After I opened the pink door, Valeria and tophat-Lemont, led me to a blue door which contained a beach and... mermaids in a cove.
"Not here, either." Valerian toned.
"...Unless you wanted to be dragged to the seafloor and drowned?" Lemont decided to add.
I don't think I like him.
Next was a yellow door.
It was a ballroom, again, full to the brim with dancing victorian shadow couples in masks.
It was...enchanting.
"Oh, lovely! I imagine we have time for a pitstop, wouldn't you agree, Lemont?"
"Certainly," Lemont said before extending his arm towards Valerian.
She took it and they walked inside the door, their outfits instantly changing into a blood-red costume dress (Valerian) and a black suit for Lemont.
Valerian looked back at me, "Well, come along, dearie."
I hesitantly stepped through the door and found that my...garments changed as well.
As I stepped inside I noted that my outfit changed into a long slitted blue skirt that was layered and covered in golden flowers; a white corset that didn't restrict anything and was more for decoration; with these armbands that had silk trailing behind me, catching the wind when I walked. The ensemble was completed with this beautiful crown on my suddenly styled hair.
"Oh, you look beautiful, dearie!"
"T-t-thanks," I muttered and stepped fully into the ballroom.