Waking up slowly did no favours for the young man after he'd lost consciousness, he gripped his head that throbbed in pain as his vision took on a blurred surrounding before it focused properly.
'Where?' Looking around he saw some of his belongings scattered around him. Picking up his ID card it read:
Name: Killian Xavier
As well as a few other factors that weren't on his mind at the time.
What was he confused about?
Was had happened before he'd lost consciousness?
Why was he one the grass?
Looking down at his body he didn't appear to have anything wrong?
So why had he been passed out just before his home?
Suddenly he heard a buzzing noise and looked down at his phone that vibrated on the grass. Picking it up the name on the phone read 'Father'- instantly he dropped the phone.
'That's impossible-' as if a door had been opened unknowingly, memories flooded back in of the dog and the brutal attack.
Once again, Killian freaked out and touched his chest, stomach and leg but they were all perfectly fine?
The phone finally stopped ringing as Killian did what any sane person would.
He punched himself right in the face as hard as possible that he caused his nose to bleed everywhere.
'Yep definitely broke it' he hissed as he pinched the bridge of his nose and shoved it back into place before it had the chance to start healing. He knew a bit about medical practice, he was going to take a major in the field once he'd graduated after all.
"Fuck!" Coughing slightly after he wiped his nose off on his sleeve - only to find it was no longer bleeding?
'What the hell? How could it just stop bleeding?' Suddenly his phone rang again with the same name.
"This has to be some cruel joke right?" Pressing the answer icon his body shook-
"I've called you three times now Killian. How many times were you going to make me wait huh?!" His anger didn't even reach him as Killian's tears dropped to the phone. As if hearing this, Killian's father stopped his rant and they sat in an awkward silence for about a minute over the line.
"Have you finished?" His father enquired, as Killian breathed out slightly. It had to be a dream. A cruel yet nice one. Killian lost his father a long time ago- but that punch sure as hell felt real.
To make sure he was in fact awake since he seemed to forget - he punched himself again even harder. This time while his father was on the other side of the phone to hear it.
"What on earth are you doing!?" He yelled, as Killian's groans filter through the phone on his end. 'That settles it.'
Reality finally kicked in, he was alive, living, awake fully- this was real. As impossible as that was, somehow it was happening.
"Impossible…" he mumbled as he composed himself finally.
"What's impossible, is you! You ran away from your own ceremony today to hang with thugs? Do you know how that looks on your family? We are prestigious individuals and you want to smear our Xavier name into the mud? I was fine when you rebelled a bit Killian but you're now 17, you're nearly of age!"
'What?' Looking down he took another look at his ID and the date on his phone. 'What the fuck is this?'
Name: Killian Xavier
Family: First class
Awakened potential: B+
'What is this shit? First class? Awakened potential?
Am I reading this right? Did I have too much to drink- wait no, but I was sure I had my birthday awhile ago?
I am 18, aren't I? No! I am 18.'
Checking again his phone and ID his deadpanned face left no onlookers if there was any, a damn clue what was going through his mind.
'I had definitely turned 18 two months ago- but this phone is saying it's July 20th? 5 months before-'
One more impossible thing after the next- how many more were going to confuse him?
Sitting up his face now serious as his father yelled over the phone, he had to conclude that this was the work of a supernatural entity. There's just no way this would be happening, he was a guy who kept tabs on everything. That's just what he did.
The last known memories he had were even a bit fuzzy that some things just weren't adding up. His body was fine, he'd confirmed this was reality- twice.
His Father was alive? But he himself hangs out with a bunch of thugs? He wasn't the type too, in fact he'd get bullied often for his appearance and the death of his family…
Looking around he took note of his surroundings more, yes around this corner was his home. Getting up from the spot he swore moments ago he defended himself from a feral dog he ran around the corner.
But he didn't see his apartment duplex-
No, instead,
'a mansion?!'
Turning around again surely giving himself whip lash he took a look at the surrounding neighbourhood-
'It's not the same' Killian noticed it now… the street lamps were more modern and flash, the road seemed to have glowing lines. The homes looked more futuristic and screamed technological advancements. Yet it was all set out the same?
This was reality but somehow, not his…
How did it happen was anyones guess-
"Are you ignoring me!?"
He'd momentarily forgotten he was on a call to his now very alive father.
"I'm sorry" he spoke as his phone suddenly switched off- "Shit, out of battery" he cursed as he speculated what to do next.
Turning back around the mansion stared back at him, it was the only building that looked out of place. Compared to the street it looked like a historic museum but to him it was a luxury place. This was where his apartment duplex should have been… did that mean-
'surely not…'
Before he could make his decision to enter the mansion under assumption, a loud siren noise alert sounded followed by a massive explosion not too far from him.
Swinging his body around he saw it, a strange shadow inside the explosion cloud.
>> Warning to all citizens, a Catastrophic threat has emerged, evacuate immediately! <<
Before he could move the radius of the blast managed to throw him into the metal fence of the mansion causing him a serious back pain as he coughed from being winded from behind.
'What the hell is going on?' He cringed as loud gunfire suddenly hit his ears followed by more explosions.
Looking up once more terror struck him to the spot, massive, no massive was an understatement- it was a giant!
Claws protruding from its face, scales, black beady eyes with hundreds of legs. Tall spikes extruding from it's back as it seemed to spew acid as black as tar around itself. A monster!
Aircraft he'd never seen before shot at the monster with beams that only looked like something you'd see in a sci-fi thriller.
Sure he'd punched himself twice… but this?
'This has to be a dream…' or maybe twice wasn't enough, they did say three times was a charm.
Again his thoughts we interrupted as screaming was heard to his right, looking over his shoulder he saw through the mansion fence further down the street people running from something?
Getting up from the ground hissing at the pain shooting up his backside he could see better now. His eyes grew wider than they already were.
It was another massive scaled monster and that wasn't all, it was accompanied by slightly smaller ones that were ripping people to shreds!
Yeah there was no way… he might as well accept fate, real or not. Best case scenario, he woke up, in his bed and would never touch another drink in his life!
Worst case scenario…
Hearing a screech from behind him this time he turned to see a strange monster on all fours that had one eye on its large forehead and a massive mouth with hundreds of teeth belting towards him.
"You there! Don't just stand there! Run!" Spoke a woman's voice from above him!? He couldn't see because of how dark it had suddenly gotten due to the street lights going off for a split second. But when they did come on in the next split second, a female no older that him was seen wearing strange mech like armour and almost dancing with monsters that were flying towards her.
She cut them up one by one with a long spear as a strange robotic beast that sort of looked like a lion, came to her aid further enhancing their battle odds.
He couldn't move again but this time not out of fear but rather the fact that their movements were so fluid as bits of monster and blood spilled and spiralled from their stacking kills.
With one swift movement he was suddenly grabbed from behind unaware of a vehicle that had been approaching rapidly and chucked into it. Others were there but they all looked worse for wear, some even were receiving medical attention as the vehicle swayed and curved around bends wildly.
In the midst of all the chaos he wanted to laugh, he felt that maybe laughing would achieve some sanity at this point. But his mouth was parched and his eyes watched on in horror as more people were being rescued and killed.
Surely there's a limit to how much trauma one person can go through before they just snap.