"Drayxillion, what kind of name is that?" I asked hesitantly.
"Bless you."
"Don't bless you? Are you a satanic worshiper? Is there even a Satanic equivalent in this world? ARE you satan? Is there a satanic god that has worshippers who sacrifice others and practice cannibalism? Whatever, the goddess and I take back our blessing you toa-"
"I didn't sneeze!" Mr. TDS said with exasperation.
Oh. "Well, why didn't you just say that?" I snapped back at him.
"I have a name, Dartmite, use it."
"It's DRAY-XEL."
I raised an eyebrow. "There's no need to yell, Dramatax, we're inside. Use your inside voice, you infidel."
...What's an infidel, mind?
"...Just call me Dray, please." TDS sighed into his hands.
The manners on this one.
"Listen, Drazzy-dazzy, this has been nice, and I'm glad to have my dragon back, after all, It took a lot of effort to kidna- I mean BIRTH him, but alas, I feel as though you've overstayed your welcome and I'd like to ask you to leave."
"...This is MY castle." He says like that has anything to do with this situation.
"I LIVE here." Well.
"Me think doth protests too much," I quipped, adjusting my hold on the newborn dragon that's currently trying to bit my finger off.
Isn't he the cutest?!
Oh. There's blood.
"Sweetie, that's not healthy. Dirty, dirty thing blood is." I admonished Cyanide softly.
He ignored me.
He's just the sweetest.
"No-" I sighed before setting down the baby dragon...only to pick it back up because he started mewling and wouldn't stop looking at me with his eyes. Those eyes are killer. Literally.
"Do you have any Dragon milk for the babe?" I asked Dormice.
I can't remember his name. Don't judge me, baby pope.
"Why are you asking me?" Wow.
The intelligence in this infinite corridor is amazing. World shattering. Would shame Asian kids. And their parents.
Just kidding.
I gave TDS a pitying look, making sure to emphasize the grimacing smile. "You poor, poor thing. Being so alone has impaired your intelligence. It's alright, the majority of humanity is stupider than you." Sad, but true.
I, of course, being excluded from this grouping.
Sure, I kidnapped a dragon and I'm letting it attempt to eat me, whilst I heal the injuries that it's causing, but the dragon is HARMLESS.
I repeat. Harmless.
Oh, dear. That's another finger.