Flying in a helicopter is quite weird. I've never been flying before but... I don't know how to explain it but it's quite fun. Sushi Roll was watching out the open door as the desert below was passing by quickly.
In front of me was Richard Prescott. He was just looking towards Sushi Roll as if he was waiting for a moment to kick him out.
"Do you have a problem with my friend? He is quite harmless and unless you attack him I doubt he will do anything. He mostly just sits around and does nothing."
He looked towards me with a strange face.
"You said that this was a wild ticker? What... What exactly happened to it?"
I just smiled. Did he want my secret to evolution? Not a chance! I just can't tell him how I made Sushi Roll the king of Tickers now could I?
"I just kept him on a diet."
Well, I'll give him a small hint. Who would believe that I fed Sushi Roll my hand? No one, no one at all! So my secret will remain safe... What if I feed a Brumak? Questions for the future.
"Is that so? Well, I'll need you to follow me and my guards once we arrive at Jacinto City. I'll be showing you to your home where you will remain. When you want to explore you need to notify my guards which I will station outside your front door. They will follow you were ever you go as It's for your own safety."
I watched as he smiled at the last part. My own safety? Do you think I'm insane enough to believe that? Well, I am...
"That's quite nice of you Richard. Also, can I get one of those black suits of armor? I had a blue one earlier but it broke."
Richard had a confused look on his face.
"You had a Standard issue COG armor? I'll need you to explain how you got your hands on one please."
Oh, he was not happy. Well, it's not like I killed someone to get my hands on it. He killed himself for me to get my hands on it!
"Well, this is going to take a while for me to explain. So better get comfortable!"
I soon began explaining my adventure within the underground world. He asked a few questions every now and I answered them back but I decided to not say anything about a few things.
I continued on until I reached the point where I met 'Devon?' yeah I think that was his name and Alice oh how I miss her...
I told Richard how I met them underground and eventually how Devon killed himself so I grabbed his suit of armor because I thought it looked cool.
He once again asked a few questions about the two soldiers I met but now that I think about it I never got to know them causing me to not being able to answer.
A while passed on as I reached the end of my story of events that took place.
"So let me get this straight Kyle. You found two of my COG soldiers who appeared using a Grindlift. After one of them died you took his armor because you found it 'cool' then proceeded to leave with his spot in the Grindlift? After a few days in the desert, the other one died from dehydration, right?"
I nodded my head as it was all true and not tampered with at all. What do you mean I slightly altered the story to my own benefit? Voice I think you need some help as what I just said was the truth and only the truth!
I shot a quick glance and to my amazement I found myself looking at the water! Richard noticed my amazement and spoke.
"I am guessing you miss water? You said you have been stuck underground then found yourself in a desert for days. Well, I'm sure you will be glad once we land at Jacinto. It's surrounded by water which stops the Locust from breaching out nearby."
I may or may not have forgotten that humanity was fighting for survival against the Locust. I mean are they really that bad? Why not just share the surface?
"I don't really need food or water but it's still nice to eat something. Honestly, I want to just jump out and swim haha. Now that I think about it I don't think Sushi Roll has seen water before as I found him within the desert."
Eventually, I found myself looking towards a landmass with the building within the center.
Yup. Jacinto City. Humanity's last stronghold.
"We will be landing in a few minutes at the Military District. I'll make someone get you an ID and someone to show you to your apartment you will be staying at. I'm sorry to say this but I am needed elsewhere as I'm leading the COG so I can't show you around personally."
I felt the lie. I'm pretty sure that he rather have someone else do it and the only reason he might show up in the future would be when he wants something.
Oh well.
Soon we landed and the moment I stepped off the helicopter I spotted three soldiers. They all had blacked out armor and Richard spoke from behind me.
"These fine gentlemen will be your guards. They will follow you around and stop anyone causing trouble to you."
Another lie.
I take back my compliment on you for being a nice guy. You probably just want them to keep an eye on me. It doesn't matter as long as I get a computer...
"What the actual fuck is this thing?"
I was escorted to my home after having my picture taken for my ID but now that I'm here and was shown around my house I found my 'computer'.
It was this box with a screen attached and I could not help but frown.
"Can I even make games of this thing?!"
I looked towards the 'computer' and began taking it apart and remember a few details that I know about computers. I know how to build them as I was a streamer and made my own personal rig but this world does not have the same parts...
"Get me a pen and paper I'm going to write down a ton of stuff and I want you to get them for me ASAP."
I watched as the guard left and started petting Sushi Roll.
"I rather die than use that... Thing..."
Time passed on once more as I wrote down parts that could be used for building a computer.
I wanted to die. How can this world not have anything I wrote down?! This won't stop me... I refuse for this to become a roadblock towards making a gaming PC...
I closed my eyes as I simply willed a PC to appear before me and when I opened my eyes... Nothing...
"I refuse to stop..."
I then went to a completely different level and willed the knowledge of how to create the parts needed and I felt a small headache as it appeared within my mind. I know how to build a Motherboard, CPU, how to program, and so on.
I smiled.
"I'll build it if I have to but I refuse to not make another PC in this world HAHAHA."