.

"Baihu told everyone about all the precautions, and everyone has the right to choose.

In the face of living hope, what is this little freedom? As long as they are still alive, they will hope to wait until the real antidote appears, and then they will be like normal people again.

Therefore, most people chose to obey the order and continue to isolate, but there are also a small number of people who feel that it is better to be alive than dead.

How do you choose in the end? Baihu can't intervene. Seeing some people choose not to take Qingerdan, 06:55 S 1/4 94.2%

Gradually they became zombies, and then they begged Baihu to kill them. Even if Baihu and others couldn't bear it, they had to deal with it cruelly. I only hope that the antidote can be researched quickly, so that humans can truly hope.

The people who served Qingerdan are still isolated in an area, they are not allowed to leave here, and there will be troops patrolling nearby.

Fortunately, the number of these people is not large, otherwise Qing Erdan is not enough, and the soldiers on patrol are afraid to allocate more.

The uninjured humans were all rescued and moved to nearby planets in the first place. There were very few people living on marginal planets. Now, the entire planet is quarantined except for those who stayed here because of injuries. The army has no longer seen the existence of other people, and it has become even more desolate.

Without living humans, the number of zombies will no longer increase, and one less will be eliminated. Therefore, it is relatively easy to clean up. Soon the tide of zombies subsided with the help of the plant card made by Yu Jinli.

Under the leadership of Jiang Mosheng, the Mythical Beast Army completed this rescue mission beautifully. After all the zombies were wiped out and cremated, they led the team back to the court.

As for how the rescued people should be resettled later, that is the government's business.

This time he came to Edge Planet, Yu Jinli has fully verified the role of the plant card. After returning to the Capital Star, he went to the Card Makers Association as soon as possible and handed in a copy of the newly researched plant card to the system. Card Master Association.

All the staff of the Card Makers Association, including the president, are very familiar with Yu Jinli. After all, such a young A-level card maker will only appear in this _ after several hundred years.

What's more, Yu Jinli's achievements in card making are not only becoming an A-level card maker, but also so many original energy cards he has researched over the years.

As long as Yu Jinli appears in the Association of Card Makers, he will either come to an exam and upgrade, or he will develop a new original energy card.

Therefore, when the staff of the Association of Card Makers saw Yu Jinli appear, they were very excited, and even the president was shocked.

"I wonder if Master Yu came here this time but has developed a new original energy card?" The president narrowed his eyes with a smile, and said with a little excitement.

Yu Jinli nodded, and handed the newly-researched plant card to the president, and said, "This is the plant card that I have just researched recently. I want to open these plant cards to all Federation card makers to learn how to draw and use them. ..."

Yu Jinli hasn't finished speaking yet. The chairman and the staff around him all have surprised and unbelievable expressions. You must know that the original energy card is the proudest achievement of a card maker, let alone open learning to draw. Yes, even if they draw it by themselves, they are reluctant to sell it, but what did they hear?

Yu Jinli is actually preparing to open up the right to learn drawing and use?

"Do you really want to open up these rights?" The president confirmed again.

Without the consent of the creators, even the Association of Card Makers cannot learn to draw and use it privately. If Yu Jinli is serious, then they must learn first time.

"Yes, but I have one condition." Yu Jinli continued.

"What are the conditions?" The president was still very excited. Even if Yu Jinli said that he had the conditions, he still felt a sense of earning.

"All card makers of these energy cards can learn to draw and use them. As long as they are not used to do bad things, there are no other limitations. But if the military needs them, they must unconditionally help to make these energy cards. Of course. At that time, the military will give certain rewards and compensations." Yu Jinli said solemnly.

These energy cards are important weapons used to deal with zombies, but he can't explain to the president about the zombies at present, so he can only ask for this temporarily, and I hope you don't get to the bottom of it.

In fact, how can the president get to the bottom? After all, it is a great thing for other cardmakers to have the right to learn to make and use, not to mention that the military will also give certain rewards and compensations. , Even if it is free production, they are willing to.

Although the president doesn't know what Yu Jinli's condition is, but compared with this condition, the benefits he gives are much better. After all, these original energy cards can be learned and used by the card maker at will. It is definitely a great thing for other card makers, there is no possibility of rejection at all.

Therefore, when the Association of Card Makers announced the news and the conditions of Yu Jinli were also announced, the card makers who came to study flocked to it and almost broke the door of the Association of Card Makers.

After solving the source of the plant card, Yu Jinli went to the First Military Academy non-stop and found students in Class F.

The students of Class F and Yu Jinli are in a team, and he has opened up the production rights of plant cards to all card makers, so naturally, the backbone of Class F will not be left behind.

Yu Jinli taught class F students how to draw these plant cards as quickly as possible, and asked them to step up their time and practice more recently. They can make as many as they can, which is useful.

The F classmates did not ask too much about the reason, but stepped up their time to practice and produce, because they knew that Yu Jinli must have his reason for asking like this.

After the arrangements for the plant cards were completed, Yu Jinli sent several talismans to Master and Senior Brothers in succession, hoping that they could help refine some Qingerdan, and by the way asked about the apocalyptic events on the earth.

Yu Jinli has not experienced that period of history, so I don't know if zombies also appeared when the earth entered the end times. Did the zombies appear the same as now? How did humans respond at that time? In the end, has there been any antidote?

Yu Jinli wanted to ask too many questions, but he did not think about letting Master and Senior Brother come out of the mountain to help mankind again.

The position of Master and Senior Brother is different from his. Master once helped mankind thousands of years ago, and now he has finally regained peace. He definitely doesn't want mankind to disturb them again.

Even after thousands of years, the existence of fairies is still alien to humans. If they are accidentally exposed, it will take a long time to regain the peace they are now.

What's more, human beings have become much stronger now, and the zombies are not insoluble

It's just that the antidote is tricky, so Yu Jinli wanted to ask Master and Brother for help.

Long Su'an's messenger came back soon, and he told Yu Jinli in detail about the history of the earth entering the end times.

At that time, humans were still very weak, and they couldn't face the invasion of zombies with human power alone, so the fairies were born and helped humans to fight against zombies.

But at that time, the number of fairies was too small, even though each of them was powerful, but facing

There are tens of thousands of times as many zombies as they are, and the zombies that can't die without hitting their heads are still powerless, so in the end the fairies are more to help humans escape from the earth and find new places to live.

As for the antidote, it was not researched until humans found a new place to live, and the number of zombies on earth remained unchanged because there were no new humans to transform. After the fairies sent away the living humans, they Going back and removing the zombies bit by bit, returning to the peace of the earth, and sealing the earth to prevent her from being harmed.

This is the ending after the arrival of the end of the earth, and no real antidote has been developed, so this time in the interstellar age can only rely on human beings.

After reading this information, Yu Jinli was not completely disappointed, because it was all in his expectation. Fortunately, there were still a lot of materials for making Qingerdan on Master's side, and Master also agreed to help refine the Qingerdan. Erdan.

As long as the spread of those corpse poisons can be suppressed and the researchers can buy precious time, I believe that one day, humans will research the real antidote, destroy all the zombies, and usher in new life again!