Dream Within a Dream

I seem to have regained my memories that were being eaten away by my madness.

The only part I can't remember was my past life. I know I didn't belong in Yharnam but where did I belong?

I remember games such a Dark Souls and Bloodborne but where did they come from? The place was my home but... was it?

I looked around and noticed it was just a massive cave with a glowing liquid far away.

'Why is that liquid so bright? No... It's not that bright I can simply see in the dark...'

I tried to move but I learned that I can't. I'm not trapped but rather I can't feel my arms and legs...


I screamed within my mind as and I could not move a single part of my body.


I suddenly calmed down as my anger was replaced with confusion.

'If I can't move then how can I see my surroundings? Didn't I turn my head?'

Suddenly a window appeared in front of me and I read it without even questioning it.

[> Mother has transported you to a new dream. You likely won't remember what you wanted so I will explain it to you. <]

I continued to read as a new window appeared.

[> Your name is Kyle, you made a choice of going home or going to sleep and you chose to dream. You wanted to escape your reality so Mother erased your pain and sent you to a new dream. <]

'Right... I wanted to leave home and I woke up in Bloodborne. Not the best place but it was fun if you ignore the madness...'

[> Mother will watch your dream but please know that this is not a simple dream but in fact, a reality you wanted. You are you but you are also the Moon Presence. <]

I stopped as a particular memory appeared in my mind. I wondered what it would be like to be a God of Madness...

'So that's why I can't move? I don't know how? I was a hunter, no I was human... why is everything mixed together!'

[> Mother will be leaving soon so you will need to learn to remember your powers. I also know you don't always want to be a 'Monster' as you always like to call them so since you have power over dreams you can will yourself anything and everything you want. <]

When I finished reading this part I spoke within my mind.

'Organize my memories.'

Suddenly my memories started to become clear. I was a human who became a hunter and I... Devoured the Moon Presence?!

'Right I felt hunger and then things became foggy but I remember acting like an animal and ate my prey...'

I then started to to will my body to turn human but I didn't get it right. My body was humanoid but my skin, face, and organs would say otherwise.

My body went from a large skinless creature with a mass of tentacles for a head, a mass of bones like chest, two long arms with claws as hands, two tails of flesh which split into more tails, and long legs with claws for feet.

To a humanoid body with a face that would give children nightmares, hair-like tentacles, and normal legs and arms.

(Like Hive from Agents of shield)

"This body feels weird yet familiar to when I was human..."

I spoke out for the first time in this new form but this also made me realize I can speak but in a deep tone.

I then decided to put my celebration on hold as I wanted to explore my surroundings as all I knew was that I was within a large cave with a glowing liquid in the distance.

As I began walking I started thinking.

'So I decided to change reality's since I didn't like my original one... I honestly don't know what to think of this. I remember everything from my time in Bloodborne but I barely remember my home...'

I stopped thinking as I arrived next to the glowing liquid. My brain seemingly entered overdrive as I knew what this liquid was but I just couldn't remember its name.

"If this is what I think it is then I'm not sure what I should do. What was that game again? Garda of war? No, I don't even think that was a game... God Of War? No that had the god slayer guy... GEARS! Gears of war!"

Knowing that I was possible in a world that was in constant war didn't make me feel better.

"Wait why would I want to feel better? Did my madness leave side effects or something? Why am I even talking to myself?"

After this, I decided to not bother about it anymore because I'm basically madness itself now.

"Speaking of madness, what are my abilities as a hole? Do I control dreams or rather nightmares? Do I make nightmares become reality?"

I then remember back to the final message my mother sent me.

"I can will anything and everything at will? Is their a requirement?"

I then willed a small galaxy to form within my hands but I only waited and waited for nothing to happen.

"Okay there are requirements but I need to find a way to figure them out. I have a pretty good idea on it though. If I'm a God of Madness that controls dreams and nightmares then I probably need to meet something capable of dreaming... Then I can manifest their nightmares and use them at will..."

I suddenly stopped talking as I remember something about the glowing liquid a few inches away from me.

"The Liquid is known as Imulsion, not only was it an energy source but it was alive... Imulsion was a parasitic fungal organism that appeared as a naturally occurring, luminescent, golden, highly volatile, low-viscosity liquid..."

As I said this out loud I suddenly felt a connection. I could feel the parasitic life force that was the Imulsion.

"Billions... Unfortunately, they can't seem to be able to dream perhaps they don't need to sleep? Makes me wonder what a parasite would be afraid of..."

After my quick thought that wasn't so much of a thought, I decided to continue walking as I wanted to find an exit to this cave. I was tired of the constant depressing feel this cave gave off.