The weapon of fear...

So we got a problem... Sushi Roll and I and beyond bored right now. We have been walking for days. Can you believe it? Walking in a seemingly endless desert could cause boredom? Well, it can and does!

So as any normal person would have done I decided to play with my weapon of mass destruction!

I looked off into the distance which caused Sushi Roll to act confused. I'm pretty sure that feeding Sushi Roll my hands, yes hands caused him to become stronger and smarter. I then realized some very annoying...

I don't know how to use my new ability...

Suddenly the voice in my head was being kind enough and told me how! All I needed to do was visualize the ability out of my hand.

So I started doing so and I watched as my hand glowed red slightly and soon after that a red beam shot from my hand.

I immediately stopped and just watched the laser shoot off into the distance until...


I watched as a massive fireball appeared causing sand and limestone to be thrown into the air and I could not help myself and smile. Sushi Roll on the other hand was looking at the explosion then back to me then once again back to the explosion.

"I'm awesome, aren't I? Well, that's enough for today so we should probably continue our journey, Sushi Roll."

I picked him up and soon realized he would get too big to carry one day. Oh well, it doesn't matter.






{Meanwhile in Jacinto, Richard Prescott POV}

I was pissed. Day in and day out I've been send orders left and right to incompetent soldiers and to my expectation the operation failed.

"I should have sent my guards... At least then the mission would have succeeded..."

I started rubbing my head as a headache soon appeared by the encrypted message. While I was trying to calm my nerves one of my Onyx Guard walked in.

"Yes, what is it now?"

The Onyx Guard did a quick salute before speaking.

"Sir, a woman by the name of Anya Stroud said she needs to speak to you. Here I quote 'Take me to the damn chairman before I barge in. It's urgent.' do you want us to escort her in or turn her away?"

Hearing my Guard tell me that Anya was here once again made my headache worsen.

"Send her in."

As my guard left I shot a glance towards a bottle of alcohol and contemplated if I should have a drink after Anya leaves.

A few minutes passed as the same Guard escorted Anya within my office And I noticed an envelope she was carrying.

"What is it now? Do troops need more supplies? Scavengers trying to steal? What?!"

Anya just had an annoyed looked on her face and responded.

"None of the above but they could use some more food. I'm here to question your authority actually, why did to order and hammer of dawn strike in the middle of the desert? We have no soldiers nearby to request it and nothing there to be attacked. You're the only one who can give the order to launch the wide-scale version of the Dawn."

Hearing this caused me to heavily frown. I did no such thing especially when we will be running low on resources fairly soon.

"Has this news been verified? Please keep your rumors to yourself as I'm very busy dealing with the Locust if you haven't noticed."

Just as I was about to send her away due to the stupidity of the rumor which is false as I never order any strikes recently she tossed the envelope.

Once it landed a few satellite pictures slide out causing me to once again deeply frown.

"When were these taken?"

As I asked this I continued to examine the image of an all-to-familiar massive crater.

"As of now, it has been ten minutes since the image was printed and twelve minutes since I've found the crater while examining the area looking for a group that went missing."

I looked towards both Anya and the Onyx Guard and spoke.

"Anya I want you to figure out who gave the go-ahead as I wasn't the one to give the order and ill sent a small amount of Onyx Guards to investigate the site."

Once I've said this I gestured with my arm to have Anya escorted out and once they left I stood up and walked towards a locked cabinet.

Once I unlocked it I examined the multiple screens and frowned. Each screen showed a basic outline of a Hammer Of Dawn and each screen was green.

"If one of my satellites fired then one of my screens should be red... Did someone hack into one of them and had it misfire?"

I quickly walked back to my desk after closing the cabinet and began giving orders over the phone once more. If someone is trying to hack into the satellites then what will happen once they gain control?






{Kyle POV}

"At this point should I just make a house in the desert? It can't be so bad... Yeah, nevermind that. I want to interact with people and not become a hermit..."

I looked down towards Sushi Roll who was just doing nothing which kind of annoyed me. I've been carrying him for hours so the least he could do was make some noise or something but no he just looks around all day like a lazy cat.

"Alright Sushi Roll, I need to practice on making myself more human-like. This COG armor is cool and all but it just doesn't fit right with how I am."

I watched as he slipped between my arms and landed on the ground and slightly burrowed into the sand. Yup definitely getting smarter.

I then took off my armor that Deven? Yeah sounds about right, kindly gave it to me and began willing myself more human.

It was slow... Very slow.

Nevertheless, it was working. Might take a while but ill look like a hunter eventually.