
"Where the fuck I am right now."


"Great now I am in the middle of a war."


A shriek came out of his mouth and a huge amount of information came into his mind.

"So I am Alexander Ivan Fesenko an Ukrainian Arms dealer who was selling his weapon to the African nation when he suddenly got a call that his mom and wife got killed by Russians who invaded Ukraine. So that's why he was drinking till he was dead. So what to do now as I can still supply gun to Ukrainian Soldier."

Suddenly a metallic voice came into his mind.

[Congratulation host for becoming Unlimited System.]

[Host has the power to have everything unlimited from money to weapons.]

"So what do I have to do for having this power."

[Nothing, but some missions every now and then.]

[But you have rise up in social ladder and some conditions to form.]

"Okay so now do have some things like status or something else to show me my stats."

[Host, only need to think about it and a panel will come in front of you.]

[Name- Alexander Ivan Fesenko

Age- 25




Items- Beginner's Pack


Points- Infinity

Missions- None

Shop ]

'System open Beginner's Pack'

[Congratulations, you got Underground base from G to -50 Floors, Military Pack, 10000 special forces, 500 assassins, 1 Airport, 100 Airplanes.]

'So what is in Military Pack?'

[Military Pack contains tanks, missiles, land vehicles, helicopters, guns and land vehicles]

'And how much do it contain.'

[Approx. 10000 in Missiles both surface to air and air to air, 1000 Helicopters, 1000000 guns from American M16 to Russian Ak-15 everything, anti tank and armored vehicle missiles and grenades.]

'So I can basically send an entire platoon of solider for fight right.'

[Yes, host.]

'Let's see what to do now.'

Just as he was walking down he saw how Russian troops were mascaraing innocent people to save their Food and supplies.

[Emergency Mission-

Save Ukraine From Russia


Portal to Another World
