What You Must Never Let Anyone Find Out Even Until the Last Moment [2]

Weird guy with middle-parted hair and a mole where his third eye would be is looking back at Cairo. Monk asks why Mom had to bring Cairo with him, when she could have just had his fortune done. Monk declares that after reading Cairo's fortune, his body's extremely weak and Monk sees lots of disasters. Cairo's also not a very luck-filled person. A person like this, his relationships with others aren't easy going. No one would want to befriend him, not even a mouse. Monk adds that it'd be fortunate if only he is lonely, but he has a foul fate to make even those next to him lonely.

Hi guys! I'm jojo08 the Author of Anticipate Marriage. If you really love and admire my work, I kindly request you to join me in MangaToon to continue reading Anticipate Meaning without any pause. Hope, we will be connect there soon. Until then it's jojo08 signing out. Stay Tuned and Stay Safe.