Chapter 23 : Here be DRAGONSSSS

It's so hot.

Why did I agree to come to this port town?

It's so fucking hot.


Oh fuc-dge it! it's so hot I can't even curb my cursing.

So hot.

"I loathe you," I told my perfectly content guard--who so happens to be my mother, Irene. She looks perfectly happy in this hellhole of a blazing heat fest meanwhile I am dying inside my goddess-given robes. Why they don't come with insulation, I have no clue. Some to bring up with the heathen. I also didn't get my wyvern egg. Maybe because we were all a bit distracted after my shambled birthday ball? Possibly, but it's still another thing against the goddess.

Irene is laughing at me. I am not pouting. Nope.

"Relax, Mejhavor, it will get cold soon enough. and we're near the sea! Consider this a vacation! We could go swimming! I am glad I brought your mother and sister along! Family vacation!" Irene says in her thick accent.

You're probably wondering about the word, "Mejhavor". It means Beloved in my mother's native tongue. She spent her later teens in this nation but she was born and raised for many years in her native country, Tenque, in a small tribe known as the Tengues (Ten-Gu-s) and learned their language, beliefs, heritage, and history before coming to Avaris, the nation Aphrite calls home.

But yeah, this bish isn't affected by the heat like I am since her homeland is basically a desert paradise. Rude. At least Sheri and Juli are as desolate as I am.

"I love you," I told Sheri, my tone serious, and both my moms laughed.

"You love me, not because I birthed you and am an amazing mother, but because I'm sweating just as much as you are?" She asked.

Well, when you put it like that...

I nodded and they laughed again.

Juli just sighed for where she was sitting in the cool carriage.

"Remind me again why I can't be with Juli in the carriage?"

"You, my dear young pope are a beacon of light to the soldiers around you. It would no good for them to slave away in this heat for you whilst you relax in the comfortable shade of your magical carriage." Irene said.

"At least you are comfortable, no?" She added.

That's true. This stirrup is very comfortable for my behind. Like a cloud.

"So why does Juli get to be in the carriage and not suffering with us?" I asked them.

"She's a girl, Antonio." Sheri said but at my raised eyebrow she continued, "And she's not the pope." I huffed but accepted her reasonings.

"Fine, but on the way back, she suffers with us," I told them.

"You're going to make your seven-year-old sister suffer in this heat?" Irene asked, humor in her eyes.

"Yes." I deadpanned.

I am that petty, after all.