Am I Single or Not? [1]

What?! This can't be what it looks like. What it looks like is… Natalie and Cairo are in his bedroom, undressing each other. Then they climb underneath the comforter. Cairo kicks off his jeans and shoves them out from underneath the comforter. They are so *not* having sex. But the heck is going on?

[ Am I Single or Not? ]

Isla is walking away from Bon Café. Rocco comes running after her. He hands her back the money. I knew he liked Natalie. Isla says that she found out everything she wanted to know thanks to him, so he can take this. Now she knows what Cairo's up to. It's at this point that Cairo and Natalie arrive. Cairo says Isla's name and asks what she's up to. Natalie asks Rocco if he's betraying her. He starts to try to explain. Isla declares that Cairo's relationship looked so interesting, she wanted in on it, too. Cairo angrily replies that money solves everything, right? Natalie can't believe that she was betrayed and played *for money*?

Isla asks what about the pair of them? Why were they putting on the show? Rocco declares that everyone should raise their hands and take turns talking. Natalie sadly says that she was the only sincere one again, right? Only her again? She walks away. Rocco calls her name and starts to go after her, but Cairo steps up to him and tells Rocco to keep out. Isla says that she's very sorry. Cairo turns around and practically yells at Isla about taking pleasure in fools out of people? She snaps back, asking why he kept a secret from her? Cairo doesn't answer but runs after Natalie.

Natalie and Cairo end up at an outdoor café. He pours her some Beer. She's not saying anything, just sitting there, staring at nothing. He tells her to drink up. She loves liquor. He takes a shot of the Beer. Cairo reminds her that he said Rocco's no good. She didn't listen to me. She should've learned her lesson from Kelvin. Another guy like that… Geez. How come she doesn't learn? She keeps choosing the bad boys. Natalie nods woodenly. Cairo tells her that they weren't bad to begin with but she made them that way. Natalie silently starts to cry.

Cairo says that she did it by doing them favors and going running whenever they call. She's always sincere, like a fool. Cairo declares that a girl telling the guy she likes him first is the worst. Natalie says that he's right in everything he said. She sighs and says that she's an idiot. Cairo tells her to become a bad girl instead. Don't just give. Take things and dump people. She sadly nods and says that he's right. She should dump people. Him. He chokes on his Beer. She says that she does all his favors and comes running when he calls. She was always so sincere. Cairo shifts in his seat uncomfortably. I think he realizes that she's right and he feels bad. Natalie declares that she thinks he's the worst. She started the fake relationship because of him and acted like a moron. And…

Natalie declares that they should just end it. Cairo replies, with a smile, that people would think they really were dating. She replies, that like you said, she's going to try being single too. She gets up and walks away from the table. Cairo looks bothered as he watches her walk away. He takes another chug of Beer.

Natalie gets home and sags down onto her bed. She nods to herself and says that she'll become single.

Cairo goes home and sinks into his couch. He unbuttons the top button to his shirt and says to himself that Natalie said that she hates being single.

Kelvin is at the bar, drinking. Zoe is with him. He declares that he's single. He drunk whines that Natalie doesn't know how he feels. Neither does his mom. His friend, whom he trusted, steals his girl. He starts to cry and chugs another drink. He's truly single, totally single, really single. He has no one. Zoe pours him another one and declares that he has her.

Zoe helps the very drunk Kelvin back to his room. As they flop on the bed, he calls her Natalie and asks where she's going. She says that she's Zoe. He says he knows that she's Zoe. She asks if it's okay that she's Zoe. He asks what's wrong with her. She's so nice. She replies that actually she's not really. No she's not. Is that ok? Kelvin mumbles that he likes bad girls. She leans over and starts kissing him. And it progresses.

Cairo's kitchen, making breakfast. He's very precise in making his breakfast. As he sits down, Isla calls. He declines the call. He drinks his coffee. She sends him a message. She asks him to guess who she's with. It's Mom. They're at the beauty salon. Stylist is trying to get Mom to try something new. The classic style is boring. Mom asks Isla what she thinks. Isla replies that classics are classic for a reason and it's great to have your own style. Gag me. She's totally buttering Mom up. Mom tells the stylist to just color her gray hairs as usual.

Isla steps away because Cairo calls. She says that she just ran into Mom at the hair salon. Sure she did. Sure she did. Mom wanted some style advice. She didn't say anything else. Yet, Cairo is not amused and asks if she's threatening him now. Isn't she embarrassed? She laughs and asks how he can be mad at her. He's the one ignoring her calls. She tells him that he shouldn't be treating her this way. In her distress, his secret might just slip out.

Isla is clearly enjoying this but Cairo is not. He asks her to get out of the salon. Even though she's not even facing Mom and is nowhere near where Mom is sitting… Isla announces that, gosh, Mom wants help with her shopping, too. They'll be going to the mall afterwards… the department store.

Natalie is hard at work, cleaning the counter tops. Supervisor comments, please, on how Natalie is full of energy today. She looks up and sees Zoe let out a big yawn. Supervisor says Zoe's name in admonishment and tells her to work hard! Dang. She is *really* polishing that countertop. Putting her whole body into it. Zoe tells her to take it easy. Once she marries the doctor, she'll be a VIP customer. Not stopping her scrubbing, Natalie says that she's going to marry her work. Zoe wants to know why Natalie is saying that… Did Cairo find out about her kiss with Rocco?

Natalie stops scrubbing, remembering the kiss. She throws down her rag, disgusted with herself and mutters that she fell for that kiss. Zoe tells Natalie that she should've chosen one and gone all-in. You mean like you did with Kelvin when the body wasn't even cold yet? Zoe declares that Natalie was too greedy. Natalie declares that it's over with both of them. Bitterly she declares that she's tired of guys. She starts scrubbing again.

Rocco shows up and tells Natalie they should go eat together. He's got his charming smile on. Natalie looks at him and asks why she should eat with him? He laughs and replies that she said she liked him. She makes a noise to stop him from talking and, after glancing around, drags him off. He's wearing a huge smile as they go. Zoe watches them go and shakes her head.

Cairo arrives, out of breath. He asks Zoe where Natalie is. Zoe replies that she went out with a customer. Cairo asks which way they went and when Zoe points, he runs after Natalie. Zoe can't believe that Natalie still has two guys chasing her or that Natalie isn't loving it all.

Natalie and Rocco are walking. He repeats that he wants them to go eat. Natalie stops and turns around. She asks when it all started. When he asked her to pick out an outfit? He's still smiling as he asks, "What?" Natalie clarifies: When did his lies start? When he got her shoe out of the pool? Or when he called her to eat late at night? Rocco's stopped smiling. She tells him that he cooked for her and got her off-guard for his own purposes. And he even kissed– She stops and says that he received money for all that.

Rocco says that he was about to give it back. Natalie doesn't believe him. Even if he was giving it back, it still means that he got it in the first place. He says that it was a joke. She can't believe he thinks she's a joke. Rocco says that she's really embarrassing him. He hates having to explain everything. I'm feeling a bit sarcastic when I say 'poor baby.' I like Rocco, but he owes her an explanation. She tells him that he's so frivolous; she was serious. He looks at her and seriously says that if he's serious, she'd let him go anyways. Then he put on the big smile again.

Mom and Isla are happily walking together at the mall. Which annoys me. I'm sure Isla arranged this part, too. Mom spots Natalie talking with Rocco and recognizes him as someone who works at Kelvin's restaurant.

Natalie tells him to stop chasing her around and to tell Isla not to worry about her. Rocco stops smiling. Mom decides to butt in and tells Natalie to tell Isla herself. Mom asks why Rocco is following Natalie around. And what did she mean about Isla? Natalie says that she'll explain everything.

Right then Cairo finds them and he declares that *he'll* explain everything. Mom says that something is definitely going on. Isla says she thinks she should explain everything. Cairo says her name to stop her. Isla says that it's nothing crazy. Natalie says she'll explain. Cairo says he will. Mom tells everyone to be quiet! And then looks at Isla to tell her to proceed.

Isla says that she asked Rocco for a favor, to find out about Natalie and Cairo's relationship. Cairo sighs, because he knows the jig is up. Mom looks at Cairo with a small smirk on her lips, since she knows she has him now. Isla says she wanted to know she should buy the couple as a wedding gift. Everyone looks at Isla, surprised.

Isla says that she wanted to get them something they needed but didn't want to ask directly, so that it could be a surprise. Mom sighs, disappointed. Mom asks Natalie if that's what she was going to say. Natalie glances at Cairo several times as she tries to think of what to say. Cairo answers instead, saying that Natalie felt uncomfortable about being congratulated by her fiancé's ex. Isla says that she was wrong. She looks at Natalie as she says that she didn't know it would cause trouble. She apologizes. Then she takes Mom ways, to do more shopping.

Natalie and Cairo go to the food court. She asks Cairo if he's okay. He sure looks okay. He just stuffed a huge spoonful of rice in his mouth. He wants to know about what that she's asking. Natalie says that he and Isla must've been close enough at some point to consider marriage and she paid a guy to pry into his life. He declares that it's happened before. Like it's nothing disturbing. With Isla? Or done by other people? Either way, that's pretty messed up. Natalie's thinking the same thing I am: Natalie asks him why his family is all messed up. Natalie tells him to go ahead and tell Mom the truth.

Cairo asks Natalie if she wants him to marry someone he doesn't love. Natalie points out that Isla knows now, too, so he'll get caught soon. He tells her not to worry; Isla wouldn't use her power like that. Natalie tells him to keep her out of his power struggle. She repeats that they are nothing now. She taps her tray with her chopsticks and says that they shouldn't be eating together either. Waving his spoon at her, he says that she's the one who told him to eat before he goes. She didn't remember do it, until he reminds her. Natalie nods her head and says that she did tell him to eat. She was worried about him. Cairo looks at her, surprised to hear that.

Rocco arrives at the table with a tray full of food. Without asking, he sits down next to Natalie. She's surprised he's still at the store. He says that he's hungry. Cairo glances over at Rocco. It's obvious he's telling himself that he doesn't like this guy. Natalie puts her chopsticks down and declares that she's repeating herself. And she uses hand motions to emphasis. The pair of them are OUT. And out is in English. She stands up and declares that she's only going to think about herself. Unless you need to tell Cairo to eat again… She declares that she won't get swayed by other people's business. She grabs her tray and walks off, with Rocco asking if she's leaving.

Not looking up from his food, Cairo tells Rocco to stop tormenting Natalie. Rocco mutters, "Look who's talking." Or something like that. They cast glaring glances at each other. Outside, Natalie is muttering to herself about the pair. She just wants a quiet life alone. What's with them?! Sounds like Cairo now… She takes her shoes off and throws them to the ground with frustration. Zoe approaches and offers Natalie the drink she's carrying. Zoe declares that she wants to talk about something.

Kelvin wakes in the hotel, sheet barely covering his nakedness. It takes him a moment to realize he is not at home. Then he notices that he's naked and cringes. He grabs his phone. There's a text that says, "Good job, Oppa." That's not tacky, not at all. Kelvin is not happy. He throws one of his little fits and pounds on the bed. He also slaps his head and then he sobs.

Natalie is surprised. Zoe says that she knows Natalie is shocked over her getting together with Kelvin. She declares that she was hesitant to. Really? When? Back at the club? Because you've been chasing him ever since the wallets. Natalie asks if Zoe remembers what he did to her. Zoe does. She also knows that Natalie is over Kelvin Oppa. Natalie repeats that she is. Zoe says that she won't see him if Natalie doesn't want her to. Whatever. You are totally two-faced. Because Natalie is more important to her than Kelvin.

Zoe adds that it's just not right for Natalie to object. If Natalie's over him, why not let him go? Natalie has two guys who are crazy about her anyway. Natalie protests that she's worried about Zoe. Natalie knows what he's like. Zoe – because she is delusional – says that Kelvin might not be a bad boy with her. All Natalie can say is, "What?" Zoe declares that she's going to dust him off and recycle him. Then she smiles and walks off. Of course, Natalie doesn't see Zoe for who she is, so she gets absolutely livid at what Kelvin's done to her friend. Natalie declares that she'll kill him.

Kelvin is carefully creeping up to Bon Café. The man is hiding from Zoe. I shake my head. After scanning the restaurant, he slowly creeps inside. Rocco sees him. Kelvin asks if any girls ask for him. Rocco replies that none did, just like always. Kelvin makes a mess for Rocco to clean up for the dig.

Kelvin goes to Chef and asks to add the Cuatro Kimchi Cheese to the menu. Chef is clueless. Kelvin explains: the one he made for the wine meeting… the fusion dish with 4 types of cheese. Right as Rocco enters the kitchen, Kelvin declares that his dish was popular. Didn't chef make it? He drops the dishes he was carrying. Kelvin and Chef glare at him as he apologizes. Kelvin orders Chef to set a price and add the dish. Chef thinks at remembers it was Rocco's kimchi. He yells that Rocco's a jerk!

Kelvin exits the kitchen to be confronted by Natalie. He desperately tries to flee and finally does, squirming out of his jacket and leaving her holding it. It's quite hysterical to watch. She takes after him. When he runs down the stairs, he hurts his knee, so he starts limping as he runs. Natalie takes off after him on her bike. Finally she cuts him off. He tries to dodge her again, but she gets him by the scruff of his shirt. Little kid fit. He asks why she's after him. She asks what he did to Zoe. Is he serious about Zoe or not?