Welcome to the nightmare

I have been walking for a few hours now and it's safe to say that I am utterly lost. During this time though I did find a hint on where to go to find an exit!

A few moments ago I heard a loud explosion coming from in front of me so perhaps I was going in the right direction?

"What caused the explosion though? Mining accident? A firefight between the Locust and COG? To be honest I'm not a hundred percent sure that the sound came from in front of me. I still haven't made myself ears so stop laughing."

I continue walking but I was starting to get annoyed by a voice within my head. Who would figure a God of Madness was insane?

I couldn't help but let out a sigh which should not even have been possible as I don't have lungs at the moment. I stopped walking as the cave started vibrating and to my surprise, a strange drill pod appeared in front of me.

I watched as the pod landed only for it to continue digging downwards.

"I think that thing was called a Grindlift. Thanks for showing me the exit though."

I quickly walked towards the edge of the seemingly bottomless pit and notice I have no way of climbing it to the surface. I quickly looked towards the grindlift that was getting deeper and deeper and made a questionable judgment call. I jumped down.

"What was that quote? What come's down must go up? Sounds right..."

Regret. I regret my judgment call why would the voice suggest jumping down?

The Grindlift was very hot and uncomfortable but it can't damage my skin but I can still feel it.

"HellO? YoU have A ThiRd PassEngeR... Can YOu LeT me iN?"

I tried speaking but the pod was vibrating to the point my voice sounded awkward. I should also realize how stupid I might have sounded by asking two soldiers to let an unknown entity inside a moving grindlift.

I suddenly felt the vibration stop and noticed I was free-falling right next to the grindlift. I looked towards the ground which was getting closer by the second but the voice in my head said I would be fine.

I crashed. I'd say I was in pain but that would be a lie. I am perfectly fine and noticed I was about to meet two soldiers while I'm practically naked.

"Please be a female... When was the last time I saw a girl anyway?"

My thought that I totally did not say aloud was interrupted by me getting shot in my face.

I'm fine though and the voice said I'm an idiot but it's lying. I got back up to have a friendly conversation but a person decide to hug me instead.

I meant chainsaw my bad.

Yeah, apparently I'm bulletproof and chainsaw-proof, learn something new every day. The voice told me to hit back but why should I hurt my new best friend? Well if it's a guy then I will but if it's a girl then I'll be nice. Can't tell since the person is wearing a helmet.

"Can you please stop? Also before I hit you can you please identify yourself? Male or female?"

The soldier stopped in confusion but quickly went for their pistol.

"Gender equality it is then..."

Not even a second later I kicked the person and apparently, I'm stupidly strong. I'm not sure if it was being the Moon Presence or my MAX stats for when I was a hunter.

The person crashed into the grindlift and quickly stopped moving to cause me to worry that I may have killed the person.

The voice in my head was telling me I did a good job but I ignored it as I heard a feminine voice calling out towards the person.


Apparently, women have differently styled armor to have room for their assets which let me know I kicked a dude. Good job indeed.

The woman was trying to reach for a weapon but her restraint was jammed so she could move.

"Can I claim self-defense? I mean the guy shot me and even tried to cut me in half with a chainsaw..."

{Alice POV}

Today was an absolute cluster fuck. While our team was preparing for operation Desert Dive when we were ambushed by Locusts and some smart guy decided to not have an emergency shut-down switch to let us out so while our team is being attacked on all sides, both me and David are about to drop.

"Get this restraint off! We need to regroup with everyone!"

David was mirroring my actions.

"I'm trying! It's not opening!"

He would have continued talking but both Alice and David watched as the Grindlift's doors closed causing the duo to scream out in frustration.

"David the mission is a failure so the moment we get out of here we need to find a way to the surface."

David out of anger slammed his fist on the interior and spoke.

"I know! We were to be the first to drop so unless they manage to hold out and send more lifts down then we will have to make it back to base on foot."

Once more, David was interrupted but the Grindlift dropping and digging below the surface when suddenly a loud bang could be heard from up top.

Alice ignored it thinking it was rocks falling but this changed as they began free-falling meaning they dug into a cavern.

"Son of a-"

Before she could finish, the Grindlift crashed onto the floor causing her to slam her head on her restraint knocking her out.

After an unknown amount of time passed she woke up because of a loud bang hitting the Grindlift.

Alice watched as a Locust was walking towards her but she has never seen this type. She saw drones, boomers, grinders, tickers, and so on but she has never seen once such as this.


Alice tried removing her restraint but found out it was jammed and she couldn't even reach her weapons.

With no other way of protecting herself, she was about to accept her fate until the Locus did something absurd.

"Can I claim self-defense? I mean the guy shot me and even tried to cut me in half with a chainsaw..."

Alice had only one thought in her head.

'What the hell?'