Humanity? I’m totally apart of that.

I must be the greatest being to have ever lived. Why? I managed to turn myself into a human! That's why! Just ignore the fact that it only applies to my outer body.

Another thing to note, I'm heading back towards the crater I formed because I saw something amazing!!

"Come on Sushi Roll! We are going to miss it if we move any slower!"

Like any good best friend, Sushi Roll complies and started picking up in speed but was still rather slow compared to my full sleep.

"I'm still surprised that I saw those three King Ravens flying towards the crater I made a few hours ago. It hasn't been that long since I used my new ability so they must travel quick."

We ran and ran until I finally caught a glimpse of the three helicopters but I freaked out as I could see them returning back to them so I yelled towards Sushi Roll.

"I'm going to get their attention but I promise to not leave without you buddy!"

I started running as fast I possibly could and soon realized that my armor was causing me to have difficulty in doing so.

I broke it.

All of it.

I slammed my fist into my chest causing it to distribute the force across my armor which in turn made it shatter due to being unable to withstand the force.

Luckily I managed to create clothing but now is not the time. My action earlier could be heard which caused the leaving group to turn my way.

"Well, at least they noticed me..."

I began slowing down as I rather not cause them to wonder how I'm moving so fast. I ran for ten minutes! A being of my caliber should not have to run period!

When I arrived I noticed that three of the COG Soldiers were different than the rest. Their armor was blacked out and I wanted it.

"I need a ride. It's just me and my buddy, also where can I get that type of armor?"

The thirteen soldiers lowered their weapons when they noticed I was no threat and one of the soldiers walked up towards me and started patting me down.

"Is this really necessary? I'd preferred if a woman did this..."

When I said this one of the Soldiers slightly laughed causing a nearby black-armored soldier to hit him.

"Shut up and get everything loaded up."

The voice was rather deep but my guess was that he was the leader of the group. I believe this because the rest immediately followed his orders.

"So can me and my buddy catch a ride? I've been out here for a few days now..."

Everyone completely ignored my comment except for one of the black-armored soldiers who started asking questions.

"Name, age, the reason why you out here."

I shrugged my arms and responded. It's not unreasonable but strange.

"Kyle, I'm twenty years old and I got lost after finding myself here. Oh, I'm also a God and I'm not from this planet!"

Was I being blunt? Yeah. Do I care? Nope. I've been in the desert for days and if I was stuck here for another day then I'm going to destroy the planet out of annoyance. What? I'm reasonable!

"Enough with the stupid answers and take this seriously otherwise we will leave you here."

I felt my left eye twitch. I'm being the most honest I had ever been since I've arrived here and this person just said I was giving stupid answers!

"Well, you don't really have a choice in this matter. I and my buddy are getting on one of those Helicopters and the only reason I'm not taking it is that I don't know how to fly it."

The Soldier immediately tried hitting me and I let him. It didn't hurt at all, I didn't even feel a thing.

I decided to grab him by the throat and easily lift him into the air causing the others to immediately take notice.


With what? Bullets? I'm already bulletproof so that is not even a threat to me. The voice in my head started telling me to snap his neck but they probably wouldn't take me and my buddy away then.

"Shoot all you want but it won't do anything. You guys are here to investigate the crater am I right? Well, I'm the cause so take me out of the d*mn desert."

Did all these Soldiers become deaf suddenly? They completely ignored my statement and continued to yell at me. Why bother convincing with words when you can prove with action?


I was about to use my hammer of dawn ability once again and pointed towards the side and they watched my hand glow red.

It was safe to say that they became dumbfounded when a laser shot out of my hand while moments later another fireball formed.

I dramatically moved my hand slowly towards them as they understood that their words were useless against me.

"I'll say this for the last time. You will take me out of this desert or I'll kill all of you very slowly..."

I dropped the black-armored soldier which caused him to gasp for fresh air. I ignored him and walked towards the supposed leader.

"Which will it be?"

The leader didn't respond for a few seconds until he finally did.

"Will you allow us to contact our superiors?"

I nodded my head as to what could they do to me? Contain me? I'll drive them mad. Kill me? Impossible. I'm golden and they can't do anything to stop me.

I 'patiently' waited.

{Onyx Guard POV}

"Command this is I-001 please respond."

It did not take long until a voice responded.

"This is Command, are you on route to home base? Any signs of the reason that place was targeted?"

I responded instantly.

"Connect me with the chairman. Urgent."

I heard the line go dead but I didn't move. I waited until another voice spoke.

"What happened."

I knew this voice. It was Chairman Prescott and I quickly spoke.

"Sir I don't know how to explain this but I will be blunt. A person found us and is capable of shooting out beams of red light from his hands... Everyone here personally witnessed him firing another and I'm sure someone will inform you of another crater... He is currently threatening us and wants to leave the desert..."

The silence was all I heard for minutes but I still did not move. How could I? Suddenly I heard the chairman once again.

"You will be executed if you have lied soldier. I'm sending more units immediately to 'welcome' our new friend."