I could be what you would know as mad. Not madness which I am but mad. Angry even. How could my questionable choice of my new best friend want to leave me all alone in the dark creepy cavern?
Why would she rather go with 'David' when I'm such a better company than that imbecile? Is David even his real name?!
I decided to make her choice quite obvious and not out of spite and perhaps curious to see if my theory on how my powers worked was true or not.
Alice watched me as I moved towards the still unconscious 'David' and wanted to stop me as she had a feeling something bad was about to happen.
"STOP!! What are you doing?!"
I gave a quick glance towards her and spoke.
"To see if I'm right and if I am then I will be able to show you why I'm am much worse than the entire Locust Horde combined."
Not even a moment later I grabbed 'Davids' helmet and pulled it off and looked into his unfocused eyes and I felt time itself came to a complete standstill.
I couldn't help but smile.
I was right.
The space around me started changing until I was on some sort of battlefield. I examined my surroundings and all I could see was pure chaos.
The Coalition of Ordered Governments better known as the COG was in a massive firefight against the Locust Horde.
I watched as massive monstrosity's roaring towards the COG as they stepped closer and closer. I've also seemed to be able to learn basic knowledge of the person I used my powers on but ill need more test subjects to confirm.
The Brumak as they are called were equipped with wrist-mounted chainguns and a back-mounted rocket launcher and possessed incredible strength, capable of pushing over an Assault Derrick with a single shoulder-shove.
I wasn't really impressed with it as my true form was many times more terrifying but this was not what 'Davids' fear was focused on. He wasn't scared of the battlefield which had COG soldiers and Locusts dying left and right.
No his fear was what he has done to the chaotic battlefield. I could feel his own fear causing me to shift my location next to him.
I found myself in a King Raven or so they call it and noticed I was miles away from the field of death. Next to me was David who dropped his helmet as he gave out a single order with a pale face.
"Fire the Hammer of Dawn..."
Moments later I heard David mutter.
"I'm sorry everyone..."
I could not help but smile madly as the sky above the battlefield started to turn red. I could feel the despair skyrocketing from the battlefield as four large pillars of red light smashed into the surface of the field.
The four red lasers didn't stop there as they started moving towards a single point leaving death and destruction behind them and soon caused them to combine with one another.
A single red pillar of light.
But I knew the worse was yet to come as a single massive mass traveled down the pillar of destruction.
The moment it smashed into the surface, all I could see was a fireball like no other. A field with COG soldiers and Locust was instantly replaced with a raging inferno that consumed everything within its path...
And it's mine.
David's fear was bringing down this weapon of mass destruction and now I can will it into existence whenever I want.
The space around me once again shifted as I returned to the cavern which now had a screaming David.
{Alice POV}
I don't know what happened. Kyle started walking towards David and I felt something bad was about to happen.
I yelled towards Kyle but when he responded I felt true fear for the first time in a long, long time.
"To see if I'm right and if I am then I will be able to show you why I'm am much worse than the entire Locust Horde combined."
The moment he said this he pulled David's helmet off and opened his eyes and directly looked into them.
Not even a second later, David woke up and at first I was happy that he finally woke up but he started screaming while Kyle was... Laughing?!
Something was wrong. Very wrong. Kyle walked away with a maddening look in his eyes while he continued to laugh but that same look could be found in David but it was mixed with fear.
"David what's wrong-"
I had to cut myself off and rush towards David. I NEEDED to get to him right now because he suddenly stood up and started smashing his face very hard into the grindlift and each time he did this I could hear a sickening crunch.
'Why did I rest so far away?!? Why did I not rest next to him?!?'
Tears quickly started forming in my eyes as my friend continues to scream out.
The moment I reach him I tried to stop him from killing himself but I watched in horror as he smashed his head again and stopped moving...
I didn't know what to do and I'm not a medic... His face is already caved in and unrecognizable...
He... He's dead...
I wanted to grief for my friend but my sorrow was instantly was replaced with rage as I looked towards that... Monster.
{Kyle POV}
I was brought out of my madness when I suddenly heard Alice screaming towards me and without even realizing it, I missed a funny show of the guy killing himself.
Well, I got what I wanted so that's fine.
"I just took his fear and I weaponized it for my own benefit."
To my complete surprise, Alice started throwing stuff at me out of pure rage and eventually thrown her own helmet at me.
She was a blond, who would have figured. 7/10 in my opinion.
She rushed towards me why screaming and even tried to tackle me but when that did not work she tried punching and kicking me with all her might.
When I heard this I felt something snap as my 'Skin' started to rapidly crack.
"I'm not a monster... I kill monsters..."
I felt 'foreign' memories of a kid being hit over and over again while the one causing the beating said the exact same words...
I then realized I was the kid being beaten...
For the first time in my new life in this world, I felt rage. PURE rage. I didn't even notice the voice within my head was oddly silent and before I knew what happened I was in my true form roaring towards Alice who was already on the floor.
WORDS BELOW ARE NOT A CHAPTER!! I ran out of room in the author section and I need to state something kinda important about the story.
Please not get to attached to Kyle's 'best friends' they will come and go unless I openly say they will remain. i mean 'me' and not Kyle, he has problems so.... yeah.