11 Hours Before the Typhoon Invasion

[ 11 Hours Before the Typhoon Invasion]

Mom goes to visit Cairo. She looks broken even as she stands there. Cairo notices. Mom asks how that child knew about Dad's affair. Cairo tells Mom to sit. Mom says that Dad's promotion is in front of their noses. If the world finds out about it, everything will be ruined. I really don't understand her. How she's convinced herself that this is what a good wife does. Cairo sighs. He sits and asks why Mom is talking about Dad's mistress, for once? It was forbidden. A flicker of a reaction out of her. He asks her if the word "forbidden" a bit too much for Mom?

Mom again asks if Cairo told Natalie. He doesn't answer. Did he do it to suffocate Mom? He pauses and says that he's the one who's trying to breathe. He says that around Natalie, without him realizing, everything just comes out. He says that it's refreshing to be able to talk to at least one person. Someone he can talk to comfortably. Mom can't believe he said "comfortably." Even if that comfort brings him down to the floor (ruins him)?

Cairo asks that at that moment, with those words, is Mom rejecting Natalie? So he should live by himself forever? Mom tells him to just wait for a bit. She's soon bring conclusive evidence that he and Natalie's relationship is fake. She leaves. Cairo grabs the cap off his head and throws it onto his desk with frustration.

Bon Café. Rocco is watching the chef cook and getting on Chef's nerves as he does. Chef asks why Rocco keeps hanging around. Rocco takes that moment to ask if Chef will taste the food he made. Chef chuckles derisively and tells Rocco to go ahead. Rocco grabs his pot and says that he just wants Chef to check it to see if it was okay. Rocco begs/pleads for Bro to just try it for once. Chef samples the broth with a frown. He asks if Rocco used his kitchen. Rocco says he made it at home. Chef throws down his spoon and tells Rocco to eat it at home. What is this guy's problem? Rocco asks if it was so-so and Chef sarcastically answers that it was so-so. Then he tells Rocco to go away. Rocco leaves and Chef immediately tastes Rocco's broth again. And so the guy lied.

K.MOM is getting her hair done. She thinks about how Kelvin talked about Cairo stealing his woman. She declares that the more she thinks about it, the madder she gets. Is he calling her a copy cat? Mom has arrived at the same beauty parlor. K.MOM is overjoyed to see Mom. Mom smiles and declares that K.MOM is especially friendly today. But it wasn't Mom that K.MOM was overjoyed to see. It was Isla. Isla isn't sure who K.MOM is, so she introduces herself. K.MOM says that she heard a lot about Isla from Kelvin. Isla greets K.MOM, but adds that she doesn't interact with him much though.

Mom joins the conversation and says that Isla probably would have seen Kelvin here and there through their Cairo. Isla smiles. Mom adds that Isla broke up with Cairo. Isla asks if Mom has been well. Mom says she is and that it's been a long time. Mom's smiling quite affectionately at Isla right now. K.MOM asks if Isla is a regular in the salon. She's not; her usual hairdresser went on maternity leave. K.MOM declares that it's fate and invites Isla to her wine club. They're meeting tonight.

K.MOM asks Mom if she thought that it would be okay to invite Isla. Mom isn't sure; how much fun would it be for Isla to come to an old ladies' meeting? K.MOM asks if Isla knows why Mom finds the meetings so important. Because the wife of the chancellor of Dad's university is a member. Nothing like networking for your cheating husband. Does she somehow think by being this 'faithful' wife that it's going to win him back? I just don't understand it. Mom's smile has become more forced. She clears her throat and tells Isla that she doesn't have to come out to the meeting if she doesn't feel like it. They can meet together later just the two of them. Isla gratefully smiles.

K.MOM proposed that they should have today's meeting at Kelvin's restaurant. If Kelvin is there, then Isla would be much more comfortable. Doesn't Mom think so? Isla smiles and declares that with such an invitation, she should attend. K.MOM is ecstatic and leaves to call Kelvin.

Cairo is done with work. He's still in a bad mood. Kelvin runs into him on the sidewalk. He tells Cairo about the wine club meeting and Isla coming. He says that the moms are trying to get Natalie off of them. What should they do? Cairo points out that it's not them but him. Kelvin makes a face. Cairo runs off. Kelvin yells after Cairo that he tried to play fair so he gave Cairo that information.

Back at work, Natalie is feeling worse. She begs Manager to let her go to the hospital. Manager asks if Natalie forget that taking care of herself is an important part of her job and then lets her go. Natalie is staggering and her phone rings. It's Cairo. He asks where she is. She says that she's the mall. She has to work late. He walks up behind her and flicks her on the head, saying that it's lies. He grabs her wrist and tells her they need to go. She wants to know to where. He says that it's urgent. He'll tell her on the way. She tries to protest that she's also in a hurry.

Rocco is cleaning up and discovers that Chef has eaten all of his creation. Chef's now having stomach problems. Rocco asks by Chef says he didn't eat it. He threw it away. Chef pulls out the kimchi that Natalie gave Rocco and tells Rocco to pitch it. Rocco says that sometimes there are customers who want kimchi. Chef can't believe they'd be so brazen to look for kimchi at a European restaurant. He repeats the order for Rocco to throw it out.

Rocco starts to throw the kimchi away, as Chef rushes off to the restroom, and he thinks of how Natalie said that he can't throw things away easily. He thinks of when he was a boy. His mother told him that he should eat a lot and then Mom left, leaving Rocco alone. He doesn't throw out the kimchi.

Cairo and Natalie are now outside Bon Café. She's protesting that she doesn't want to. He's begging her to just do him a favor. She protests that she already told him that she won't go to Kelvin's restaurant. He doesn't understand why not. She goes there during the middle of the night. Natalie declares that she doesn't want to. Never. Mom is walking up the street toward them. Natalie tells him to stop bothering Mom.

Natalie asks Cairo if he knows what happened today. He doesn't. She starts to say but Mom orders her to stop. Mom walks up and tells Natalie that she knew Natalie was light mouthed but Natalie is really too light mouthed. Mom looks at Cairo and asks why he brought Natalie there. Cairo responds that it's a place that important people to Mom are meeting. He's going to introduce Natalie to them. She tells him not to do it today. Cairo asks if Mom's rejecting Natalie right now. Is this going to be a recurrent question? I think this is the third time he's asked it today… Mom replies that this is not the place for immature games. Dad's boss's wife will be there. If Natalie opens her light mouth in there accidentally, then it will be disastrous.

Speak of the devil. Boss's wife arrives. She says hello to Cairo. Cairo respectfully bows and starts to introduce Natalie but Mom cuts him off, suggesting they go inside. They do, leaving Cairo and Natalie behind. Cairo turns to Natalie and declares that this is his chance. Inside there her existence is a like bomb. Mom will think: "If I leave this bomb here, I will be embarrassed. So I prefer Cairo to live by himself instead." Natalie sighs. Cairo begs her to make Mom say it. Natalie starts to argue but her stomach gurgles again. He declares that this is the last time. He begs that it's just one more time! Natalie says that she needs to pay a visit to the restroom. She looks absolutely green. Cairo eagerly helps her go in.

[ 2 Hours Before the Typhoon Invasion ]

Once inside, Cairo grabs Natalie's arm and drags her over to the table where the wine club is sitting. Mom sees them and sighs. He gets their attention and declares that he wants to introduce his fiancée, Natalie. He doesn't let her go to the bathroom. Oh, the torture! Reactions from everyone (Kelvin, Rocco, K.MOM, Natalie) except Mom. Dad's Boss's wife (DBW) invites Natalie to sit down, but she turns down the offer, saying that she just came to say her greetings and leave. Mom chimes in that it would probably be best. If a stranger comes to their meeting, it may become a bit uncomfortable. And at that moment, Isla arrives. She asks if she should go as well. She adds that she was late because she was bringing some wine. Mom happily welcomes Isla. DBW recognizes Isla as the daughter of the Director of Kang Han Hospital? Of course, she is. So Natalie has to sit.

Rocco pours the water and gives Natalie a look. She gives him a small smile. K.MOM comments how Cairo is sitting with his ex-girlfriend and current girlfriend on either side. DBW is surprise. Isla clarifies that Cairo and she were once an item, but now they're just friends. Then K.MOM adds that Natalie is the girl that Kelvin ended things with recently. She adds that who would've known that Cairo would be using recycled goods. Natalie's stomach gurgles painfully, so she gets up to use the restroom. Kelvin gets up and asks Rocco to come back to the kitchen. Mom drinks her water and Cairo looks at her just waiting for her to give in. She doesn't miss the look.

Back in the kitchen, Chef is having stomach issues. Rocco asks why none of the food is ready. Chef starts yelling at Rocco, but the food poisoning makes him rush off to the bathroom again.

Natalie is halfway down the stairs to the bathroom when Kelvin stops her. He apologizes for K.MOM being a jerk. She tells him that it's fine, trying to get rid of him, but he won't let her go. She shoves him to shake him loose. As she gets to the bathroom, Chef takes it over instead.

Kelvin shows up in the kitchen and tells Rocco just to put something easy out. He sees the kimchi and gets an idea. He gets to work cooking: a cuatro cheese kimchi (Korean) pancake. Mom says that the kimchi's smell will probably overpower the wine's scent. One of the other ladies complains it's because the café targets young people that they must be putting out fusion cuisines. The ladies don't even want to try it.

Natalie gets up to use the restroom again and Rocco is hurt because he thinks that she agreed with them. He goes back to the kitchen and throws the rest of the kimchi away. Mom really should try it. It's her kimchi, after all.

Natalie is outside the bathroom, begging the Chef to come out, but he won't. Upstairs, the ladies notice that Natalie hasn't come back. DBW decides to try Rocco's dish. She loves it. She says that on a rainy day, a kimchi (Korean) pancake is the best. The stimulating kimchi hugs the four cheeses softly and it goes well together with the wine. She tells the ladies to try some. They do and love it, too.

Natalie leaves the bathroom door but before she can get upstairs, Rocco grabs her wrist and drags her down the stairs. He asks her what she's doing. Why is she acting shy in front of the Unknown Aunties? Natalie asks to talk about it later. He asks if she's avoiding him… In case the Unknown Aunties see? She protests that it's not like that. She tries to get past him again but he blocks her and calls her a hypocrite. Last night, she cleaned up his cooking like a dog, but today she's acting like a bird.

Natalie starts to protest that she's feeling a little sick. He tells her that of course she feels like that. She's making out with him at night and during the day she becomes Cairo's fiancée. She tells him that there's something he doesn't know. Rocco asks if it's money? Natalie tells him that Cairo and her are just acting. And right then, Isla walks up to overhear all of it. Natalie says that it's a long story, but to put it simply, they're acting like this because Cairo doesn't want to get married. Rocco asks her why she's going along with it. Natalie says that that's a long story, too, but they both started it. She's responsible for it, too.

Rocco declares that he doesn't understand. She asks him why he doesn't. She likes him. Looks like he's surprised by her declaration. She says that she has a lot of things she wants to tell him. She'll tell him everything, he just needs to wait a bit. And I am shaking my head. This girl needs to wait until a man declares himself first.

Isla returns to the table, a smile on her lips. Cairo asks if she saw Natalie in the bathroom. Her reply? He's so cute. Natalie limps up to the table and apologizes that she has to leave. Cairo asks if she's leaving already? DBW thinks so, too. They haven't even had wine together yet. Natalie smiles uncomfortably. K.MOM says that it's so rude. Is it possibly because Natalie has issues with Mom? Natalie, pained, with a smile, agrees to have one glass. She sits.

Opening of the wine. Natalie's stomach is getting worse and worse. She's starting to have a hard time seeing. The sweating starts. K.MOM urges Natalie to have some of Rocco's scrumptious food. Natalie smiles and stuffs it in her mouth. Mom is horrified, but tries to hide it. DBW asks Mom whether she likes the food. Mom tries to cover her opinion up by complimenting DBW by trying to adopt DBW's open mindedness. Lots of gurgling from Natalie's stomach. And I'm really afraid that she's about to spew. K.MOM chimes in that Mom has a very open mind. Mom's someone who accepts someone with a criminal record as a potential daughter in law. Kelvin is mortified.

K.MOM tries to act like it just slipped out without her knowing. Cairo looks over at Natalie, who is really struggling. DBW asks what K.MOM is talking about. Natalie can't take it anymore. She jumps to her feet, slapping the table as she does. She declares that she does have a criminal record! She's a stalker with a criminal record who got fined 50,000 won. She's finished introducing herself, and she's finished eating and she's done drinking, so please excuse her! She grabs her purse and runs out of the café.

As Natalie makes it to the street, the [ Typhoon Invasion! ] alarm goes off. She's begging herself to hold it, but then it happens. She loses it in her pants. That's when Cairo shows up and we're back at the beginning of the episode. So *that's* why she doesn't want him to come near her. I feel so bad for her! So bad. She tries to hide her rear. He steps forward and she tells him not to come any closer. He asks if she's okay and steps forward again. She's terrified that he's going to discover what happened, and tells him not to come closer. He swallows (sadly) and says her name.

Natalie tells Cairo that's it's all because of him. He replies, "Yeah. I'm sorry." He tries to step closer and she yells at him to leave. She's telling him to leave! He asks her what's wrong – because it's obvious that something's wrong. The voice goes up a pitch ask she begs him to leave. The wind blows and he gets a whiff of what's coming out of her pants. It's potent. He takes a step backward, notices how she's mortified, covering her bottom with her purse and starts to ask. She screams at him to not say anything!!!

Mom comes outside with a coat and puts it over Natalie's shoulders. The length of it covers her bum. Mom tells Cairo not to follow them. Cairo can't move. Isla comes out and asks him if this is what he wanted. He turns around and looks at Isla. She tells him that he's so childish.

Up in Cairo's office, Natalie has been able to change her pants. She comes out where Mom is waiting with the coat. Natalie thanks Mom and apologized. Mom replies that they can look at it like they've exchanged secrets with each other, so Natalie better not go around spreading useless rumors. Natalie replies that it's like a poop that Mom made in her pants, right? Natalie says that events that exploded against her will. It's scary and embarrassing and it hurts so much that you can't look or say anything, right?

Mom, voice a little emotional, asks if Natalie is only happy when she says everything on her mind? Natalie assures Mom that she won't tell anyone. Mom leaves Cairo's office.

Cairo arrives and asks what Natalie and Mom talked about. Natalie replies that they need to stop now. She told Rocco that she likes him.

Outside the restaurant, DBW is leaving. Mom asks if she's leaving so soon. DBW smiles at Mom and says that she saw another side of Mom today. Mom declares that she's really embarrassed and sorry. DBW declares that she was relieved because of it. Mom looked like the type of person who wouldn't use the toilets in the café. DBW declares that those types of people scare her because it always feels like they're hiding something. DBW is so happy that Mom didn't choose a robotic woman just like Mom to be her daughter-in-law. But instead, Natalie is so down-to-earth. Mom uneasily replies, "Yes."

DBW declares that whatever situation or story there was (with Natalie), it seems like Mom knows how to understand and forgive people. DBW declares that she's seen Mom in a different light. And she likes what she sees. DBW happily shakes Mom's hand goodbye. Her girlfriends are also smiling pleasantly at Mom.

Kelvin has gone to a bar and is trying to eat food off the table without picking it up with his fingers or a utensil. Guess who shows up? Zoe. Zoe walks up and asks 'Oppa' what's wrong with him. Is he okay? A drunk Kelvin apologizes for calling Zoe out of the blue, but he feels like he can talk to her about everything.

Natalie is walking with Cairo behind her. His face says that he does not want their 'engagement' to be off. Natalie declares that she thinks she can tell Rocco everything. Cairo replies that that meant she had to tell him everything, including their relationship! Natalie replies that they are going to date for real so she can't keep secrets. She can't sacrifice her love life because of him any longer. Cairo sighs. He asks her if she's going to tell Rocco about her poop accident. Natalie protests that it was only a little bit! Cairo asks if he should tell Rocco instead.

Cairo starts walking like he's going to spill the poop. He declares that it's so dirty! Natalie is running after him, begging him to keep quiet. But then… they come across Isla and Rocco talking. She's got another envelope of money for Rocco and she tells Rocco that now she understands what Cairo is up to. She tells him that he's worked hard. He looks at the envelope and smiles. Natalie looks crushed and Cairo can't believe that Natalie told Rocco!