He never came.
Minutes turned into hours, hours into days.
Well, I might be slightly exagerating. I don't know how long it's been, but I know it's been at least six hours based on the suns position in the sky. And the clock I found hidden in my wardrobe. Sttrange place to put a clock if I'm being honest... But it's been at least a few hours.
I'm so...thirsty. Hungry. Starving. Parched. What I am feeling has many names but also no names. I tried dinking some tap water from the sink in the bathroom but it was salty, like sea water. I guess their water pipes were connected with the sea, and that humans (or one of the other species) hasn't learned to filter their water just yet. Not even with magic.
Maybe there really is a reason the church sells my bath water.
I don't even know how were alive. Well, Cyan's a dragon, and while I can't really understand it, he seems fine. Meanwhile, I, his mother, am starving. Literally.
I wonder what Dionysus is doing. Awful mastermind. I fell for his act as surely as I fell when I went drunk skinny-dipping in the squid lake. If you remember that entry, mini-pope, good for you. And if you don't, well, that's good for me in some ways.
I looked in the mirror earlier and it was horrifying. I'm AGING!
Well. Not technically. But I'm pale! And pasty! And my hair is LIFELESS! As you know, thanks to the goddess' whitewashing of me, my hair went from thick and curly to smooth and wavy. While I didn't like it, over time I came to appreciate that "wash and brush" technique. Only, now its neither of those, it's GREASY! and LIMP! Like the professor Snape bloke! GAH! I don't want to be a half-blood prince!
That's it.
I'm going to die.
And It'll be slow. And gruesome. And the history books are going to call me 'the goddess chosen that disappeared after his fiancee died'!
And I won't even get the satisfaction of killing that awful fucking butler.
"Goddess damn it all!"