"Antonio," Irene called from across the room.
We're currently on a snowy mountain hot springs vacation trip!
Why, yes, I did name the trip. I like it, so who cares what you think!
We're somewhere in the west, I know that much but geography has never been my strong suit. I feel like I never get this much quality time with my mothers, but I guess that's what this is for. To spend time together as a family; it's a fun little two-day getaway for Irene, Sheri, and me.
Today was so fun!! We went snowboarding and Ice skated, We had warm soup and rice cakes! After the outdoor activities, we retired into this beautiful royal green sitting room and Sheri read a book to me by the fire!
After that, I fell asleep and took a small nap before eating lunch (which was chicken with a yummy mushroom sauce and greens). We then explored the hot springs we were renting before setting back in the parlor for some watermelon slices.
Finally, we went into the hot springs!
It felt like HEAVEN!!
It was wonderful.
I told Irene and Sheri that, and they started laughing. Not mean laughing, though...Happy laughing. Anyways, they were smiling and Irene ruffled my hair before throwing me into the giant bed were sharing. Irene was on my left and Sheri was on my right.
I fell asleep to Sheri finishing that book she started earlier.
Today was great!