The next month was uneventful. Nathaniel and Beth had a few fights. But none as big as the next. They all had worked very hard to make money and make sure that they wouldn't be found by the police. Daniel had gotten closer to Franz, Franz had even been to the house once but Beth, Nathaniel, Sage, Melania, Becca and Quinn made sure that they were all out so they wouldn't be seen. Sage kept on getting more and more orders, so her and Nathaniel had their hands full. Melania and Becca's shop had also taken off so they were doing a lot of work getting to know each other. They had also started school, they weren't having fun but all of their grades were going up due to Quinn helping them. Nathaniel had also made a friend Elizabeth, who he hung out with most of the time when he was not doing school or helping Sage. Beth had met Elizabeth once when she came to pick Nathaniel up but no one else had met her. Beth had gotten super far with her book, and would always read it aloud to Quinn and Sage once she had finished a chapter, it was Beth's favorite part of writing, because she would get feedback. Quinn's birthday was also in the past month and on that day they went back to the lake but this time they didn't drink and didn't stay out that late. Melania and Daniel had gotten into a rhythm of going jogging before Daniels shift everyday.
"Is Nathaniel going to meet up with Elizabeth?"
Becca asked Quinn
"Yeah I think so"
Quinn answered
"Has anyone even met her"
Becca wondered
"Yesh I have"
Beth interrupted
"Really, wait, how is she. Nathaniel has said nothing about her"
Quinn screeched
"She doesn't seem like the nicest I mean when I met her she called me 'the girl who broke him' and she said this in like my voice like she was mocking me. And then when Nathaniel came out they hugged which isn't bad but she like smirked like she owned him and then Nathaniel started to walk and she ran back to 'hug' me she whispered in my ear something like 'I've got him now. You know I've heard everything about you and you seem like a real bitch' she isn't wrong about the bitch part but now I wonder what Nathaniel told her. I also found her Insta and damn her body looks good, like she is beautiful but I still don't like her."
Beth went on. Quinn and Becca looked at each other and laughed and then proceeded to whisper something.
"I'm still here you know"
Beth noted. Sage ran downstairs
"Nathaniel I got a huge order can you help"
She screamed
"He's not here, he's getting ready in his room"
Becca told her. Sage smiled and ran back upstairs.
"Do you think he's going to help her or go out with Elizabeth?"
Becca speculated
"Help Sage"
Quinn answered
"Def Elizabeth"
Beth said with confidence and like clockwork Nathaniel came down with Sage following quickly behind.
"But Nathaniel"
"Sage I can't I'm hanging out with Elizabeth"
"You told me you would always help me"
"But I can't"
"No Sage I can't always help you, ask Beth or Melania, Quinn, Becca I can't"
Sage started but Nathaniel ran out the door
"I enjoy doing this with you"
Sage finished
"You get used to that, I'll help you and listen to you complain about Nathaniel"
Beth comforted
"Fine but only because I'm pissed at Nathaniel and sometimes I have to let my anger out"
Sage smiled and grabbed the stuff she needed for the order
"So here's a paper telling you how to do everything"
Sage gave Beth the piece of paper
"So we need five flowers in a bottle, one pair of earrings with the dried up oranges. One super cute headband with the flower pattern and the ring with the jewel inside actually two of them one Amethyst and one Jade."
Sage lectured. Becca and Quinn looked at each other and shrugged.
"We'll help as well"
They offered. And so they all started with the order.
"So is Nathaniel good at this let out your anger with Nathaniel it helps"
Beth instructed
"Well he promised me he would help me with this and so I wouldn't tell everyone he watches Gossip Girl, shit you guys didn't hear that from me. But he's super fun and we like to talk about the most randomest things and it's fun to get to know him one on one. We would always watch Gossip Girl which was funny. But like now all he does is hang out with Elizabeth and I shouldn't be mad cause he got himself a girlfriend but that's all he does. This is the second time he's ditched the shop for her and last time he said he would never do that again but he broke his promise. But he did, he was telling me about Elizabeth while we were doing an order. He was telling me how great she is but that she complains too much about everything, they were at a restaurant and there was a hair, her hair in the food and she screamed and asked for the food to be completely refunded and when the employee said no she screamed and left the restaurant. But other than that he says she is completely fine. He also told me that he told her about Beth obviously calling her Aurora and she now hates Beth/Aurora because she took something he said the wrong way so now all she wants to do is to talk about you he finds that annoying, like if you find it annoying just don't talk about her."
Sage finished
"He's got a girlfriend?"
Beth asked
"Is that all you got from what Sage told us"
Quinn questioned
"Yeah, she literally said all these stuff about how Elizabeth hates you and all you got is that Nathaniel has got a girlfriend."
Becca added on
"I'm sorry ok, I thought they were just friends so sue me for asking if they are together romantically"
Beth snapped back
"I don't actually know, he said they kissed but they haven't talked about it"
Sage answered
"They kissed!"
Beth screamed
"Beth you have problems"
Becca laughed
"Sue Me!"
Beth sneered
"Ok, I'm done what about you guys"
Sage bubbled
"How are you so fucking fast"
Quinn marveled
"Where's Melania"
Becca blurted out
"She's taking a nap, she was very tired after yesterday"
Sage explained
"Oh, I wished I had stayed downstairs instead of going to my room"
Becca groaned
"No you don't, Melania was vomiting everywhere. But the best part was when Nathaniel eventually came home he tripped over Melania's vomit, I was going to get paper towels to clean it up by the way, he fell into the vomit, he was pissed."
Sage told her
"Well now I want to have been downstairs even more. Seeing Nathaniel fall into vomit"
Becca laughed
"That sounds amazing. Did you take a photo, video?"
Beth laughed asking Sage
"No I didn't"
The others groaned
"That sucks"
Quinn giggled. They all laughed and got to finishing the order. Once it was done they packaged it up, got ready and all walked into town to ship it off. While in town they also went to the supermarket to get some snacks and also to finally meet Franz who Daniel had been gushing about. Once they arrived back home they all split up to do their own things. Beth went to the garden to write, Sage worked on the garden, Becca went to her room to photoshop a few photos so she can post them on her Insta, while Quinn went to the end of the garden to the swing on the tree and read.
At 9pm Nathaniel finally came home
"Thank you for finally coming home, I cooked for you but you couldn't tell me you weren't going to eat with us. We need to work on communication"
Sage yelled at Nathaniel as soon as he walked through the door
"I'm sorry I didn't realize you wanted me to tell you everything and everything I do"
Nathaniel snapped back
"I'm sorry I know this is your fight but we all know Sage won't say this but Nathaniel are you dumb, you've done it before and Sage yelled at you about that too, use your fucking brain it isn't that hard. Plus isn't it just common sense we eat together every night, you don't think we would just know that you're not eating with us. We called you collectively twenty times. Think, clearly you can't do that. Or the fact that you ditched Sage, for the second time. You promised her you would always help her, I get it you want to hang out with Elizabeth but that doesn't mean you ditch your friends, you're such an asshole"
Beth yelled
"Friends? Since when are we friends Beth, I remember you telling me you hate me"
Nathaniel screamed back
"I don't like you, I never will, but Sage enjoys your company when you to are making the orders, Becca loves to get shit faced every other night, you don't enjoy your talks with Quinn were she gives you advice and helps you, what about the fact that you go jogging with Daniel every other day and whenever you come back you're both laughing and smiling or when you and Melania are laughing to the deeps of the night watching stupid stuff on Netflix or YouTube I see and hear it all. I may not like you but they certainly do. They certainly consider you a friend. I'm not the only one here."
"You know Elizabeth asked me if I wanted to go with her back to New York, I said no because I wanted to stay with my friends but you know I hate being screamed at you all the time for stupid things"
"Then go see if I fucking care, not like this is the first time you've left me, but I'm sure the others will hate you"
"Then let them. You know Daniel your best friend the one who you talk with all the time also wants to leave, I don't think you know that because your best friend can't even talk to you"
"That's not even true, he told me that actually when we were at the motel on the way here, I actually listen to him more than I talk to him. Just because I don't outright talk about it doesn't mean I don't know about it. A lot more stuff happens behind the scene then you know about, Nathaniel"
"Daniel, come down here"
Nathaniel screamed and Daniel and everyone else came downstairs
He asked
"If I asked you to go with me to New York would you say yes?"
Nathaniel asked, Daniel looked at Beth and reluctantly said:
"Yeah I would"
"Fine why don't both of you guys leave, I won this house let me just kick you too out, I don't want to see either of you, I'll through your stuff out of the window"
Beth scoffed, she then proceeded to push both of the boys out of the house. She then locked the door and ran into her room, tears streaming down her face. The girls followed her and they all hugged each other. After a few minutes of hugging Beth ran up to Nathaniel and Daniels' room. She grabbed all of their things and threw them out of the window. Her eyes were red, she was blinded by anger. Daniel and Nathaniel were terrified trying to catch all of their flying things. The girls stood by the door frame, terrified of Beth and so they didn't interfere. Beth came to the last thing left to throw out, Nathaniel's picture which he went to his house to get, she looked at it, it was a photo of her and Nathaniel, it was the day before Nathaniel's grandpa died and they were smiling on the Monica Pier and Beth was holding a balloon. Beth burst into tears, she fell to her knees. Sobbing. She threw the photo out of the window and it smashed to pieces.