Chapter 507: Star Network Public Opinion

After Yu Jinli solved the Qingerdan issue, the rest of the time was basically spent on researching and drawing the plants in the upgraded version of "Plants vs. Zombies."

Because this game has several seasons, the types of plants in each season are not the same, and they all have their own functions. He chooses the right one, and draws the lines easily, and strives to draw more different plants, and then face it. Zombie attacks will also be more effective.

There was no news about zombies in this period of time, but it didn't make people relax at all. As long as the antidote was not researched out for a day, everyone would have no peace of mind.

At the beginning, Jiang Zhentao quarantined people who had taken the power enhancement liquid for reasonable reasons, but over time, those who lost their freedom did not know the specific reason, even if Jiang Zhentao's reason was reasonable, they I still felt nervous and flustered. I always felt that things were not as simple as they thought, and I didn't know why I was isolated.

Therefore, more and more people are demanding to lift the ban on themselves and to go home.

These people are untimely bombs for the Federation, and the military does not agree to let them go.

However, these people who have taken the power enhancement liquid have a relatively strong background. It is either rich or noble. It is obviously not a way to keep in isolation like this. Even if the military department pressures them, such unreasonable house arrest will make people feel very much. dissatisfied.

As a result, rumors such as the military ministry's unprovoked house arrest of national pillars gradually began to appear on the Star Network, in an attempt to use the pressure of public opinion to force the military to release people.

These quarantined family members naturally hope that they can come back, and of course they will follow the rhythm on the star network to put pressure on the military.

The military department has been under pressure recently, but for the future of the Federation, for the future of mankind, these people still cannot release them until the antidote is researched out, and news about the military's unprovoked detainees is on the Star Network. It's getting worse.

[what's going on? The military detains innocent people for no reason? Still not letting them go home? Who is spreading the rumors. ]

[Now it is true that the spread of rumors is all based on a mouth. If there is no offense, how could the military department imprison innocent people for no reason? The military department is the protector of our Federation. ]

[What a guardian, these are really good, my uncle was taken away by the military under the name of investigation, and the result has not been released yet, but my uncle did not commit anything, on the contrary, he donates every year The military paid a lot of money to the military, but it turned out that the military paid back to my uncle in this way. It was too much!

[My dad was also taken away by the military. My dad is the Director of the Bureau of Education. He has been working hard and conscientious. As a result, who knew that the military would take the person away and put him under house arrest. He would not be allowed to go home, nor would we let us? To visit, even if my dad is guilty, he must be given a clear charge. As a result, we went to the military department several times and the other party did not give a clear conviction. He just said that he invited my dad to be a guest for a few days. Did not put it back, what exactly does the military want? ]

[real or fake? Is the military detaining people for no reason? But they have no reason to do this? ] [Why there is no reason? Didn't you see that the complaints were all family members of senior executives or upper-class family members of the business community? The military department is obviously ambitious, and wants to be a big one, and it's starting to attack the bigwigs of the other two circles.

[It seems that you know what you said upstairs. Do you know that you are making rumors, framing, and you are going to go to court. Waiting upstairs to be summoned by the court. ]

There is a lot of noise on the Star Network at this moment, and there are discussions about this matter everywhere, but there are many supporters of the military department. Everyone does not believe that the military department will detain those people for no reason. They all stand on the side of the military department and support the military department. .

However, it is true that the military department detained people, although the reason is not what those people who spread rumors on the Internet thought, but once this matter is confirmed, I am afraid that the reputation of the military department will plummet, and it will not benefit them at all.

The military officials are also very worried and worried about this, but they are unable to make the truth public and can only let the netizens guess at will.

These public opinions, which the military can't suppress, have given some people opportunities, especially Yuan Qizhang and government leaders who have always regarded the military as a thorn in their eyes.

The reason why public opinion has been fermented to the present level is driven by Yuan Qizhang.

"I didn't expect the military to be so stupid this time, and took the initiative to send the handle to our hands. Wouldn't we be too sorry for their'work hard' without it?" Yuan Qizhang stared at the movement of the star network, his mouth raised, Qi _ wipes an unkind smile on his face.

The ministers of various government departments are sitting below, paying attention to the movement of the star network, silently complaining about the stupidity of the military department, and at the same time feeling lucky.

"Since the military department has taken the initiative to give us the opportunity, we will help them. Even if the military department can't be brought down this time, we must destroy their reputation and prestige in the hearts of the masses." Yuan Qi Zhang Leng Said the voice.

"Yes." The people below all responded together, they are all old fried dough sticks in the political circle. They have already done such things with ease. They don't need to tell you exactly how to do it. They all know how to do it.

Yuan Qizhang has always wanted to reduce the military's prestige in the hearts of the people, and has always wanted to seize the opponent's handle. Unfortunately, the opponent was too cunning to catch it. Unexpectedly, they were so stupid that they took the initiative to send the handle to the door. Up.

No matter what tricks the military department is doing this time, he will definitely pull the military department down this time. At least Jiang Zhentao and his son will be pulled down.

As a result, public opinion on the Star Network has become more and more intense, and more and more people have participated in the discussion of this matter. The family members of those who have been quarantined by the Military Ministry who have taken the power enhancement liquid are constantly on the Star Network. Xi Mu, want to take this opportunity to "rescue" his relatives.

The military department is now full of worries.

Because I don't want to cause panic among the masses, things about zombies _ have been kept from the public. Although I know that they will be exposed sooner or later, especially after a large-scale zombie wave occurs on the fringe stars, it is more likely that you can't hide it, but it can be more. To hide it for a while counts as a moment.

However, who knew that the government and the business community were dragging their feet behind, and constantly pressured them to release those who would change their bodies from time to time. It was simply disregarding the safety of the masses.

However, these people don't know about the zombies. Those who don't know are not guilty, and the military can't convict them. In the end, all the pressure can only be carried on their own, and these big masters are about to blew up in place.

"It's impossible for the masses to reach this level of anger alone. There must be someone behind it." Liu Yiqin said to Jiang Zhentao, watching the discussion on the star network.

Although Liu Yeqin does not have the real power of the marshal, he is also a marshal after all, and he also knows about the zombies.

Moreover, as he fumbled in the business world, he clearly saw things more deeply than the straightforward men of the military department, and he could think of the inner layer from the surface.

"Who is this hateful? We are so distressed that we are still helping out here. This is disregarding the safety of human beings. I really want to kill him!" A grumpy general couldn't help but pat the table and stand. Got up and cursed.

Even if the officers who don't like to be on the star network, they have been forced to scan a lot of news in recent days. After all, this is about the reputation of the military. The military is for the sake of all mankind and has not done anything against humanity. , But being so slandered by people on the star network is a personal irritability, not to mention the soldiers who are more straight-tempered and irritable.

If it weren't for a star network separated from those who spread the rumors, these soldiers and officers would really want to draw their guns and destroy those who speak irresponsibly.

"This matter can be handled by me, and I will find out who is leading the rhythm on the star network as soon as possible." Liu Yiqin said, pushing his eyes on the bridge of his nose.

Although he is just a listed marshal, since the military department has given him such an honor, then he has to do something for the military department. In addition to providing military supplies, he must of course help.

Fighting with a gun is very simple for soldiers, but it is too difficult for them to deal with public opinion and guide public opinion. If the military is allowed to solve it by itself, I am afraid that it will be hacked and cannot be solved.

Therefore, the last thing was left to Liu Yiqin, and the officers felt that it was not a bad thing to have a business man as a marshal for the first time.

In addition to the public opinion incident on the Star Network, there was also a sensational incident in the First Military Academy, which may even cause a sensation in the entire card maker industry, and this incident should start from the contradiction between the two family members.

After being taught by Yu Jinli about plant card drawing, class F students, except for the fixed time for self-study of the three or four courses every day, all the rest are used to practice drawing plant cards.

Fortunately, the lines of the plant card are much simpler than the Pokémon card, so everyone did not find it too difficult to practice.

Class F students learn to draw energy cards since they started, they will keep drawing and practicing at least_ a hundred times a day.

They have become accustomed to this frequency, so whether they are drawing energy cards that they would have used before or learning new energy cards, they are very quick to learn, and the speed of learning even surprises students in other classes and grades.

It is precisely because the learning speed of Class F is so fast and the results achieved are so high that it attracts the envy and hatred of many people, and Liu Yuanhui is one of the most jealous of them.

Liu Yuanhui is Liu Yuansu's half-sister, and the relationship between the two has been extremely bad since she was a child. Liu Yuanhui often relies on her mother to bully Liu Yuansu. She wants to compare everything with each other and is better than each other.

At the beginning Liu Yuansu was directly enrolled in the military academy with her quota. She was already jealous. Later, she tried hard to get into the military academy and learned that the F class of this brother was not discriminated against or despised.

There are even quite a few admirers. What's more, this elder brother should have been in sophomore year, but when she came to the school to report, she learned that they had skipped to junior year.

This fact makes her very difficult to accept. She doesn't believe that Liu Yuansu can skip a grade, and she still

The skipping is successful, the people in Class F should obviously be useless, right?

Since then, Liu Yuanhui has hated and jealous of Liu Yuansu even more. Why can a person with a mother but not a mother be liked by so many people, and why can he jump directly? He is obviously a waste of only G in his mental power.

However, at that time, Liu Yuanhui had just entered the First Military Academy. Even if she wanted to trouble Liu Yuansu, she was not too high-profile. After all, there were still many supporters and admirers of Class F at that time.

Now Liu Yuanhui has been in the No. 1 Military Academy for more than a year, and she knows about the situation at the No. 1 Military Academy.

However, as she learned more about the school, she became more jealous of Liu Yuansu, jealous of all the students in Class F, and even Yu Jinli, who brought changes and glory to Class F, became jealous.

If it weren't for Yu Jinli, Class F wouldn't be what it is now, and Liu Yuansu would not be liked by so many people. He should still be the gloomy wild species that is not liked by anyone!

She will never let Liu Yuansu get better, and he is not worthy of such a good life. She must show him his true colors and let everyone know that he is a waste!