
After seeing mission Alex thought about how to win this war without anybody after his life. He pack his all the stuff and documents which show his resident.

As he walked towards the underground tunnel which is connected to sewer pipe that comes out of a river. After walking out of sewer he went to find some car to escape from the city.

After 15 min walk he finally found a working car and started the car to escape the city.

After 4 days of driving he finally escaped the city and finally escaped into Kyiv.

At entrance of Kyiv City he stopped and walked towards the outpost.

"Halt! Who is there?" (Guard 1)

"Its me. Alexander Ivan Fesenko I came in peace." (Alex)

"Show your documents and put your hands in the air." (Guard 1)

Alex took out his documents and put his hands up. Guard 1 took his documents and showed it to Guard 2 and his superior.

After 5 min of checking of all the documents Guard 1 gave back his documents and told him to move front.

After having his documents back he went in the city and got a mobile from one of the people in the streets.

We have to say that Ukrainians put a tough fight in front of Russia without having much of equipment and weapons.

After getting the phone he called his one of the only friend he got Samuel Williams one of the largest Arms Dealer in Western Hemisphere.

"Hello, Who is this? And whom I am speaking to?" (Samuel)

"Hey! You can't forgot about your one of the few friend do you?" (Alex)

"Where the fuck are you calling from my FRIEND Alex right now. And what do you want?" (Samuel)

"Right now you can say Kyiv and I want you to call Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy say some arms dealer is calling him." (Alex)

"I can do that but what will you do than." (Samuel)

"Our regular business and what else. I want to talk to him say i will meet him in front of St. Sophia's Cathedral."(Alex)

"Okay and anything else. It will cost you US $100000 my FRIEND." (Samuel)

"Nah. Not anything else and I am sending the money." (Alex)

"Okay. Bye." (Samuel)

After talking he went to an alley and summoned two of his Special Forces Soldiers and meets them.

"Sargent Adam Lynn Sir." (SF Adam)

"Sargent Brian Smith Sir" (SF Brain)

"Okay soldiers protect me and lets go to St. Sophia's Cathedral." (Alex)

"Okay Sir." (SF Adam)

After meeting they went to car and moved to St. Sophia's Cathedral to meet President's aide. Just after 15 min they meet with President's aide Antin and talk started in a nearby cafe.

"So what do you want to talk about Alexander Ivan Fesenko, an arms dealer." (Aide Antin)

"Well I can support the army with Soldiers, equipments, weapons and other things but in return I want Novo-Mechybelovskaya well - 100 and Karlavska well - 101 respectively and will keep it safe." (Alex)