What You Must Never Let Anyone Find Out Even Until the Last Moment [1]

It's at Mom's house and it's raining heavily outside. Everyone is there (but Dad). Natalie asks Mom if something – we can't see it – has special meaning for her. Is it really... important? Mom says that it is. With a hint of exasperation, I might add. I'm getting a little nervous because Natalie's got closet crazy eyes going on. Mom tells Natalie that she has to treat it previously also. Brief stares off and then Natalie grabs what looks like a giant egg or vase or something. As the dramatic music plays, Natalie lifts it over her head. Grandma is shocked. Cairo yells Natalie's name. Mom's mouth is hanging open. Natalie smashes. We hear a crunch that sounds like broken glass. Mom can't believe that Natalie did it. Cairo is shocked and Natalie looks at Mom with satisfied eyes.

Hi guys! I'm jojo08 the Author of Anticipate Marriage. If you really love and admire my work, I kindly request you to join me in MangaToon to continue reading Anticipate Meaning without any pause. Hope, we will be connect there soon. Until then it's jojo08 signing out. Stay Tuned and Stay Safe.