Chapter 13 : Messenger

A few days have passed since I last met Drake. I've been spending a lot of time with my family; at the manor.

That's right, I'm free!!



Well, technically I escaped, but meh.

I mean, I have to be back in two hours or they'll start a kingdom-wide search for me but, schematics.

I left a note!

Well, my "kidnapper" left a note.

Don't worry, it's fine.

I just have to hide if someone wearing the church garb comes to fetch me.

No problems at all.


Jullianne's cute though!

She has this space between her two front teeth so her words come out lisped and it's adorable. We're currently playing with her dolls because I'm a softie who will do anything for his sister.

This life, anyways.

"Antonio," Irene says as she stomps over.

Seriously, mom, can't you make me feel more masculine by lightening your steps like last life?

"Yes, Mommy?" I ask her, a blinding smile on my face.

What? I know her tones, I can tell when I'm about to be in trouble. There's no harm in softening the blow by smiling and acting cute.

Irene fights a gush, (I see through you, Mother!) and coughs shortly.

"Why is there someone from the church at my door stammering that you've been kidnapped by 'ruffians'?" She asks, trying to be serious as she uses her hands to make quotation marks.

I tilted my head and looked up at her through the very thick lashes I inherited from Sheri.

"Mommy..." I pout, tears welling up in my eyes.

out of the corner of my eye, I see Jullianne mimick me. Good girl!

"I wanted to see my family...I'm always stuck in that stupid office doing paperwork...I missed my family," I tell her, letting a few tears fall down my face.

Damn, I'm good. But Jullianne's better. It's waterworks over here, she even gripped my sleeve. Oh, she's good. It's adorable!

It's true though.

I don't see Sheri and Irene as often as I used to because I don't live at home anymore and they're getting busier.

I'm lonely, for goddess' sake.

Irene simply sighs and picks me up. I know, I'm almost thirteen and my giant of a mother is still picking me up like a toddler. I got used to it quickly. Because she just won't stop. T_T

"Be that as it may, you can't just disappear and worry everyone."

That's true. Darnit.

"But mommmmmyyyy..." I howl, tightening my arms around her neck as I burrowed further into her.

She makes a...noise and I know I've got her hook, line, and sinker. Works every time.

She sighs again.

"What if we...visit more?"




"Now that that's settled, we have to deal with the church."

He-he. No. I'll be killed by that lying bastard of a geezer. Yes, I'm talking about the ex-Pope what's his name...I can't remember but that asshole dumped an insane amount of work on a CHILD and didn't help! I'm pretty sure he's at a beach on the coast enjoying fruity drinks with his granddaughters are he works in one of our many branches "healing" people.



"I don't wanna," I moaned.

"Too bad." Irene stated, as she led me to my doom.