So my new friend is probably mad at me. It's completely unfair might I add but I did probably just kill her other friend. We're they even friends?
"If I let you out will you shoot me?"
Was I being blunt with my question? Yes, yes I was but do I care? Nope.
The woman looked at me but I could not see her face due to her wearing a helmet.
"Would you believe me if I said I promise not to shoot you?"
Hearing her words I just shrugged my shoulders and pulled on her restraint and without any effort, it snapped open.
Seeing my act of manliness of being super strong I didn't notice the woman reaching for her standard-issue MX8 Snub Pistol and the voice started calling me an idiot.
This caused me to focus once more but it was already too late and she began shooting me again and again.
"What kind of lady breaks a promise!"
I yelled out but the woman ignored my complaint and kept pulling the trigger until she ran out of bullets.
The woman quickly noticed that all her bullets were completely ineffective against my skin and out of anger she yelled.
I just grabbed the Snub Pistol rather forcefully at that from her hand and I broke it causing her to start punching me.
"You must be on your period, that must be why you are so angry right?"
Hearing this made the woman flinch out of the pure stupidity she just heard.
I just nodded my head in a sage-like manner.
"Well, my name is Kyle, and can you please stop punching me? Actually, I would not mind a back massage so can you start hitting my back instead?"
The woman who heard this comment sent out one final kick out of pure frustration. How was she supposed to kill a grub who was unkillable with her available weapons?
I just watched her walked towards the male who is still knocked out and after a few minutes she let out a sigh of relief.
While she was doing this I decided to snoop around the grindlift and see what was within it. Nothing interesting... Oh, I did find a pen and paper.
Naturally, I started writing on it while giving the woman who was rude enough to not tell me her name even after I told her mine, a hateful glare which she noticed.
"Either kill us or stop glaring at me you Grub."
I ignored her comment and handed her the paper I wrote.
The woman grabbed the paper out of habit because since when do locusts hand people a piece of paper instead of trying to fill them with bullet holes?
When she finished reading the piece of paper she started to feel a headache.
"Seriously? A restraining order? Of all the Locusts that could have found us, I get the one that's trying to give me a heart attack from stress..."
I shrugged my shoulders again because it was mostly a joke but the woman just sat down after giving a glance at her surroundings.
"So are you just supposed to keep us here until more grubs show up? Torture and then a painful death?"
I sat down as well because why should I have to stand?
"Lady I'm infinitely more worse than a 'Grub'. I don't care about your stupid war I just want to get to the surface."
The woman just continues to watch me as if she was trying to look into my soul but she spoke instead.
"Humor me then, what are you if you are not a grub? Might as well make my late moments enjoyable."
Hearing her words made me question even myself. The woman also noticed this and honestly started to believe me when I said I'm not a Locust.
"I don't even know anymore. Cross Dimensional Being? I'm not even from this planet yet alone this universe."
The woman just scoffed at my comment but she still believed that I wasn't a Locust as I'm completely different. She just believed that I was some sort of lab rat that escape from the Locust.
"So will you tell me your name now?"
The woman just sighed.
The voice inside my head started telling me to kill the woman but why? She is literally my only hope of escaping this underground prison.
"So Alice, when can we leave for the surface? I'm getting tired of this place."
I asked in which she just looked towards me.
"David and I will be leaving after he wakes up vita the Grindlift. You on the other hand will have to find your own way. The grindlift only has room for two."
Hearing this made me frown causing Alice to realize her mistake.
"Lady I'm going to the surface with either you or him. One of you will be staying down here to find a way out. You have no way of killing me and I'm stronger than both of you combined. I will be leaving."
Alice just looked at David and she knew my words were true. They had no way of fighting me and someone was going to be left behind. She already knew that the operation failed because there has yet to be another Grindlift to show up.
"Even if you leave with one of us, the COG will shoot you on sight when we return to the surface. I'm just a scout and if we don't return together then they will move locations to a better spot as they will deem this spot a no-go."
Something was wrong when I heard her say this. It was like a tingling feeling and both myself and the voice came to an idea on why.
She lied.
"Did you know I can feel lies?"
Alice started to sweat but her helmet hit it perfectly. She lied earlier to escape with her teammate but now this...thing can detect lies?