I was really sad... I and my best friend Alice 'was' walking North for a few days now and in a desert-like environment no less!
But I wasn't sad because of this... I was sad because my best friend died for some reason... Apparently, Alice never went to sleep during those days and she never stopped crying so I'm pretty sure she died from dehydration...
she seemed completely fine thought! She was always smiling and always laughing but she died anyway!
Luckily this doesn't matter anymore as I found a new best friend! Sushi Roll doesn't cry so I don't think he will die but I decided to start my first project in this world!
Project BFFFE!
{Two days earlier}
"Why did she have to die? Now I don't have anyone to talk to... Alice was a really good listener even though she never responded and just laughed all the time."
In the distance, I suddenly saw sand being thrown into the air.
I ran really fast. Like super fast could you believe it?! Every second that passed I could see the sand being thrown into the air getting closer and closer by the second but I was disappointed when I arrived.
What I believed was to be a natural animal like a deer or something turned out to be a weird-looking cat? Dog? I don't know what it was but it was funny looking.
The creature I was looking at just came to the surface and was small and gray. It had four limbs which seemed to be legs while the front could also be used as hands.
It had three claws and was currently eating a piece of metal. I could not remember what they were called as I've seen them within David's nightmare until it suddenly clicked.
As if a door seemingly opened I could remember specific details about the adorable little critter. The first being that it was a wild ticker.
The Wild Ticker is a relatively fast and small locust, that uses its claws to attack, and is considered weak compared to the other locust variants. When the locust captures the wild ticker, they strap on imulsion packs to its back.
How could they do such a thing? It was weird looking but adorable in its own way! I nodded my head and rushed towards my new best friend and picked him up. Maybe it was a her? I don't know, it I guess.
The moment I picked up my friend he suddenly got agitated and tried biting and clawing me so I naturally popped it on the head.
The wilder ticker was obviously furious by my action and tried even harder to escape which started to annoy me. My best friend wanted to escape? Not a chance!
When I yelled that out my skin slightly cracked causing my 'divinity?' to release. The wild ticker suddenly froze.
Its animal instinct kicked in causing it to feel like it was in front of a brumak... NO something much, much worse. The wild ticker seemingly knew that the 'monster' that was currently holding it could kill it without any effort if it wanted to.
Seeing that my new best friend started to behave I lift it up causing it to see me with a smile.
"You look like an old sushi roll so that's your new name! SUSHI ROLL! King of tickers!"
{Current Time}
So I was once again walking while holding Sushi Roll in my arms but I was currently thinking about my new project.
Project: BFFFE, also known as Best Friend Forever For Eternity was a step-by-step process that would turn my best friend immortal!
But I'm stuck on the first step... How do I turn my new best friend immortal?
I was brought out of my thought by feeling Sushi Roll's stomach rumbling.
"Are you hungry? What do tickers even eat? It was eating metal a few days ago so I assume you can eat anything right?"
*tick, tick, tick*
I didn't understand what it was trying to say but I still looked around and all I could see was sand, sand, and even more sand. I placed Sushi Roll down and watched as he didn't try to run away and only ran in circles around me.
"Do you perhaps eat sand by any chance?"
Sushi Roll just looked at me like I was an idiot but it must have been my chaotic imagination.
"Well since your my best friend and you're hungry ill do this..."
I suddenly turned my hand into tentacles like an octopus and disconnect it from my body causing them to fall off. Yeah, I decided to let him eat my flesh because I'm such a good best friend.
The other reason I did this was that I could instantly regenerate and be perfectly fine but I still had my worries.
Would Sushi Roll be fine after eating my Sushi hand?
I was forced to watch as he quickly jumped towards my 'hand' and started eating it with much difficulty. Eventually, he managed to eat my hand and I think it just started burping.
After I picked Sushi Roll up once more I started walking North once again.
{Hours Later}
It was getting very dark now and I'm still lost in this stupid desert. I don't really need to sleep at all but I still do because it passed the time rather quickly. I also noticed that Sushi Roll fell asleep and has been like this ever since he ate my hand but he's fine. I made sure because I rather not have my new, new best friend die on me.
I placed him down and earlier I decided to call Sushi Roll a 'him' but he was probably a dude anyway. After doing this I laid down myself and fell asleep.
I slowly opened my eyes as the blazing sun was telling me to wake up and the first thing I did was to check on Sushi Roll...
All I found was a shedding of his skin...
I yelled out in both panic and betrayal but all that changed once I saw Sushi Roll was digging himself out of the sand and I instantly noticed he was difficult.
He was a few inches bigger while his claws looked sharper. His grey skin looked like it was now covered in a grey hard armor-like materials and that was the most notable difference.
I could not help but smile as my best friend became cooler and I made slight progress with Project: BFFFE!