'I'll take it to my grave',
'I'll never say a word',
'I stole this person's identity',
'But they stole mine first'.
*beep* *beep* *beep*
"Oi! Get off the road you stupid dog! Off!" A man yells punching his fist in the air and yelling like a mad man at what he assumed to be a dog in his way on the road.
"Honey don't yell at it! It could be feral!" His wife spoke in a calm yet slightly worried tone as their young baby made grab motions with their right hand at the dog as it crossed.
"Fucken finally. Stupid mutt." Frustrated the man drove on as his wife scolded his language before adding- "Are we even sure that was a dog? It was rather big-"
"Are you implying it was a wolf? Dear you know those things went extinct, it's probably one of those giant dogs so fancy owner lost" his wife slightly disturbed brushed off the nagging feeling in her stomach and smiled. "Yeah silly me" before laughing it off.
As the car drove off the dog was left on the side gutter in all it's glory. This dog stood up at a staggering 130cm. Even bigger than a normal adult lion, it's fur was pitch black and it's eyes an emerald green as it seemed to have a limp to it's back leg and seemed confused. The people who just didn't know how big a normal adult wolf was, would think it was a mix breed in the end.
The dog seemed to limp all through the back alleyways and more searching for somewhere in particular. That's when it happened, the dog stopped in it's tracks staring at a young man barely just 18 he stood there laughing with his friends slightly tipsy. The dogs eyes reflected the cities lights as it picked up on their conversation.
"You totally lost your chance lover boy~" slurred one of the young man's friends as he slapped his back playfully.
"Shut up! It's not like she would go out with someone like me anyway!" The young man snapped in a slight slur, his words more easier to understand.
"Boo~" his mates all together boo'd him as he pushed one off his shoulder yelling at them all to shut up once again.
It seemed earlier that day the young man tried confessing his feelings to a woman one year older than him in his grade to ask her to graduation. But she simply said she had someone already and added under her breath that he wasn't her type.
It stung his pride as he stumbled away from his friends and proceeded to walk home alone nursing the last bottle of vodka passion fruit.
"Ahhhh! Who cares anyway!" He shouted one last time dousing his last swig before throwing the bottle away and hearing it effectively smash somewhere.
Proceeding forward the young man felt watched even though his senses were less sharp because of the liquid that was now warming his stomach.
As a kid he had quite severe symptoms of Schizophrenia but as he grew older the scary things in the shadows seemed to just become slight noises here 'n' there at unprecedented times. Turning around he stopped and looked around with a hazed- slightly wobbled vision.
"Holy fuck I drank too much" he murmured as he grabbed his head and licked his lips because of how dry and cracked they were.
Seeing nothing from where he stood though he shook off the feeling and stumbled forward once more as the wind picked up ever so slightly.
His hair quite long trailed his face and neck with it while he walked next to a fence that would always direct him home. Walking next to the fence a clear bend of a corner was coming up and the man sighed knowing just around that corner his home, a small apartment with an inviting bed was waiting. With this mindset he picked up pace-
It didn't register for a second as a thick smell of copper filled the air and covered the grass under the man's feet. The young man looked down to see a dog had latched onto his leg and dug it's teeth all the way deep. Horror took over his features as they both fell to the grass below, it seems the dog had come bounding around the corner at him and attacked unprovoked.
"Fuck!? Get off!" Kicking the dog with his other leg into it's gut and directly to it's head, the dog just crunched in deeper through his left leg at this point the sickening sounds of tearing had the man scream.
Bashing his only remaining leg over and over into the dogs head, it finally released enough for the young man to tackle it. Being drunk gave him a sense of bravery but not the good kind, as he punched it over and over with his fists for dear life.
He was no small man, he was quite fat in fact, another thing that lead potential partners to say no to his face.
In a way with how big the dog was he might of made the right decision, for the dog could of ripped his head from his shoulders next. Anything was better than not living…
Over and over he bashed it even though it clawed at him and more causing the young man excessive blood loss. His gashing wounds shows glimpses of intestines and more, his fat was the only thing barely holding it in.
The man looked around and saw an old screw driver just beneath the fence and slightly covered by dirt. Reaching it desperately his fingers nicked the back handle once before he got a good grip and slammed it into the side of the dogs head.
A thud, the sound was harmless but the meaning behind it had the young man look up with half dead eyes as he had finally killed the dog.
The dog laid mostly on-top of him with it's head slightly more angled to his right as it's open dead eyes and spazzing body staring at him.
Death was nothing new to him but this had him become nauseousas his ears rang and head became light. Looking slightly down he could feel it- he was becoming a red fountain of youth.
He was going to die.
All because of a damn dog-
Looking at the dogs face the young man realised how big this dog really was.
With the screwdriver embedded into the side of it's head and lifeless eyes- something had him on edge with his nearing last breaths.
'There's no way that's a dog' he thought as something strange happened in a split of a second. The body of the animal seemed to glitch as if it wasn't part of the reality the young man was in. In the distance he heard a couple coming, but the screaming was echoing.
"Call 000! This man is bleeding out badly! Oh god I can see his insides-"Hearing running in his direction he realised the woman couldn't see the animal as it glitched and morphed, almost until it vanished. Suddenly the woman's footsteps vanished as a distant siren that had been approaching too did as well.
'Did I die?' Feeling light like a kite the young man seemed to float, floating in a white sky he opened his half dead eyes.
Suddenly his body was being thrown down, faster and faster the sound of whistling winds through his ears. His body was going so quick that his skin ripped of his muscles and bones skinning him alive before being thrust into a hell hole of cold wastelands.
Laying on the freezing cold floor his skinless body had his muscles stick to the ice causing his muscle tissue to tear.
'What the fuck is happening!?' It hurt so much that he couldn't even move nor speak.
The pain was so intense, nothing he'd ever experienced before. Hearing someone approaching, he stayed still as a feminine man wearing a kimono outfit that fell off his shoulders crouched down and shook his head.
"Ī bēḻīēvē wē hāvē ṯhē wṟōṉg ṯhīṉg" tsk-ing in annoyance, the feminine man touched the young man softly. "Būṯ īṯ sēēms ḻīkē yōū kīḻḻēḏ īt" smirking before wearing a grim expression, another steps out near them both.
However this wasn't a person but rather a hideous creature made of bones as it hunch crawled over to them both.
Knowing fully well the man with no skin couldn't understand he signalled to the creature made of bones to carry him. The man suddenly waved his hand causing a skin suit to appear. It seems it was the young man's original skin.
"Īṯ's sūch ā shāmē ṯō ḻēṯ gōōḏ yōūṉg skīṉ gō" sighed the man as he flung the skin towards the young man's body. Instantly the skin seemed to swallow him and reattach itself to it's original owner.
Feeling some relief with his skin back the young man still barely moved as the bone creature scooped him up on it's hind legs carrying him like a baby along side the man.
"Sēēms ḻīkē Ī'm īṉ ā sḻīghṯ pṟēḏīcāmēṉṯ wīṯh yōū" spoke the kimono man as he whipped out a long stick and lit it at one end before taking a swig of breath with his mouth on the other end before breathing out smoke.