
After the launch of the missiles, it took just 5 hours for Ukrainian and Alex's troops to take control of the Crimean west area. After taking control of the Western Crimean Area the missile launchers, artillery, and many types of equipment were stationed in the area and took control of the whole western Crimean Peninsula.

After taking control take took control of all airports and cities that were in the Western area. Just like how Russia did they also took control of the Supreme Council (parliament) of Crimea and captured strategic sites across Western Crimea. This came as a huge hit to Russia as now they have more problems than solutions.

As they were fighting in the Crimean Peninsula the outer part of Kyiv took control of Brovary and Prinove from the north and east and Zdvyzhivka and Kodra from the west. Due to the huge amount of vehicles and equipment, the Ukrainian soldiers were effective against Russian soldiers.

After the gruesome fight, they were able to take back control of Antonov International Airport. As they have better airports they were able to fly airplanes and helicopters to fight against them.

As they were fighting Alex and President Zelensky were talking about what to do next.

"So for what have called me for?" (Alex)

"Well we would like to purchase airplanes for our army. Do you have some." (President Zelensky)

"I do have some airplanes but which type do you want?" (Alex)

"Multipurpose airplanes but how much will it cost us that's the real question as you are the most authoritarian person after me."(President Zelensky)

"I would like to have the Crimean area under my control. And don't worry it will be semi-autonomous as government can interfere only if needed such as war, election but after it has been held." (Alex)

"Okay, but which airplane do you have?" (President Zelensky)

"I have Su-30 Falkener, Su-27, Su-57 and etc." (Alex)

"But how much time will it take to pilots to learn them?" (President Zelensky)

"You can also have them in drone settings as they only need experienced gamers or pilots." (Alex)

"Okay we would like to have 50 Su-30, 75 Su-27, and 20 Su-57 will it be okay." (President Zelensky)

"Yeah it will be okay and I will also deploy the airplane to the crimean area to take control back by using my own airplane but will show as Ukrainian." (Alex)

"Okay, best of luck." (President Zelensky)

After talking with them they started taking action as they talked about. As Ukrainian were fighting on the ground suddenly a sound came with that an airplane was there and was shooting at Russian Bunkers and equipment, making their work easy.

As the troops were happy and motivated they took back all of the areas under Russian occupation. As this was happening a storm was brewing, with Russia as its center. Day by day, all area under the Russian Occupation was taken back more and more the President of Russia was angry that he was starting to launch nuclear missiles on Ukraine.

???? POV:

"What's happening in Ukraine why our troops are falling back and why has the Crimean Peninsula been under the Ukrainian government?"

"Sir, that arms dealer has been giving equipment and machines to Ukrainian people as they have taken weapons and are giving a tough fight to our troops sir."

"How are they so good when we have some of the best troops?"

"Sir all the equipment such as tanks and armored vehicles have modified so they can be controlled from a remote sir."

"Not only that sir, but they are also using simple drones as bombers sir."