Should he be thankful he just survived that?
Sitting in the hospital waiting room to receive a check up wasn't the worst thing he could go through right now.
Except for the fact that there's robots doing it instead of human beings!
"Patient 0181, please follow the line" As if on command a line underneath the robot lit up as he followed behind it.
'This is insane…' he thought to himself as everything was just so advanced around him. From the robotic help to the way the building was even built.
Laughing to himself as he thought of telling this robot his concern he might of jumped reality before he went quiet in a serious silence. Should he tell someone was really the question… have others suddenly appeared in a reality that wasn't there's? Was that really a safe thing to do especially in a society that seemed to be millions ahead of that he is used too?
Should he even be here? What if the could tell he wasn't the original Killian…
Stopping in his tracks he swallowed the lump in his throat, what if there was another Killian here?
Shaking off the thought he thought back to the phone call and ID he had. There's no way he'd still have that jumping realities… right?
"Please take a seat patient, Assistance will be with you shortly" Sitting down on what seemed to be the only semi normal thing he'd seen, a patient's bed, as he watched the robot excuse itself.
'I should probably keep it to myself' he decided as he took in his surroundings only to see a tiny robot at a desk were he'd suspect would be a humans workplace.
The small robot's hands seemed to be writing something which made him extremely curious. Walking over to the desk he saw it was writing down patient notes, the urge to touch the robot was begging.
As he was about to touch it a voice behind him beat him to it before his curiosity had a chance.
"Don't touch that" straightening up immediately in slight embarrassment, a beautiful woman looked at him with a disregarding stare. "Please sit down and behave sir" without a thought he went back to the patient bed and sat on it once more as the woman sat at the desk. She shuffled her notes before swinging open a laptop she'd brought in with her.
On command the laptop holographically projected her other notes and files as Killian simply stared in awe.
Suddenly the woman clicked her tongue as she scrolled down further and then gave him a piercing stare.
'Have I been caught' he worriedly thought as her eyes disregarded him again and the breath he was holding released slowly.
"You don't have a biochip yet?" She simply stated even though it sounded like a question- 'maybe it was for her own thoughts?'
Getting up she seemed to press a button underneath the desk and as if returning the signal a robot reentered the room.
"Proceed with his bloods and scan his dna to track down his guardian" She spoke again as the robot immediately dispensed a tray and started to get a weird chamber ready?
'what the hell is that?' Killian was left gobsmacked as the robot without hesitation slammed the weird chamber into his bare flesh on his right arm. Pressing down, it seemed to activate rapidly extracting his blood immediately. Pulling away, Killian's thoughts blanked.
It hadn't hurt? Not even a little bit, it was like a mosquito had landed and left.
Looking down at his arm he saw a spiral dot pattern indicating that more than one needle had just been injected.
'Crazy…' Killian with wide eyes touched the now covered injection point curtesy of the robot, as the woman had been watching him with confusion.
"This your first time getting bloods or something kid?" Man for a doctor, her attitude was like a sassy aunt on vacation. Blunt and to the point.
"ah, something like that…" he spoke back, carefully wording what he said.
"Well regardless your blood test results are back and you are perfectly healthy and are able to be discharged" blinking at her words, his face was an open book as she was now questioning this young man's sanity.
"Well considering these factors you can see your way out-" scrolling down the holographic laptop she yawned as Killian got up.
"Do I need to pay of something?" Killian asked- not that he had money but rather it would suck to break a law in a reality he knew nothing about.
"Ah that's been covered, your guardian has paid it in full"
His guardian?
'Could it be my father in this life?' He wondered walking out as he saw a team of medical professionals running towards him with a person on a medical bed- but this time, it was floating!? The patient on the bed seemed to have the same armour as that woman that saved him.
"Move out of the way!" Immediately he moved out of the way and like that of a slow motion scene he saw black tar had melted half of the male patients right arm and his legs looked barely attached.
If it wasn't for the robots already sewing his wounds that running wouldn't have saved any part of him.
Turning his head in the direction of those who'd just run passed him a woman tapped his left shoulder startling him.
"I'm sorry sir, I didn't mean to startle you. Are you by chance Killian Xavier?" she spoke as Killian immediately nodded. "Oh good, I was thinking I'd be running around considering Dr Marriess never answered my call"
"Dr Marriess?" He questioned as the nurse blinked at him.
"You are Killian Xavier yes?"
"You saw Dr Marriess, yes?" Was Dr Marriess that woman that never said anything except he was good to go?
"I'm sorry, I did see a woman Dr but she never gave me her name but I am Killain Xavier, I didn't mean to confuse you"
"Oh no need to apologise, I should have suspected that she'd not really say much. Her personality isn't much a people person type, she has the drive to work but not socialise. Which is good for work ethic but I think she forgets details, like introducing herself" The nurse responded with clear exhaustion and slight sheepishness.
'Seems like this is a reoccurrence of sorts' he thought as the nurse directed him to another waiting room.
"Your guardian will be here shortly sir"
'So… A father was coming to get his son…' getting rid of the notion of telling his Father his predicament, he waited nervously. The images of him presenting flowers to his Fathers grave not even five weeks ago followed suit.
What does one say to a now very alive person? After you saw them dead in a casket and mourned for them?
The sound of the waiting room doors being opened had his head snap up from his nervous hands. There a few men in black suits stood on standby. In clear confusion Killian stood up and as he did, there he was… the only family he ever had… His Father, Clay Xavier.
"Father…" Killain muttered almost as the man now that he looked closely did resemble the man he knew but was very much different. This man before him had power and a strong aura that demanded respect.
'ah… I was a fool… this isn't my Father…' Killian felt a ping of pain as the man stood now in front of him with cold calculating eyes.
"You disappear from a call and then I get a call from the hospital saying my son is being discharged"
'Why do I hate the fact that this man has my fathers voice but the personality of a stranger' Killain felt anger, something he didn't really feel much. Anger to him wasn't needed when you could simply chose to be the better person but something snapped in him with this man before him.
"Are you going to say something or stand there like a fool. Regardless of your choice I've already disowned you and you will be responsible for yourself starting today. Come collect your stuff and leave, I'm done wasting my time on you. Don't bother about showing up for the coming of age ceremony, seems like thugs suit you more."
'What is wrong with me? Why am I so mad?' He couldn't say a word as the man left with his many guards leaving Killian standing there in disbelief.
Tears unwelcomed fell in misery with his mixed emotions as he looked down to the floor.
What had he actually expected?
Did he really just think the memories of who he knew would be here too?
'What a joke'
Slowly he chuckled before laughing out loud as if descending into madness. He didn't care if someone was watching his mental breakdown, who the fuck gave a shit about a stranger?