
????? POV:

"So you are saying is that they are using drones as bombers, right?"

"Yes sir. But they are long-distance controlled drones as they are working on some other waves than radio waves, sir."

"So we cannot block the waves on which they are working right."

"Yes sir."

"How much time do we have ?"

"For what, sir."

"What else for losing the war."

"I don't know sir, but my estimate is about one to two months, sir."

"Okay, I think I will have to go to President for a talk, it seems."

"It seems sir."

Alex POV:

As his troops are gaining control over all of the Crimean area, the Russians were retreating day after day. As he was using the drones to air-strike the Russian cargo that was coming to Crimea, the ship destruction was a common occurrence in the Black Sea in the eastern part of it.

"So Ladies and gentlemen, we can start peace talk with Russia about the current war we have, show no fear when the peace talk will be held." (Alex)

"As the whole Crimean area and all the lost territories and all the lost territories will be taken back." (Alex)

"So, what about the separatist in the Dovzhansk and Luhansk area?" (Leader of Eastern Front)

"We will arrest them and send them to Russia after the war. It will be their problem, not ours." (Alex)

"So what to do with Belarus, as they were the key player in this whole problem." (Northern Front Leader)

"We will send drones to destroy all the military and strategic area and try to take control of the Southern Belarus area and when peace talk will be held we will have a high position." (Alex)

"We can do that and can use a decoy to show as if we are moving to Brest, but we will be Mazyr and Rečyca to Gomel. So we can give Gomel to them back and can keep the rest of the area to ourselves." (Alex).

"But what if they tried to take back the captured area, Alex." (President Zelensky)

"That's what I want to do, if we tried to do anything else they will not let us off the hook and will try everything to take back all the captured area." (Alex)

"So you thought about this all, huh."(President Zelensky)

As the meeting was happening the signaller caught the radio signal between a rebel soldier and a Russian General.

He went to the meeting so fast that other soldiers thought that he was going for a kill.

"Drop on the ground and state your Id as well as your name and under whom you work?"

"Okay, okay. I am Private Aleksand. I work with Signaller Corp."

"State your business?"

"Sir we have intercepted a radio between a rebel soldier and a Russian General, sir."

"Okay, you can go inside we will take you with us."

"Okay, sir."

As they were going in the door opened up and the regional leaders were leaving. As they saw that they wait for the soldiers to meet the.