The music was ancient but lively.
Fast enough to lull the senses, but slow enough that the dance becomes hypnotic and even, exotic. I was hiding. Yes, you heard me. Hiding. From those shadow people.
Valerian and Tophat abandoned me to the swarm the second we entered this strange Black marble ballroom to dance the night...or day away.
It's honestly beautiful.
Black is the main color, the marble seemingly dyed the darkest shade they could find. The floor is black, but like a glowing black, with gold and green colored cracks, making it strange and enchanting. Natural, almost.
Gold and green are everywhere, the curtains, tables, chairs, ceiling, lights. Even some of the dancers are in green or gold.
I am officially at a Slytherin party.
Ah, I feel so at home.
Well, maybe.
Never did find out what house I was in. Hmm.
Where was I? Ah, yes. Back to hiding. Those toads. hoards, I tell you, all wanting to see who the flesh bag is.
And I wanted to dance too. I mean, this ballroom dressed me for the occasion. I think.
Oh well, I think I'll just sneak into the dance by snagging Valerian from Lemont.
I like her better.
Yes, let's do that.