Explore your nightmares (3/3)


Turns out my true form can cause mortals to become insane and I don't know how I feel about that.

How do I know this? Well, Alice is currently laughing with a crazed face while tears are constantly flowing from her eyes as she sits on the floor looking towards me.

I quickly started to shift into my 'human' form and would you look at that! My tentacle-like hair seems to have grown shorter and I'm basically a male Asari from mass effect just gray instead of blue!

Right, I have an insane Alice to deal with right now.

"Alice? You doing okay?"

When she heard my voice she stopped laughing but continued to have a crazed face with tears.

"I'm fine, I'm fine what does Lord wish of Alice?"

Uh oh, I broke her... Oh well.

"Let's go to the Grindlift. I've had enough of the place and I feel like if I stay any longer then I'm going to start blasting my way out of here."

Speaking of blasting I will need to do some tests with my new ability. Alice quickly nodded her head and walked back to the Grindlift meanwhile I grabbed the COG gear off of David's body.

The moment I picked all of it up I started walking towards Alice after equipping myself with said equipment. I then heard the voice within my head once again.

"What? I think it looks pretty cool so I wanted it for myself. No, you would look like an idiot! You're the one staying inside of my head rent-free so shut up or give me $500 a week."

Was I really telling my annoying voice to start paying me rent? Yep. Was it going to? Hopefully.

Well, now that I found myself in a cramped Grindlift I looked at Alice who was now sitting where David sat earlier with a look that simply said 'what are you waiting for? Start it!'

She just continues to stare at me... Creepy.

"So are you going to start it or not?"

Alice did what I kindly asked of her and soon I watched the Grindlifts door closed and it once more began drilling but it didn't continue to dig downwards for long.

I regret my act of manliness when I broke the restraints as I was currently on top of Alice due to the Grindlift taking a turn. I knew that it would get worse so I held on to Alice who was kind enough to not mind.

Eventually, the worst arrived after about an hour of the lift drilling sideways. It was a good thing and a bad thing, the good thing was we were currently drilling upwards which I still don't understand how while the bad news was that I had to hang on to Alice or I would be flat on the roof.

Can't have that now, can we?

I'm not a hundred percent sure how long we have been within this Grindlift but I'm starting to get bored. I don't know how deep I was within that cavern but I guess I'll see what Alice fears in the meantime.

Just got to make sure my best friend doesn't kill herself.

I looked within her crazed-filled eyes and I felt the time slow down to a crawl once more. My body shifted to the location of her greatest fear and I found myself within an oddly familiar cavern.

A few feet in front of me was Alice starting at my true form which was currently roaring.

Yup. Makes sense as I'm downright terrifying but now this leaves me a problem...

I can't exactly manifest myself now can I?

Seeing that I wasn't able to gain any sort of powers from Alices Nightmare I decided to leave while making sure Alice would be 'fine' when I returned.

"Now we just have to wait until we reach the surface. Hey Alice can you tell me what's it's like on the surface? Is that one place still around I think it was called jusitew?"

Alice quickly responded but she was still crying but I'm sure she will be fine sooner or later.

"I believe you are referring to Jacinto. It's humanity's last stronghold until we are able to reclaim our lost city's. The city was considered one of Sera's more beautiful cities. After E-Day, the city became the last bastion of hope for humanity."

I nodded when she said this. I can barely remember anything about this world as I've never played Gears Of War and only remember bits from videos.

Soon I began to wonder what that city was like. Alice said it was one of Sera's most beautiful city's and I wanted to compare it to my home in Yharnam.

Minus the insanity and monsters, it was quite a beautiful city in it's own unique way. Now I know that Yharnam was nowhere near as advance as Jacinto but still...




I'd like to say that this planet just dodged a bullet. I big red bullet. Maybe replace the bullet with a laser... Anyways as I was saying, I was just about to blast my way out of this stupid Grindlift when I suddenly was lifted into the air slightly.

I could not help but smile because I was just about one hundred percent sure that we just arrived on the surface...

I watched the door open and the moment I saw the light I immediately punched the door causing it to fly off.


I may or may not have kissed the ground...

Do you know how nice it was to finally see and feel the sun without having to worry about monsters trying to murder you and devour you?!

"I want a burger, pizza, steak, mashed potatoes, fries, Dr.pepper, tea, chicken, bacon, eggs, pancakes, French toast, and cake!! Alice where is the nearest restaurant!"

What? Do you know the last time I had some food? Do you know how many times I've starved to death? No? Then shut up!

"Alice can take the lord to a military camp for some MRE's. The closest thing we have to a restaurant would be a cafeteria at the stronghold. Then again... Alice doubts the lord can find such rare foods and a random base camp..."

I didn't even bother with wondering why my best friend changed her manner of speech but I'm sure she's fine. Still crying but fine.

"Let's go!! Wait which direction?"

Alice didn't respond causing me to realize that she just appeared in an unknown location with me so we both had no idea in which direction.

"I just wanted some food... I hate this stupid planet..."