Chapter 68: Birthday blues


My most recent birthday, how joyous.

I wonder if this is a punishment of a sort, making me relive drake's death.

Being unable to do anything except watch, again.

Fail, again.

To see the light in his eyes dim, his strong chest stop moving, to see his mouth stop smiling.

This was the worst day of my life, and Goddess forbid, I refuse to relive it.

And yet, it was like I couldn't look away.

Stuck, as I was, to the look on his face; pure, adolescent, joyous in its youth. Mine was similar, more starstruck. Like I was speaking to my crush for the first time. I couldn't look away from the happy image of us dancing, of my first kiss...

And then I stood there, shuddering, screaming, crying, as I watched him die for me, saw myself breaking down with him in my arms.

Reliving it all over again.

No one should have to do that.

I wouldn't wish this feeling on my worst enemies. No, I wouldn't wish this feeling on my stepmother. Because even though she starved me, and despised me, she was a living, breathing human being. No matter how cold her heart was.

The next time I woke up It wasn't in that strange memory-reliving place anymore.

I was in a dark room, on a blood-red chaise.

And there was... "Cyanide!" I cried, throwing my arms around the newborn blue dragon.

"Mommy missed you so much!" I cooed and planted a big, wet kiss on Cyanide's forehead...thing. It's not really a forehead, more like an indent, before two shallow holes on the sides of his oddly shaped head where his ears are.

"...Mommy?" A deep, and oddly seductive (bad ears! We are too young to think a voice is seductive!) voice asks.

Oh. A very tall, dark, and seductive body to go with that voice.

Hello, very handsome man.

"...Hello, person who shouldn't refer to me with such a title." Why did I say that? I should not be clapping back right now! No witty comments, brilliant mind of mine!

...I may be becoming narcissistic.

The TDS (Tall, Dark, and Seductive) man simply laughed, luckily, but after that beautiful and deep laugh left his thin-lipped mouth, he smiled.

Gosh, be still you traitorous fudging heart.'s not legal...somewhere....

But it's also legal somewhere else...

Goddess help me.

"...My name Is Dray-Xel Darke, at your service, Shoxebringer."

Dray-Xel? Alien? Future person being thing? Shoxebringer?
